Deniz Mert Yayla

Far Cry 3

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When I was in Gamestop on Black Friday, I saw an ad for this. There was a quote from some site or magazine that said "It's like Skyrim with guns." So, I'm interested. Tell me things.

That should tell you enough about the game without spoiling it, its also a very well done review.

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Pretty much everything I get will be for PS3 now, because my 360 is a proud american and won't get online.

But, as previously mentioned, I'll be getting this for PC.

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This game is spectacular. I just spent 6 hours straight playing it, and so much cool shit happened. Such as...

- Spotting my first tiger about 100 metres away in the distance. As I was lining it up in my sights, I hear a growl to my left, and I almost get mauled to death by another tiger (pants shit). Killing it draws the attention of 5 pirates, who proceed to chase me a fair distance before I lose them ( I ran out of ammo). I was hoping to relax a bit after that, but instead I walked straight into a pair of Komodo dragons (pants re-shat). I ran like a pussy.

- Getting freaked out riding a jetski over deep water. I don't want to know what's down there

- Taking out an entire camp without firing a weapon. Coming into this straight after playing Hitman, I thought the stealth parts would be a bit lame, but they are well done.

I've got the rare animal pack, so hopefully I'll come across a thylacine sooner rather than later.

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Farcry 2 was the first game I got for my PS3 and i played the living shit outta it. So Farcry holds a special place in my heart.

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That should tell you enough about the game without spoiling it, its also a very well done review.

Pretty much everything he said that was fixed from 2 is exactly what I had problems with. My only other problem he didnt talk about is too many fucking enemies. They come after you out of no where, you run into them everywhere. and when you clear a camp or whatever they're called, those dudes respawned within 5 minutes. too much.

wonder if they balanced that a little more.

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My only other problem he didnt talk about is too many fucking enemies. They come after you out of no where, you run into them everywhere. and when you clear a camp or whatever they're called, those dudes respawned within 5 minutes. too much.

wonder if they balanced that a little more.

didn't read the spoiler but, that's my biggest concern... i liked it at first, but when i made wrong turns and had to re-do the same thing again, with less supplies i started to get bored... i like the combat scenes... low on health, having to duck into cover to pull a bullet out of your arm... that shit was sweet... the wildlife out there this time should add to the experience...

like i said, i will rent it and go from there... i got 1/2 off rentals for the next two weeks, got that infamous call today... i might have to finish hitman first, then try dishonored... or far cry 3... we'll see what's there next week ;)...

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My only other problem he didnt talk about is too many fucking enemies. They come after you out of no where, you run into them everywhere. and when you clear a camp or whatever they're called, those dudes respawned within 5 minutes. too much.

wonder if they balanced that a little more.

didn't read the spoiler but, that's my biggest concern... i liked it at first, but when i made wrong turns and had to re-do the same thing again, with less supplies i started to get bored... i like the combat scenes... low on health, having to duck into cover to pull a bullet out of your arm... that shit was sweet... the wildlife out there this time should add to the experience...

like i said, i will rent it and go from there... i got 1/2 off rentals for the next two weeks, got that infamous call today... i might have to finish hitman first, then try dishonored... or far cry 3... we'll see what's there next week ;)...

Happy to report that respawning enemies at checkpoints are gone (by far the worse thing about FC2). Also, once you clear an enemy camp, the amount of bad guys around the area is drastically reduced. The camp takeover system is very similar to Just Cause 2's, actually.

Adventure report:

A crocodile is the only animal to kill me so far. It got me when I ran into the water to escape being shot. You can't see them until you swim straight into them. I've now been mauled/bitten by a white tiger, a mountain lion, 2 rabid dogs, 2 snakes, and a croc.

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my friend found farcry 2 in his little brothers room and brought it over for me to try. At first i thought it wasent bad, until i would randomly die from malaria. the map was big but not very detailed and took forever to get around and i found myself bored 1/2 way to my destination.

Far cry 3 looks good but ill probably wait until its 20 bucks. Christmas is coming up and im broke and there is better games i have my sights on.

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I'll get this when/if i trade in Hitman. Wasn't impressed by FC2 as i wasted 2 hours making a MAhusive map and just as i went to save it crashed, plus didn't like how the NPC's respawned so quickly at check points, so i'm in no hurry to play this even though it looks good.

lol at the fact that the second Skyrim DLC is coming out for XBOX when PS3 hasn't even got the first. It's a conspiracy man.

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my friend found farcry 2 in his little brothers room and brought it over for me to try. At first i thought it wasent bad, until i would randomly die from malaria. the map was big but not very detailed and took forever to get around and i found myself bored 1/2 way to my destination.

Far cry 3 looks good but ill probably wait until its 20 bucks. Christmas is coming up and im broke and there is better games i have my sights on.

Yeah, there's fast travel in this one. No malaria either. Get it.

I'll get this when/if i trade in Hitman. Wasn't impressed by FC2 as i wasted 2 hours making a MAhusive map and just as i went to save it crashed, plus didn't like how the NPC's respawned so quickly at check points, so i'm in no hurry to play this even though it looks good.

lol at the fact that the second Skyrim DLC is coming out for XBOX when PS3 hasn't even got the first. It's a conspiracy man.

No buggy save files in this one yet. I had that problem in FC2 as well. Once again, there are no checkpoints in this one. I've gone long periods without running into any enemy pirates.

My only gripe, and it's a small one, is that the main character feels a bit overpowered. I'm playing on normal difficulty, and the game is a bit easy.

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Can you change the difficulty settings once you've started, or do you have to play with the same difficulty all the way through?

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