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Brian last won the day on April 24 2020

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About Brian

  • Rank
    I Shoot Raw
  • Birthday 05/14/1998

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  • Location
    Long Island, New York
  • Interests
    Mustangs & Photography


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  1. One of my mom's coworkers makes Pupusas every few months, we always make sure to order plenty from her
  2. Can't seem to embed links in topics from YouTube. "the link could not be embedded because of an unexpected error: error: ."
  3. Going for 7th shot today, started HCG and B12 last week. So far I've dropped 25 pounds. Less lethargic, less depressed, less anxious, I sleep better, libido through the roof, etc. Also noticing much more muscle. Overall I look and feel better. Can't wait to see what the next few months hold as it continues to go up. Going for blood test next week to see levels.
  4. Well the bonuses I got from preordering GTA V became available to everyone at some point, so hard pass on this one R*...
  5. I was so hyped, but I’m sad we gotta wait so long lol. Cant even imagine what next gen consoles are gonna be like.
  6. Sorry to hear about your father. It's tough dealing with the situation we are both in. You ever need anything let me know.
  7. So it's been a rough past few weeks. I posted here last year that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went through two types of chemo, one giving her kidney failure, surgery, and radiation. She had a tough fight but had beaten it. But now it came back. From what she's told me (very little this time around though) it was caught very early. They are just doing chemo. It was in a different spot but still in the breast area, despite double mastectomy. She's made comments a few times about how I should prepare, nonchalantly. I don't really have much close family other than my grandparents. I don't know what to expect. She's not doing so well this time around. If anyone knows anything about cancer, how it could've came back after all that, what it means regarding survival, etc. I'd appreciate it if it could be explained to understand a little easier than what I've seen online.
  8. Installed a carbon fiber front splitter and carbon fiber side skirts. Also have a carbon fiber rear diffuser waiting to go on.
  9. I'll be sure to give this a go in a few weeks once the peppers come in! Thanks
  10. That would be great if you could. I'm a big fan of pepper jelly but never had jalapeno jelly.
  11. Growing some fresh herbs and some other stuff again this year. Namely, wanted to give jalapeños a go. I plan to make pickled jalapeños as well as some home made hot sauce with them, but what are some other uses?
  12. Started TRT yesterday. 1ML of Testosterone Cypionate a week, two 1MG tablets of anastrozole a week, and HCG in 45-60 days from now. Will post the results of my next lab in 5 weeks.