
iGTA5 PSN Players Post Your Screen Name

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This is identical to QDeathstar's topic for XBox Live, but for us Playstation folks. Post your PSN screen name so we can get a good list going.

iGTA5 PSN Screen Names

iGTA5 Name - PSN Name

MrMister81 - MrMister81

OptimumPx - OptimumPx

Barrybran - Barrybran

_Hussain_ - Hussain-1991

TheAnalogKid2112 - WillieThePimple

gtagrl - gtagrl

ConQueSteD - ConQueSteD

JustAn808 - JustAn808

MadBluntz - madbluntz

grove_nz - grove_nz

StillJustMe - Robmiles3

SpittyTheDude - SpittyTheDude

rm80rams - rm80rams

Jizzy - jizzin4genocide

Ku Zi Mu - Kuz789

Mercy Cortez - rjc-gamer

DuPz0r - BushkaUK

Ace Of Spades - ACEOFSPADES327


wljones228 - WLJones228

PhishFood2013 - PhishFood2013

ibiris - ibiris

CFO Charles - PS-FANBOY1

RParker99 - camosuperman6666

Craze - lj_87_lfc

JC10 - Juliancintron10


iBeNiko - iBeNiko

WeevDaBeev - WeevDaBeev

Bmw1126 - Ilovelovelamp

Asthenia - asthenia

complixicata1 - complixicata1

MainEvent - TheMainEvent33

Handsome B Wonderful - Darth_Handsome

Guy_Number_Won - Guy_Number_Won

maffi9 - maffi9

BlackSox9 - BlackSox9

JamieMilne - jamievxr

The9thPawn - The_9th_Pawn

shabbagaz - gazbpne

mrvn123 - mrvn123

Drew-Barnes - A-Parkin

Dantheman - Big_WiLLy_Dee

roadrashh - road-rash3000

Otiz P Jivefunk - Otiz_P_Jivefunk

LunchBoxChewey - LunchBoxChewey

Ostrich Boy - dkong40

photodotexe - photodotexe

PFShadow1 - pfshadow1

iced2fusion - Iced2Fusion

WeevDaBeev - WeevDaBeev

Psy - Psycopsy

Edgecrusher - Inscydeus

Edited by gtagrl
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