Deniz Mert Yayla

Far Cry 3

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It's different, but I liked the driving in FC2, so I wouldn't say it's better. I'd say it's more precise, and you don't accidentally crash into trees every 30 seconds. It's still a pain in the arse to look behind you when you're driving. Also, enemies in vehicles are a lot easier to shake when they chase you, thankfully. In FC2, it felt like the T-100 was driving the pursuing cars.

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It's kind of similar, but the fast travel system removes the need to drive long distances, which was one of my favourite things in FC2. However, the FC3 enviroment is jam packed with things to see and do, and I spend more time exploring on foot than driving.

2 and 3 are quite different. 2 had a bleak story, and it was really one man vs Africa, while 3's story is kind of dudebro-ish (Vaas is a total boss, though. One of the best game villains) . 2's setting was more unique, too.

Adventure report

I've killed me a few sharks. From the safety of land. Diving in this game is absolutely terrifying. Visibility is low, and it's almost impossible to kill sharks once you're in the water. I've been attacked diving to get the skin of a shark by another one.

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After almost a week, I can safely say this is Game Of The Year. No contest. In fact, it's the best thing I've played since Fallout:New Vegas

The first time I got taken by a croc is one of the best moments I've experienced as a gamer. Vaas is one of the best video game villains ever. The flame-fucking-thrower!

If you can't tell, I love this game.

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This game is no doubt game of the year. One of the best game openings I have ever seen. Gorgous world. And when you are swimming in the vast ocean you are petrified. The first time i went underwater i was terrified. And when a shark came up and attacked me i had to pause the game for a minute to get my bearings back. This game is amazing!

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One thing I am upset about is that the producer of the game said "whatever you can see you can go to" and that was a total lie. There are mountains in the background that you cant get to and the producer even said "those mountains in the back, if you want you can go all the way over there and climb to the top" That was total BULLSHIT!

skip to 9:05 to hear the producer say it.

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One thing I am upset about is that the producer of the game said "whatever you can see you can go to" and that was a total lie. There are mountains in the background that you cant get to and the producer even said "those mountains in the back, if you want you can go all the way over there and climb to the top" That was total BULLSHIT!

skip to 9:05 to hear the producer say it.

How far into the game are you? Because almost half the map is locked at the beginning of the game.

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Im talking about those mountains in the distance bcause he said you could go there if you want to. He said "anywhere you can see you can go":

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