Handsome B Wonderful

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Everything posted by Handsome B Wonderful

  1. Yay it's working again. My first GTAO car. I call it the 'Starks Mobile' Michael's mid life crisis continues Lurking in the bushes Creepy dad strikes again
  2. Slayer fucked up when they rehired Dave Lombardo. Proscriptor Mcgovern would have added some fresh ideas, and he could have done Araya's high parts I love Absu
  3. Even though I can't access online (apart from character creation) on PS3 or 360, the 360 version appears to be more gimped. When it times out, it says 'press A to continue back to GTA V', but nothing happens when I press it , so I have to go back xbox home and load the game again.
  4. lol, and here I was thinking we'd get a mass effect-style character creation. The stats affecting your character are cool, the rest is utter shitcakes. I haven't made it any further than that, so hopefully things get better when the game proper starts.
  5. I'm in, although snapmatic has gone to shit, so I can't access some of my pics
  6. How come new snapmatic photos aren't loading on the social club or here? The old ones show up ok. Social CLUB!!!!!!!! *shakes fist*
  7. The submarine is really tedious to use, and I'm finding it hard to collect the nuclear waste because it's so time consuming. And there's no radio in the thing. I've taken to wearing Michael's 'special robe' so I at least have some dialogue to listen to while I'm down there. In regards to the scuba diving, I wish the mechanics from 'Monkey Business were used for the open world, and not just that mission. I want flippers! I'm disappointed there wasn't that many missions in the ocean. And no spear gun.
  8. Yeah, it just keeps going up. I don't know when to bail, but I read somewhere that it would start dropping sometime around US Sunday night/Monday morning, so I'll hang on for a few hours then cash in. It's the biggest gain by far I've made in the stock market
  9. ^lol, who's this imposter? Anyway, I'm hoping there's some kind of CTF mode, as well as triathlons. And multi-vehicle type races.
  10. Awww sheeeeet. I probably should have read this first before I sent you a request. I'm fairly sure you'll recognize me Darth_Handsome
  11. I invested $1.4 million in Hawk And Little when it was 0.58 earlier yesterday. It's now $3.88, so I've already made over a million. I'm finally getting the hang of things. Very slowly.
  12. I still haven't found a decent explanation on how non-mission related single player stocks are affected. Or Bawsaq, for that matter. For example, there are people blowing up pisswasser trucks to raise the price of Logger, but Logger is only listed on LCN, which isn't supposed to be affected by the online community. Yet the price of Logger is always high. And Bawsaq is required for investing in Fruit after a tip from Lester. I give up.
  13. huh, just noticed today that the Bawsaq stock markets are different for PS3 and 360. Probably something we'll have to take into account if it turns out we can affect stock market prices.
  14. I parachuted onto the top of the cable car with Michael, and as I was celebrating my success with a selfie, I fell off the side and plummeted to my death. As if that wasn't funny enough, in dying, michael's head got pushed up past his groin. He died looking like a human hamburger trying to suck itself off.
  15. I love Wu Tang, but U-God and Masta Killa are pretty hit and miss, as is a lot of their latter solo stuff. GZA, Raekwon and GFK are nearly always consistent, though. Also, you forgot Killah Priest and sunz of man on your list of east coast rappers. I love 90's west coast, but I haven't been a fan of anything anyone from there has released in over a decade.
  16. lol, that'll teach you. At least you'll have the hindsight to know which missions to leave until later etc.
  17. Between that and all the women I've seen Franklin bang, he must have an assortment of venereal diseases.
  18. You do know you can just reload a manual save and finish the game again from there? ...You did remember to manual/quick save towards the end, didn't you?
  19. Everyone who buys their shit with real money should have an icon above their character in-game, so that everyone can taunt them mercilessly. Or boot them from their game if there's an option to do it.
  20. Hopefully the content in the beach bum pack can be used in single player as well.
  21. Yeah 96 photos. I wish there was an option to post your favourites only on the social club, and keep the rest on your hard drive. Especially as I don't think you can delete them. Took me about 5 minutes to climb to the top of that crane. And I had to stare at Trevor's butt the whole time. Not that I'm complaining Franklin's ride.
  22. I really hope GTA Online has some extra radio content included, because I don't think there's enough decent music in this game.
  23. I told you guys I heard a snake! Found him in the Vanilla Unicorn dressing room. He doesn't move, but a snake's a snake. Now to find one in the wild.