Deniz Mert Yayla

Far Cry 3

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I love games with mercenaries, and tropical fiction. But what do you think about the Far Cry 3? Are the guys will be fire on sight to you? I saw helicopters too. Maybe crocodiles would be nice too. Waiting for your comments!

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i played thru about 12 casual hours of far cry 2 a couple weeks ago and loved it... along with naughty bear and crysis 2, these are games i want to buy when i find them in the bargain bin... i would be even more excited about far cry 3 if i actually finished 2 and/or played the first one...

i look forward to 3 now that i've dabbled in the 2nd one... it's a fun open-world to dick around in...

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Far Cry 2 was crap. You couldn't do anything without being constantly ambushed, it just took forever to get anywhere. Enemies had super x-ray vision, stealth wasn't a tactic as you would have expected in a dense jungle environment. And the whole malaria thing was a pointless game mechanic too, the fact you would die without warning because you didn't press LB every so often to take your malaria pills.

So no, I'm not particularly interested in FC3.

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i loved the world of far cry 2, it was fun to drive around and burn shit... the whole "never leave 1st person" made me really immersed into the role... i loved pulling bullets and shrapnel from my limbs once i took too much damage... i loved driving up to a guard post and pulverizing all the unsuspecting guards... i loved burning down an entire location for the fuck of it... i loved a lot about the game, including the malaria... it always seemed to pop up at the most inconvenient time...

the world was fun.... sadly, i didn't care at all about the war or the story taking place... but i knew i wouldn't when i rented it :P... for a FPS sandbox, it had lasting value for me... perhaps far cry 3 can take a leap above it's predecessor... it's ubisoft's baby now, they're pretty good at drastically improving the 2nd game in a series... yes, this would technically be the 3rd game, but it's ubisoft's 2nd one in the series (crytek made the 1st), and they tend to listen to feedback...

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Far Cry 2 was crap. You couldn't do anything without being constantly ambushed, it just took forever to get anywhere. Enemies had super x-ray vision, stealth wasn't a tactic as you would have expected in a dense jungle environment. And the whole malaria thing was a pointless game mechanic too, the fact you would die without warning because you didn't press LB every so often to take your malaria pills.

So no, I'm not particularly interested in FC3.

You are right about every point there. There stealth mechanics were incredibly flawed, especially as the game was marketed in a way that would have you believe you could play it as you want. The most annoying thing was the ambushes as soon as you drove ANYWHERE on the roads, also the fact that once you cleared an outpost, they respawn within minutes. The milaria thing, I think, was just their attempt to keep you engaged in the game and moving forward, as opposed to just dicking around burning villages. The story was really good though, its basically the same as Apocalypse Now (Heart of Darkness), but the way in which it was told was pretty suspect to say the least. You never really felt involved.

I on the other hand am very excited for FC3. Did noone see the gameplay demo at E3? The stealth mechanics seem massively improved. As does the gunplay and diversity of the gameplay. On that basis alone I'm pretty hyped. Stealth based FPS's are a personal favourite of mine.

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I just saw the new trailer for this on YouTube (can't post it, I'm on my phone). What a piece of dude bro shite.

Lame 2 year old reference to being on a boat? - check

American protagonist and villan? - check

Fucking dubstep music at the end? - check

I'll be giving this game a wide berth, lest it spoil my positive memories of fc2.

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i saw it too... i don't really care about the piss ass story it was trying to tell either... FC2 wasn't much of one as well, all i cared about was seeing the magnificent views and having that sense of character realism that not many games provide... but instead it is like you said, a cenematic-filled trailer with no actual in game footage... i am sorry but far cry always was always about the world around me and my own characters problems, not the story...

i kind of hope there's an attention to wildlife this time, instead of ambient sounds... who wouldn't want to be mauled by a tiger while fighting through a hord of drug dealers?! or watching that tiger all of a sudden take out 2 to 3 guards, and draw the attention away from you... i really do hope they implement an autosave this time too... it's the only knock i have on far cry 2, i was forced to relive numerous hours...

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I saw the trailer, wasn't really impressed. Far Cry 2 left a really sour taste in my mouth. I loved the game, the graphics, the guns, but I hated the AI so much. It really ruined the game for me. I would be out hunting diamonds and then all of a sudden a bunch of blacks would roll up on me and just start shooting. Leave me alone Africans!

I really couldn't get into the story. Aside from finding the Jackal, I could give a shit about the skirmish between the two factions, I couldn't keep track of who I was working for - and they all wanted to kill me anyways. Some of the missions were fun and challenging, but the open world environment was plagued by respawing baddies who just wanted to kill me, even if I was helping out their faction.

The fire was amazing. I remember burning fields and fields and fields. Fuck the zebras. I thought the swimming was also exceptional and also enjoyed finding the different vehicles like the hangglider.

Hmm, maybe I'll scoop Far Cry 2 up again and give it another shot, but I sure as fuck don't have the patience for a new Far Cry right now.

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i just got a free copy of far cry 2 from the playstation network... it was free for + users, so i got that to mess around with here and there this year... i too enjoyed burning the fuck out of locations... when i entered locations, i threw a few molotov's around to get things started... yea, the AI was a bit much at times and they did tend to re-spawn a hell of a lot... but i kind of looked passed that because the world was just so damn inviting...

the link above is a nice in-depth preview of what ubisoft wanted to show G4TV... it's not a whole lot, but from what i read, i think the series is taking a step in the right direction this time... like i said earlier, ubisoft is pretty good at re-inventing a good thing with their 2nd entries in a series... remember, the 1st far cry was crytek's baby... ubisoft handled far cry 2...

EDIT: here's some in-game screenshots... i gotta say, it's looking pretty damn good...

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What would you like to be seen in far cry 3 that improves it from the second? Id say better/faster vehicles is a must. And being able to fly helicopters like the same way as you fly them in battlefield that would be insane. Also more guns and the ability to customize them. for example a scope/grenade launcher. Would really change the aspect of the game. Also more side missions. and more improved contract killings. Because one thing that pissed me off in farcry 2 was the fact that you had to drive around in a circle trying to get to the vehicle the targets in. Much better if the target was still like in the mission in farcy 2 when you had to kill the police chief. And finally, when you completed farcry 2 the game just ended. I was really dissapointed at this. This cant happen again in farcry 3 though surelly after all the complaints!

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there's a good chance that the character could be molded into the skills you want him to have... from watching the trailer, i feel like he's a rather raw fighter with very little combat experience... you might be growing into the role, so the game might be scaled, almost RPG-like... dunno, just an observation i got from the trailer... but if you want him to be a rambo, you have to play like one, or if you want to be a sneaky sniper, use those skills... he sounds like a clean slate character... a guy just out with his friends, wrapped up in an unknown plot, a far cry from home :D...

ehh, wishful thinking... never know though...

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That preview was pretty good. It explained a lot. I never played Far Cry 1, but i did enjoy 2. It got a little repetitive after a while, but the core gameplay was fun. I'm looking forward to number 3, I'm sure they will have addressed the issues and dislikes from the last game, and refined 3 into something amazing.

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There was a lot about far cry 2 that was amazing, but little things fucked it up.

Like the whole malaria thing. I remember you could only get the pills from missions and stuff? Its just such a burden to have in an open world game. It doesn't promote exploration. Which in this game would be amazing. And I agree about how many fucking enemies there are. Again, I cant just explore around when I'm constantly being attacked. It made it unenjoyable. It was just too much. A more balanced open world like Skyrim or fallout would be better. At least in those you could go at least 5 mins without being attacked.

The enemies were a bit too hard to kill too. I headshot wouldnt kill them. That's retarded.

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There was a lot about far cry 2 that was amazing, but little things fucked it up.

Like the whole malaria thing. I remember you could only get the pills from missions and stuff? Its just such a burden to have in an open world game. It doesn't promote exploration. Which in this game would be amazing. And I agree about how many fucking enemies there are. Again, I cant just explore around when I'm constantly being attacked. It made it unenjoyable. It was just too much. A more balanced open world like Skyrim or fallout would be better. At least in those you could go at least 5 mins without being attacked.

The enemies were a bit too hard to kill too. I headshot wouldnt kill them. That's retarded.

i agree on every point you made..... but look at those screenshots and gameplay trailers..... i think Ubisoft listened to the feedback and fixed the problems.

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