CaPn bOnEs

Stock Market

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has anyone played it yet?? i am at a good point in the story to start messing with it, especially now that people are dropping hints on what to invest in... but i had some questions, if you were to say, kill the CEO of that company, to destroy their products, does that mean the stock plummets, or it goes up due to new management or less supply??

i guess i missed the tutorial on what do with stocks...

also, if i get an insider tip, can i make that investment for all characters, and then sell my stock after the match? again, never did this and i really don't want to blindly risk my money on something i barely know...

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has anyone played it yet?? i am at a good point in the story to start messing with it, especially now that people are dropping hints on what to invest in... but i had some questions, if you were to say, kill the CEO of that company, to destroy their products, does that mean the stock plummets, or it goes up due to new management or less supply??

i guess i missed the tutorial on what do with stocks...

also, if i get an insider tip, can i make that investment for all characters, and then sell my stock after the match? again, never did this and i really don't want to blindly risk my money on something i barely know...

Haven't invested yet, but thought about it. There is a story mission where you take an action that I think caused that specific stock to go down. The money move would have been to invest in the competition, but until a cutscene after the fact, I had never heard of the competing company, so I wouldn't have known to invest.

I must have missed a hint somewhere. Either that, or I've got it completely backward. I may have been a teensy bit drunk at the time.

Edited by MrMister81

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I bought share from Ammunation for about 600k, but nothing happened since 1 ingame week. Not sure how to affect that.

Once I had to drive this banker to the airport, he gave me a tip to invest in Twinkles, did that and earned about 16%.

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yea, i just successfully scored on a stock tip... but i only scored 12K off a 50K investment... not bad i guess... if i could somehow relay this information to other characters during the mission that i get the tip...

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yea, i just successfully scored on a stock tip... but i only scored 12K off a 50K investment... not bad i guess... if i could somehow relay this information to other characters during the mission that i get the tip...

Could you just switch characters and invest with them, seeing as you know the tip

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it looks like some compaines don't work ingame only.

if you are connected to the social club you activity effect the stock for everyone else on a day by day basis, ammu-nation is one such business, so as players buying ammo and guns aswell as buying stock and selling stock it effects the global stock market (i.e. everyone who has their internet running and has their account linked to the social club)

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All I can say is...

I rescued this guy's bike while playing as Franklin and he sent me an email saying he owned the Animal Ark company and gave me $100,000 worth of it's stock.

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^ Had the same happen to Michael.

I check the stock occasionally, but I'm just waiting for it to go a little higher before selling. Not particularly interested in fiddling with stocks.

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Okay I'm guessing it works like normal stocks. So far I invested in Cluckin Bell and GastaBand.

I can't be fucked to read so sorry if I'm repeating.

Yes Bones, if a CEO of a company leaves it generally lowers the share price. Share prices are based on the confidence that the business will turn a profit. If a good CEO leaves then the shares may drop. For example I assume Apples shares dropped significantly when Steve Jobs died.

That's just what I know of the FTSE we have it may be different in game.

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Could you just switch characters and invest with them, seeing as you know the tip

not while on a mission for that particular character...

i was given a tip on one company, but i couldn't even find them listed, nore could i find their competition... but meh, i think i am done with the assassination missions anyways... not sure i will take advantage of this endeavor this playthrough...

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Evidently the BAWSAQ is driven by R* Social Club, which is getting clobbered. "Down for maintenance" every time I check it. Interesting concept if it functions like an actual market based on global investment trends.

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I'm kinda at a loss on this as well. I've invested in some companies that have had their stock plummet hoping they'd regain after a few missions were done etc., one had regained and I think I made a 10% profit from it. Buy low sell high..!

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The BAWSAQ is the stock market for "GTA Online", it will be useable in October when GTA Online starts, and will be influenced by players from all over the world ( and I don't know about you guys but I will be investing in Los Santos Customs & Ammunation at GTA Online's inception ). LCN is the Offline version of the Stock Market ( for the Single Player game ).

I would advise buying stock in Companies with the lowest share price. In my game "Radio Los Santos" is the cheapest, at about $3.50 per share, and with a 400% price drop during the week before the start of the game. All I need, is for the price to go up to $7, and I will have doubled my money.

Also, supposedly there are clues on the in-game Internet & Radio about how share prices for certain companies will move in the future. As well as dialogue in certain missions, and from Random Peds on the street.

All in all I would say that property and businesses are a better investment for the long term, so buy them as soon as you get enough cash.

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The BAWSAQ is the stock market for "GTA Online", it will be useable in October when GTA Online starts

Do you have a source for that? I've been trying to make sense out of the markets... I have seen reports of some players being able to trade BAWSAQ stocks already. This leads me to think it's a Social Club feature as opposed to GTA Online, and since the Social Club has completely taken a shit the last few days, most of us haven't been able to get to it.

In any case, the game has two markets. The BAWSAQ, which is connected online and influenced by the GTA community, and the LCN, which is completely internal to the single-player campaign and offline. I expect LCN stocks will respond to events in the main story missions.

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I've been able to access BAWSAQ but not LCN. Supposedly BAWSAQ reacts to in game moments and Social Club activity but like you said, Social Club has had a few problems so it's hard to guage how it works.

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Do you have a source for that? I've been trying to make sense out of the markets... I have seen reports of some players being able to trade BAWSAQ stocks already. This leads me to think it's a Social Club feature as opposed to GTA Online, and since the Social Club has completely taken a shit the last few days, most of us haven't been able to get to it.

In any case, the game has two markets. The BAWSAQ, which is connected online and influenced by the GTA community, and the LCN, which is completely internal to the single-player campaign and offline. I expect LCN stocks will respond to events in the main story missions.

I've just done some more research into this, and I've seen conflicting reports from different players.

It seems that the BAWSAQ Stock Exchange is connected to Rockstar Social Club, and is influenced by other players around the world. You can use it in Single Player if you're connected to the internet, and to Rockstar Social Club ( but a lot of people are having trouble connecting ).

BAWSAQ will be the primary Stock Exchange for GTA Online as well. While the LCN Stock Exchange is completely offline ( I think ).

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i got the twinkle tip.

bought stocks with mike and frank

sold earlier with frank. made 6k with a 20 grand investment.

invested 30k with mike. waited longer. the stock was -100%. it did go way up after the tip. but that didnt last long. im just holding on to it. it will eventually go up again

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I was able to access bawsaq once but never again thereafter... weird.

anyways, does someone know whether the stocks actually pay a dividend or if it's only possible to cash in from trading?

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When you're doing missions for Lester with Franklin, he will tell you which companies are going to be affected following your actions (or rather assassinations).

If you want to know which companies to invest in following which mission:

First mission: betapharmaceuticals investment

Second: Debonaire

Third: iFruit

Fourth: Gold Coast Development

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