Handsome B Wonderful

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Everything posted by Handsome B Wonderful

  1. So it's official. http://au.ign.com/ar...ox-art-revealed The protag has 4 pistols on the box art? lol, is this a FPS AC? I can't say I'm opposed to the AC series as a whole, and there is a severe lack of quality piracy themed shenanigans in the gaming world, but I just don't think these two things will go together well. If Ubisoft had announced a spin-off game set in the Caribbean that had similar themes and fighting mechanics to AC, but no shitty Desmond storyline, and no jumping into haystacks every 20 seconds, I would have jizzed all over myself. Instead, when I heard about AC3: Walk The Plank Edition (face it, that's what this is), I thought "hmm, sounds original" and went back to thinking about games that actually sound interesting. Thanks Ubisoft for listening to the majority of AC fans who have been asking for a feudal Japan setting since the first game. Oh well, there's always next year.
  2. That's what we were promised. The scenes in the demo actually are tense. That's my main gripe with what I saw of the finished product. It wasn't scary at all.
  3. ^lol We can't be far off from a whole load of montages of glitches in this game. I just came across this one on youtube. Spaceballs ftw!
  4. I just watched a complete playthrough on youtube. Everyone, avoid this game like the plague. The graphics are abysmal, the AI is shit, and the story... I'll just say the ending makes Mass Effect 3's ending look award-winning. Rapes the franchise, and let's the resulting demon-child rape your mother, and kill your fucking dog.
  5. The dust has barely settled on AC3's lameness, and Ubisoft have already announced another game, as if anyone was expecting there to be more than a year between games. At least there will be a new setting and protagonist. http://www.polygon.com/2013/2/7/3964124/assassins-creed-4
  6. For me, collecting materials and building my house was the best part of Hearthfire. The house itself was pretty boring. Certainly nowhere as good as the houses on the Nexus.
  7. Does the site itself still load? If it does, do you use adblock? I've had videos for some sites not load because of adblock. Also, try clearing your browser cache. If all else fails, blame Obama
  8. I'll be trying to get through my gigantic pile of games I haven't even started yet (I'm a horder pretty much). I'm actually a bit happy the game got delayed. Some games I've been meaning to start/finish: Kingdoms Of Amalur Risen 2 Alpha Protocol Metal Gear Solid 4 Vanquish Bioshock 2 Resistance 2 and 3 Alan Wake Bulletstorm Infamous 2 Gears Of War 2 and 3 etc etc etc I really should stop buying games.
  9. I don't get what R* did wrong. They said the game would be released in Spring. They just didn't say which one. Southern Hemispheric Spring is the one true spring. About time you Northern heathens acknowledged that.
  10. I played it for a bit. It still needs a lot of work. And a proper tutorial. I had no idea what was going on.
  11. Forgive my lack of knowledge of American geography, but it looks like Cleveland is going for the Ravens? I would have assumed all of Northern Ohio would be pro-49ers, given that Baltimore "stole" the original Browns. Maybe Browns fans are that desperate for some kind of success. Also, I'm surprised all of California is pro-49ers. I assumed that some areas would have large amount of Raiders fans, and hence more people wanting the Ravens to win. What an age we live in. Same. For whatever reason, 49ers games rarely get shown here in Australia. Probably because they have sucked super amounts of cock for almost 2 decades. I went for the 49ers to win, but only because I dislike Ray Lewis quite a bit.
  12. Clearly, GTA V needs at least 6 Dubstep stations, a rap station hosted by Nicki Minaj, and a 24/7 Blood On The Dancefloor station. But seeing as we won't get that, my other current choices for station genres are: Brutal Death/Grindcore (Anal Cunt, Dying Fetus, Carcass, Cattle Decapitation) Soul - Old and New (Marvin Gaye, Curtis Mayfield, D'Angelo) Progressive Rock
  13. I think of this everytime I hear the word pelican. It should be their team song Also, the Grizzlies are getting rid of Gay? WTF
  14. ^Saw your topic in the GTA section. Awesome. Speaking of which, I came across this while looking at that video. Lego Far Cry 3. Sweet. Edit: Bah, won't embed
  15. I wanna be Vaas! Damn you and your fancy PC, Dup! *cries*
  16. What does everyone think about New Orleans changing their name to the Pelicans? Personally, I think it sounds a tad lame, but no lamer than the Clippers, Lakers, or Trail Blazers. If only the Utah Jazz would give their name that they took when they left New Orleans back. Maybe they could become the Utah Mormons. Charlotte could become the Hornets again, and everyone would be happy.
  17. I played III for a while, got my robes, got bored, and started playing Sleeping Dogs. Now there's an enjoyable game.
  18. This Not to mention the risk of eye infection, and looking like a complete dick.
  19. ^One of the best trailers I've seen, along with The Old Republic's. Why do they make awesome trailers for shitty MMO?
  20. Free Tacos! DENIED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3nbGWm60G4 lol, I'd be pissed if I was a Denver fan, but that shit's hilarious.
  21. Part 2 of my African metal adventures (I plan on going there soon, hence my interest) Crackdust - Botswana Death Metal (Don't know what's going on with the sound) Amanaz - Zambian band that sound like a Black Black Sabbath. From 1975 And Juggernaught, a fairly entertaining Southern metal band from Seeth Airfrica.
  22. Meh. I would have been excited to play this back in 2002 or even 2008, but the whole Aliens franchise has gone to shit, and I have zero interest now. Plus the whole selling point of this game, playing as Colonial Marines, is stupid. I've only played as a Marine in EVERY FUCKING Aliens game. Except Alien 3. That shit was sweet. Needs MOAR Ripley
  23. ^Lordi don't do it for me. Having run out of places to source metal from, I've resorted to searching metallum for African metal bands.There are actually some good bands. Check out Egyptian band Scarab's "Blinding The Masses". Quite good. Vale Of Amonition, just because I was interested in hearing what the hell an Ugandan prog/doom metal band would sound like. Sexy, you'll like this, although the production is a bit Darkthrone-ish Seeing as I can post a few videos per post, I'll keep searching. One thing I must note about the African metal scene, although it's mostly average, at least the genres are varied, which is more than can be said about Australia's "hey lets rip off Tool/Deathcore" scene. Also, while I was searching, I came across Jamiaca's only metal band. Awesome, lol.
  24. Pepsi. I'm also a fan of creaming soda, and now that it's on sale in Australia again, Mello Yello.
  25. Looks like the Kings might be moving to Seattle. A sad day for Sacramento if they do, but I'm pretty chuffed that the Sonics might be coming back.