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After it ruined a lot of perfect picture moments, I hate how snapmatic has an online-requirement. They could aswell make it to syncroniz IF there's a connection. Even the picture cap ain't no problem, just load them up in chronological order until the folder is full. But it really should have been designed in a way that it works offline. Especially with all the fuck ups because Social Club can't cope with all the millions of players.

And I sort of miss Unity Station / Union Station irl. They've included Watts Towers and other sights barey anyone knows unless they're residents or San Andreas players, but didn't include what corresponds to Union Station

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I dislike the size of the in game information. I've got a 42' flat and still I can't read the text that pops up during the game. Also I have turned the subtitles on but I don't get any? I don't know if it's also in V but in GTAIV the name of the car popped up when you entered one now it doesn't.

It still shows up, in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Maybe, like the texts, you can't see it?

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I disdisdisdisdislike that silentmode on the phone only blocks story missions and not sidemissions. of what use is this paaleeeaaas?? I can continue the story whenever the fuck I like while sidemissions, especially property management, always pops up and bitches if you don't comply with the request.

really... this basically renders silentmode useless

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The ending didn't go out with a bang!

Johnny Klebitz dies.

I expected Franklin to be good at parkour and other physical activities such as boxing. Mikeys slow-motion is probably just too slow unlike Max Paynes or Sleeping Dogs where you could shoot your targets fast. That's probably it.

Edited by Massacre

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Its kind of annoying that i can only play golf with that Castro Lagano dude who always kicks my ass. Im trying to get 100% completion and beating michael, trevor or another friend doesnt seem to work. I heard about Todd Rosenweig and a few other golfers but don't know where to find them. I also thought it was odd that there were no horses considering they were in RDR. Im also tired of the property managment jobs. All of franklins texts are the cab company apologizing for asking. It's still a great game though.

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Its kind of annoying that i can only play golf with that Castro Lagano dude who always kicks my ass. Im trying to get 100% completion and beating michael, trevor or another friend doesnt seem to work. I heard about Todd Rosenweig and a few other golfers but don't know where to find them. I also thought it was odd that there were no horses considering they were in RDR. Im also tired of the property managment jobs. All of franklins texts are the cab company apologizing for asking. It's still a great game though.

you don't have to beat anyone, all you need to do it get a scorc of par or under.

its tennis you need to win a game of to get 100%

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I dislike how the game is over a month old and the effin android-app is still "coming soon"

but nice to see that apple now needs games from other companies to stand out

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Could you imagine how easy L.A. Noire would have been if it were set in Los Santos?

Captain: "There's been a murder!"

Phelps: "It's OK, with my psychic police powers, I know exactly who did it and where they are at this very moment."

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How its hard as shit to get health, why can't we go into fast food restaurants?

The Fighting holy god is it horrible, I feel like they copped the moves from mortal combat or something. You punch someone once and their dead? I've hit a guy and gotten 2 stars from it, the fuck? A death sentence i suppose in gta V. Fighting is way better in IV then in V IMO. It was really saddening to me as this was one of the things I looked forward to being improved instead it was downgraded to bullshit.

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You can buy snacks from the stores before you rob them.

If you set your action to "eat snack" in the interaction menu it will replenish i bit of health.

Some snacks are better than others but I haven't worked out which yet.

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Some snacks are better than others but I haven't worked out which yet.

The more expensive a snack is the more health it will replenish when eating it.

For instance the Meteorite Chocolate Bar seems to replenish the most health, but you can carry less of them compared to the other snacks. And remember that you can replenish all of your health for a dollar at Ammunation with the Soda/ Soft Drink Machine there. And of course buy some Armour while you're there, even though it's weak as fuck ( this is mainly for Online/ for Single Player there are Free Armour Spawns ).

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Could you imagine how easy L.A. Noire would have been if it were set in Los Santos?

Captain: "There's been a murder!"

Phelps: "It's OK, with my psychic police powers, I know exactly who did it and where they are at this very moment."

But the police chases would be insanely hard, you'd lose them every time they drove under a bridge.

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Could you imagine how easy L.A. Noire would have been if it were set in Los Santos?

Captain: "There's been a murder!"

Phelps: "It's OK, with my psychic police powers, I know exactly who did it and where they are at this very moment."

"And I know exactly where they'll drive to to try and escape us!" ;)

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Regarding what's been said about so-called "psychic" police, it seems as though their psychic powers vary wildly in power. Sometimes, I can successfully hide in the wilderness, dodging foot patrols and heli spotlights. Other times, officers will walk directly up to the bush I'm in and ruin my day. Dafuq is this?

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The cops are only an issue when there are helicopters in a place with no tunnels, or when they are magically teleported in front of you, which is a nuisance.

They need to fix this teleporting cop shit. Cops should depart from police stations and drive to your last known location, not appear on the road in front of you in a place where there isn't a police station for miles. There are no patrolling cops, other than a 5% chance to see one, and the game should reflect that by not making patrols suddenly appear in the hills, or the docks, or wherever there is no police station.

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