Stoic Person Eater

Walking Dead - AMC Sunday Nights 9PM EST

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Got my topic on this closed. I even searched The Walking Dead and it only showed the game topic. I find that the search does not work well. :/

I find that the search tends to work better when you enclose keywords "in quotes".

I did not realize this. Will make sure to do that next time.

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I'm not a fan of the comic so I can live with the changes, but I still don't dig the new cast as much as the old one.

I still miss OldManWithGreyHair AndBlackEyebrows :(

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I'm surprised to see so many negative comments on the show and the last season's finale.. But that's probably because I'm a huge fan-boy of anything Walking Dead-related (except for that Survival Instict garbage, that was the most horrible thing ever).

I've read all the comics and to be honest, I'm happy they took a 'total 180' like Cyantist said for the TV series. If everything that happens on the show completely follows the comic books, watching TWD would be a whole lot less exciting for me. There'd be no shocking deaths of main/supporting characters (which is one of the main reasons why I love the show so much), there'd be no cliffhangers, no nothing.

So yeah, it's great to see that the writers are getting their inspiration from the comics in terms of character development and main storyline, but I'm glad they make their own twists and turns so to speak.

I can't wait to watch Season 4 when it comes out, it's right up there on the list of things I'm excited for, next to GTA V.

Also can't wait for Negan (and Lucille) and his Saviors from the comics to be added to the TV series, if it ever happens. That'd be awesome and it could take the intensity of the show to a whole new level.

*fanboy-mode off*

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I'm surprised to see so many negative comments on the show and the last season's finale.. But that's probably because I'm a huge fan-boy of anything Walking Dead-related (except for that Survival Instict garbage, that was the most horrible thing ever).

I've read all the comics and to be honest, I'm happy they took a 'total 180' like Cyantist said for the TV series. If everything that happens on the show completely follows the comic books, watching TWD would be a whole lot less exciting for me. There'd be no shocking deaths of main/supporting characters (which is one of the main reasons why I love the show so much), there'd be no cliffhangers, no nothing.

So yeah, it's great to see that the writers are getting their inspiration from the comics in terms of character development and main storyline, but I'm glad they make their own twists and turns so to speak.

It's fine to differ from the comic, but they killed off one of the most important characters. They ruined 80% of the future stories. They're going to be making shit up entirely by the mid-season break, and it's not going to be as good as the comic, not by a long shot.

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I'm surprised to see so many negative comments on the show and the last season's finale.. But that's probably because I'm a huge fan-boy of anything Walking Dead-related (except for that Survival Instict garbage, that was the most horrible thing ever).

I've read all the comics and to be honest, I'm happy they took a 'total 180' like Cyantist said for the TV series. If everything that happens on the show completely follows the comic books, watching TWD would be a whole lot less exciting for me. There'd be no shocking deaths of main/supporting characters (which is one of the main reasons why I love the show so much), there'd be no cliffhangers, no nothing.

So yeah, it's great to see that the writers are getting their inspiration from the comics in terms of character development and main storyline, but I'm glad they make their own twists and turns so to speak.

It's fine to differ from the comic, but they killed off one of the most important characters. They ruined 80% of the future stories. They're going to be making shit up entirely by the mid-season break, and it's not going to be as good as the comic, not by a long shot.

I wouldn't even be surprised if they don't go to the

alexandria safe zone

at this point. They're killing off significant characters, may as well just not bother with significants events like the one in the spoiler considering the character who everybody has a raging hard on for


dies there

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It's fine to differ from the comic, but they killed off one of the most important characters. They ruined 80% of the future stories. They're going to be making shit up entirely by the mid-season break, and it's not going to be as good as the comic, not by a long shot.

Don't read if you haven't caught up to the walking dead season 3 finale or read the comics..

I guess I didn't mind them killing off Andrea on the show too much, because I didn't really like the way they portrayed her character. In the comics, she's a badass survivor with great sniping skills, her 'little family' with Dale and the twins, her relationship with that guy from Alexandria (blanking out on his name) and Rick were/are really interesting.

Most of the things she did on the TV series just really pissed me off tbh, for example shooting Daryl when they obviously knew he went out and could return at any moment. She could've at least waited until the approaching person was close enough to be identified as either Daryl, another living person or a walker before she shot him.

Her storyline with the Governor was just annoying all around. Love makes you blind but if a person who you have been surviving with for a couple of weeks/months (Michonne) tells you that you shouldn't trust the guy, you could at least listen to her, maybe investigate if what she's saying might be the truth or not before you consider having a serious relationship with him.

I guess she just made a couple of decisions that made me dislike the character and therefor I didn't mind her death in the series. To the actress' respect, her last scene with Michonne really moved me, it was a good way for Andrea to die and for Michonne to move on and kind of take her place in the group, if that makes sense..


Well we are getting a 4th season and I'm pretty sure the series will be renewed for a 5th and 6th season. I'm just guessing here but with the insane number of viewers this show has been getting, it would be stupid if they wouldn't keep it going for at least 2 more seasons.

So who knows where this series will be going in the future.. I'm sure they won't be straying too far away from the comics when it comes to huge storyline plots. And by that I mean

the group finding the Alexandria safe zone, not Glenn's death.

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Even by this stage, the TV series has moved away from the comic books so far, that is barely a spoiler. Better off in tags anyway though.

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New series of webisodes got released today for those who are interested.

After "Torn Apart" which featured 6 webisodes and "Cold Storage" which featured 4, which were all pretty short if I remember correctly, the new series of webisodes is called "The Oath". The first two series gave a bit of a back story to what happened on the actual show, but nothing big really. It's basically just a way to keep the fans happy during the long wait for the next season.

This one's 3 parts, 7-10 minutes each and from a preview I've seen, it actually doesn't look that bad.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Going to have to watch these tomorrow though, really need to get some sleep right now!

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show has officially gone batshit, they've wasted precious reinforcement resources by fuarking building communal shit that's attracted moar walkers, meanwhile they aren't killing the walkers as soon as they show up, giving the walkers time to gather and push away at the fences.

B- for this episode.

>zac efron cut

the official cut of any apocalypse is the buzz cut or the short back and sides. men AND women.

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Spoilers abound, read at your own risk:

The episode was decent, setting up for another season - nothing too shocking and the story is basically just trying to keep going. Each season has captured a different point in their survival, this one picks up a few months after the Season 3 Finale with the Governor. I liked how the prison yard became more of a farm and (parts of) the prison had become more fortified.

It's pretty clear that the fence is going to be a big problem this season. As much fortification was done around the gates of the prison, they should have extended that to the fence itself. If they put those big ass wooden spikes along the problem areas of the fence, the walkers would just impale themselves, creating more of a barrier for approaching walkers. Also, a moat or random pits would be much better fortification than relying on the existing fences. Also, letting the little shit kids stand on the perimeter yelling at the walkers is probably a dumb idea.

There is a influx of characters, which is what was needed to refresh the show. "We need more victims!" says one TWD executive. So the prison has multiplied times 10. Bunch of no name characters sucking the d's of the main cast; the ones without names will eventually be sacrificed to keep the season moving. I imagine a good amount of them will be gone next week. By the end of the season, it will only be the main cast with a few random stranglers. Too many characters doesn't really work well in this series.

"We need more relationships to tug at people's heartstrings!" says another TWD exec. Everyone is hooking up. Glen and Maggie are still banging and thinking about kids - but mostly how they don't want to have them. Glen needs to give her more facials to prevent the inevitable child that is going to come along sooner or later (season 5?). The big black dude from last season (who also looks like my Franklin from GTA) is swinging mad dick, though it's only implied. I thought the one black chick was his wife, but I guess that was just me being racist because he's slinging his black snake at the incredibly hot spanish chick. Maggie's little sister, the blonde chick is hooking up with some doofus zombie bait, but she's already lost her mom, brothers, etc. so she doesn't give a fuck. Also, Daryl and the lady who's hair should have grown in all the way by now (Carol?) are also destined to bang or are already. I will be surprised if she makes it through the season and that will make Daryl sad and vengeful - which is when Daryl was a good character. All of the little girls are too young for Carl, and after the conclusion of last night's episode, I don't think he'll be getting gay with the nerd that wanted to suck off Daryl.

The beginning of the episode felt like a "where are they now?" segment, nicely updating everyone and establishing their ranking in the prison's community. There's a council and a bunch of people trying to impress the council. It should be noted that all of the council is white and all the black people want to be accepted by them. Herschel some how got some magic prosthetic leg that eliminates him having to use crutches or for the special effects department from cropping off his leg. Rick's still crazy, Daryl's still a badass, Carl's still a twit and Glen's eyes have become more slanty.

The big event in the episode was a run for supplies where disposable characters want to prove their worth. Daryl's the leader, Michonne happens to drop by as they're headed out; Glen's in; they throw in a few more black people - including one with a drinking problem who has to beg to be a part of the team and promises to not mess things up on the trip; the doofus young kid, and a few other randoms. Luckily, there's no zombies at the store except a couple at the front door - Big Spot greeters working overtime, no doubt. That drunk black guy should have known that the roof was FULL OF ZOMBIES by the random crotch hanging around outside the store. Of course, things can't go to plan. "Stay in formation, get what we need."

While in the store Glen foreshadows the impending baby. The stereotype black person can't deny the temptation of shitty wine and causes all the zombies on the roof to come crashing through, along with the helicopter that had been apparently carrying the 50 zombies/people that were on the roof. The zombies crashing though the roof was great; especially the water-balloon zombies that were all mush and the one getting hung up on his intestines. Of course, the fallen zombies bite and bullets are fired and almost everyone gets out alive. The blonde chick doesn't give a shit that the doofus did not return and simply changes the "30 Days Since our last accident" sign to "0". What a cunt.

Meanwhile, while all this is going on, Rick goes on a vision quest and follows some skinny ass lady to her "husband" to have them come and live at the prison. But just as Ackbar said, "It's a trap!" I guess her husband was a zombie or something. It didn't show it, which was a total copout. She wanted to feed Rick to her pet zombie husband and just decides to seppuku her self instead. Rick should have taken her Coleman tent and sleeping bags, which seems to keep walkers away.

Anyway, at the end of the episode, Carl's potential boyfriend starts bleeding all over the overly creepy prison bathroom. His eye periods are identical to the zombie Rick kept focusing on with the fucked up eyes outside the prison. There is a good chance this season will introduce some new disease that people can get from having gay sex with a zombie, which is likely how the nerd got it. He also gave it to the pig, Violet when he had sex with it.

Anyway, I will try and review each episode this season. Hope you enjoy.

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glad i wasn't the only one that saw this episode was basically guys macking on women?

Tyreese/White woman

Glenn/Maggie (as soon as she wasn't duffed he was all over that ass with his hands)



entire episode was just guys being total macks.

Am i to believe they didn't scout the store before they went in to scavenge? from a far off distance and a pair of binoculars (basic scavenging technique, make sure nobody is there before you go there), or surely they'd hear the fucking zombies on the roof groaning and shit?

Amateur hour or what?

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I watch Talking Dead after the show, because there's nothing else on TV Sundays, and one ofthe guest mentioned that Abraham, Rosita, and the scientist whose name I don't remember will be on the show. I missed a bit of context, so I dont know if they show up later this portion of the season, or are coming after the mid-season break.

For those who don't know, this trio is from the comics, and Abraham is a fucking badass. He's similar to Merle, but plus military and minus crystal meth.

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glad i wasn't the only one that saw this episode was basically guys macking on women?

Tyreese/White woman

Glenn/Maggie (as soon as she wasn't duffed he was all over that ass with his hands)



entire episode was just guys being total macks.

Am i to believe they didn't scout the store before they went in to scavenge? from a far off distance and a pair of binoculars (basic scavenging technique, make sure nobody is there before you go there), or surely they'd hear the fucking zombies on the roof groaning and shit?

Amateur hour or what?

And Carol not checking the nerdy kid for bites when she realized he had the fever, or anybody for that matter.. It's been established that the first step of being zombified is the fever..

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Re-watch this series from the first episode. Do these people seem smart to you?

They'll figure it out by the time Patrick McBloodyEyes starts eating their unneeded houseguests. Prediction: Rick is the one who figures it out and proceeds to explain it in an overly dramatic fashion, yelling for no less than three full sentences.

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He was bite-free. They wouldn't have made the connection until he'd already gone zed.

I think it's implied that it might be in the water supply, as the pig also dies from it. Rick needs to stop being a pussy goddamn, this is why i prefer shane. Shane would have everybody out along those fences making sure there wasnt a build up and precious resources wouldnt be wasted on communal shit.

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glad i wasn't the only one that saw this episode was basically guys macking on women?

Tyreese/White woman

Glenn/Maggie (as soon as she wasn't duffed he was all over that ass with his hands)



entire episode was just guys being total macks.

Am i to believe they didn't scout the store before they went in to scavenge? from a far off distance and a pair of binoculars (basic scavenging technique, make sure nobody is there before you go there), or surely they'd hear the fucking zombies on the roof groaning and shit?

Amateur hour or what?

And Carol not checking the nerdy kid for bites when she realized he had the fever, or anybody for that matter.. It's been established that the first step of being zombified is the fever..

Everyone is infected already, bite or not....

Thats how whats his face lost his leg, it was bitten off. He didnt die, so he didnt turn into a zombie.

The kid got sick from something unrelated to the walkers, but related to the pig and the walker. He defo shouldnt have tapped that pig.

I'd think anybody smart would treat every fever as a potential turn.

He went from fine to sick to dead in an afternoon....

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