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Everything posted by kennyimpala89

  1. ok now I am finally done jacking off to the news? what have I missed, oh yeah..... Sandy, where were we?
  2. mmm.... you know what I notice, I don't want to take it personal with you or anything I respect your wishes after all we can all wish something different. but I will tell you my hopes instead, I really hope R* doesn't pay too much attention to people who are still stuck with the idea that somehow GTAV = SA2, is not, is a new game, and with what we know so far, it seems as if R* is taking a step ahead and not walking backwards, I therefore hope many of this "retarded" wishes as I would like to call them are not in any ways included in the actual game, and if they become a reality for some unrealistic and improvable reason, they are nothing but a small dlc including them only as episodic-type gamplay. you see brass knuckles, Cj's house, usable cranes, tasers, stunt guns, a crossbow sound all like a combination of GTA SA, Saints Row, and whatnot predator or some other similar shit. GTA V is GTA V, a sub sequence of GTA IV, so you should expect something similar to it, in regards to realism and seriousness, and if you don't like it, you can simply play the above mentioned games.
  3. it does work, I am going to set an example, I do not personally use a helmet, but I use a balaclava a lot, so for instance I do get the extra adrenaline when killing people from behind, same thing applies to things like the urban camo. hope that helps answering ur question
  4. I have a clear problem understanding on what this topic is about, please elaborate.
  5. Guns taking down tanks, Holy Shit! I don't know about that. Maybe if it was that Noisy Cricket Gun from Men In Black: Hopefully without the knock-back effect. i know, dud u need a rocket luncher for that, in fact even an rpg is not strong enough to destroy a tank (on the first shot).
  6. idk if these have been posted yet, i didn't see it in the main page thought so I don't think a post could hurt too much, if this have already been acknowledged please ignore my post and apologies http://i1304.photobu...zps7cf2b004.jpg of course these are fakes, but pretty interesting
  7. I am also hoping for revolvers, they were amazing in max payne, hopefully we will be seeing around the same amount of weapons, and customization, I hope though that they do not nerf down weapons of high caliber like ak47 or m4's, and also I really hope they keep the headshot with any gun = kill from max payne. they really hit it dead on with the bullet and shooting mechanics, specially the fluidity at which the game was moving, you could walk and shoot, that was an amazing improvement, I do not hope however that they bring back dual weapons, no-body really shoots dual weapons in real life, you are better off with a single pistol than two, as your accuracy is really limited when dual wielding, that was horrific in max payne. and the assault riffles where too nerfed down.
  8. That's awesome idea beside endless shooting like in IV's multiplayer... I'd like to see it in V. hopefully we'll get something like that, if not a bank robbery option on freemode
  9. But GTA V isn't Xbox exclusive, so that point is pretty much worthless here. Look you're obviously for the PS3, you don't have to get bitchy because I said I'm getting it for the Xbox 360. Your reply was 100x more worthless and pointless.
  10. if it comes as a dlc hell I am buying it, but I wouldn't want rockstar to take their precious time or better yet lets say wasting time on something I will get bored after a minute, that is so heavily overrated as it is a zombie mode.
  11. well I saw a lot of misconception, rockstar asked their opinion on the crews, and people disregard this completely and imminently thought that they were asking for features in multiplayer. an example to a feature to be included in crews would be hitlists that reward players for hits on leader-boards, that would be fun. or a hierarchy system to rank up members from the crew or what not derank them. an example to a feature to be included in multiplayer would be the addition of game type modes like bomb the base 3 or something like that, for example it was mentioned a lot by people a zombie mode. it is important for people to understand the difference of the two and to acknowledge that rockstar is only asking for the crews and not the multiplayer features. some people if not most that commented have no clue of what the crews system for maxpayne was, either because not enough of them bought max payne, or not enough of them joined a crew. so regarding the previous comments about marketing and suggestions stuff, No dudes, you got it all wrong R* is not asking for any suggestions related to the game, they are asking suggestions for the crews system, so as you may have suggested, this have nothing to do with the release date, in fact, this is giving a vague idea that the game is probably almost if not already complete, and that rockstar is only adding the less important - need less time to complete features like the crews system, which can be done at any time (as shown in max payne) after the release of the game through a small patch or a web-based update. e.g. customize load-out online, or sharing emblems across crews.
  12. You mean the multiplayer side of Max Payne 3. Because there was no customization in MP3's Singleplayer. exactly what I meant, thanks for clarifying my thoughts.
  13. lets hope gta v will be a combination of red dead use of rage+euphoria and max payne shooting physics and customization. my best guess is that for the multyplayer they might include something similar to what we saw on red dead, pretty much being able to play with every available character, that wouldn't be bad, if not let's hope it will let you customize by part just like in MP3, and what not, being able to create loadouts. and pick weapons from the environment.
  14. oh hell yeah i am subscribed to game informer. that is excellent news, finally some new news about the game that are somewhat confirmed to be on its way.
  15. zombies? I have to agree to whoever said it had fallen way out of proportion, it almost seems as if all games now should include a zombie mode.
  16. those bushes don't look bad to me. they look like they have been trimmed, it seems like the house near by belong to a high class citizen, therefore he must have gardeners to take care of such stuff, it is safe to assume that this is the reason for that observation, and not because they simply look bad.
  17. kool, no new info, I haven't missed anything. o'rite I am going back to may daily tasks
  18. I'm ready to put this thread to bed now. At the rate we've gone so far, I wouldn't be surprised if on October 30, someone on here is still calling for an October 31 release. NOV 1st release here!!
  19. i'd say between 3-6 months, based on rockstar's las grant theft auto.
  20. what ever they do I hope they include it in multiplayer, I seemed to spend 97% roaming around on freemode, it would be cool to be able to get your crew to have all cars of the same color, and at some extent non-standardized
  21. maybe ned luke is your dad? and he plays an important role in "family missions", and on the sideline you have the actual mission witch is creating havoc