
Single Player DLC

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Saints row did zombies too. I think aliens is most likely based on the things found in the existing game. Although RDR never hinted at zombies I don't think.

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My continued desire to see zombies done right prevents me from being as tired of them as everyone else. I would be fine with a zombie DLC. Red Dead Redemption came closer than any other game I've played, and I feel like Rockstar could nail it with another attempt. I do not feel, however, like they will make the attempt.

Aliens are hinted at a lot, but personally, I think it's just Rockstar going overboard with mocking the people who were looking for UFOs in San Andreas. Then again, the people looking for UFOs went overboard, so maybe the response is fitting.

I have my fingers crossed for some sort of paranormal DLC, but I don't have my hopes up.

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Zombies would be awesome but I agree they will steer clear having done it previously.

It's a shame because it would be a great deal of fun herding them into a group and bombing them all.

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The Zombies would be pretty cool, and it would also help them introduce new weapons, like the chainsaw and flamethrower, which are pretty popular from previous games. RDR did a great job, and it was actually pretty entertaining, but I cant see them going back.

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I'm kind of expecting aliens just as a final stab at Saints Row because there haven't been many inside jokes towards them yet (I think).

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I'm actually not expecting either aliens or zombies. I think what we're going to see will be more similar to IV's, but with the same protags instead of new ones. I'm all for that, but what I really want to see is places like the casino, a full office building downtown, open-for-missions-but-closed-in-free-roam sets, etc. being open and interactive. Seems like such a waste of space to not be used.

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i think there were less interiors in V than in IV...

R* said they always wanted to do zombies, that's why they did undead nightmare... if anything, they might be working on their own zombie game... and aliens, that's more of a possibility with all the hints in V...

i am like godfather, i want new protags to play as... this game was called GTA "5"... i was expecting two new characters to be introduced at some point to round out the "5"... like a los santos stories expansion that features 2 characters that you can switch back and forth with...

it's cool to see the current character's story continue, but is it a prequel? because based on the last mission in the main game, there could be some holes in the next story... or is something like undead nightmare, where it's sandwiched in between a stoppage in story during the main story?

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Hmm, never thought about the stoppage aspect of it, but there I cant see there being a place to add that filling. Although, if they do make a zombie DLC, I hope they learn from the bad things with Undead Nightmare. As for an extended story, I cant realy see any other characters being added, but maybe our online characters might be in the story, like some of the story mode ones are online. Maybe a far shot, but I wouldn't be too surprised.

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The problem with speculating is that it may lead to building an idea in your head about the game only to be disappointed when you turn out to be wrong.

I really want to get back to North Yankton and have created an awesome GTA winter wonderland in my head and am kind of regretting that.

I can see Michael and Trevor taking Franklin with them to Ludendorf and showing him around, possibly with Wade(I like to imagine him turning into a clown faced pimp like a juggalo Bootsie Collins).

They could expand on the current map and add a second town, much larger than Ludendorf that is more of an exclusive skiing destination for the jet-setting crowd (kind of like a North Dakota Aspen).

Michael would be able to purchase a luxurious chalet where his family would spawn, Franklin would have a high-end apartment available to purchase with panoramic views of NY, and Trevor could finally get his creepy isolated cabin in the snowy mountains I always envisioned him living in.

There could be tons of new activities introduced like skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobile races.

And yet as much fun as I'm having building up this fantasy, the chances that seeing any of this happen are slim to none.

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That's true, but Speculation was pretty much all people did on this site before the game cameout Nw that its out, though, people still want to see certain things be added on in the future, and North Yankton is on the top of that list. Rockstar I would guarantee reads forums like this, and takes into account what people want, and im not going to promise anything, but NY is something that they kind of have to give us.

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When the hell did we speculate about anything? I can't think of a single thing a real member said that wasn't based in fact or common sense. The only people speculating were the same ones who eventually got themselves banned for posting leaks or were shunned into never posting again.

Also, it's a fact that Rockstar reads the fansites, but I'm pretty sure all the ranting their handling of GTAO has forced me to do has put us on their shit list by now.

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That's true, but Speculation was pretty much all people did on this site before the game cameout Nw that its out, though, people still want to see certain things be added on in the future, and North Yankton is on the top of that list. Rockstar I would guarantee reads forums like this, and takes into account what people want, and im not going to promise anything, but NY is something that they kind of have to give us.

I can assure you that Yankton is by no means at the top of the list of things that folks wanna see in future DLCs.

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Well, what was the pre-release section for then? And sure, but even some of the mods or more frequent members day dreamed a little bit on what they wanted GTA 5 to be. And that's pretty funny, im sure they are getting a lot of that right now, so I wouldn't count us out just yet. At least half of our members aren't still asking " OMFG, WHERES CJ!?". Glad to be around some level headed, like minded people, and im sure that's what they see when they check the site out lol.

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The car will be free, like the ones from the Beach Bum Pack. Wait and see what the customization options are. There might be nearly no customization, like the Paradise, or it might have several options, like the Bifta.

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