
Single Player DLC

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Alright, now that most people have gotten their hands on the game, what kind of DLC would you guys like to see?

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I was thinking some more weapons like the M1911, the Remington 700,Glock 21-22, Colt Python, and the flame thrower. id also like to see less cheesy weapon tints and paintjobs, and a few more customization options if possible.

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Story. For single player. Fuck online.

that one.

plus the tuning options they teased us with but didn't implement (customize ALL vehicles, over-tuning, blabla). and maybe more logical tuning, who the fuck would lower the suspension of a pickup truck? while I'm talking cars, more garage space for all vehicles.

and more things to do with the money besides stock market, more property (especially private property), more fun things to pay for.

also the oh-so-awesome amount of interior R* talked about is sort of missing. like, not a single fucking bar / fastfood / restaurant accessible. seriously?

oh, and because I want to be the very first to say the inevitable when it comes to this game: San Fierro. not that I want it, infact I hate San Fierro, but you can't talk about what you want in that game w/o someone mentioning it.

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Well, and besides that, im disappointed all around with how multiplayer is even more emenseful than the story mode. There are more cars online to buy, the inventory is actualy a realy cool idea, also, with the fact you can choose to show your armor, and id like to be able to share money between characters , by depositing the money into the others account. The over all character customization online is a lot better than the story, so im waiting to see what the Beach Bum pack brings. And one more thing I hope they add are more special outfits, and the option to swap different clothing items into the mix. Like the Gruppe Sechs outfit, for example, you cant even take off the helmet, which I would think should just be a head item itself, but id like to see more options in general.

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Im hoping to see a lot more vehicles, and the ability to modify the vehicles that we cant now. My heart sank when I wasn't able to mod my Dune Buggy. Id also like to see a newer or cleaned up version of a couple cars, including the Buggy.

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I was thinking some more weapons like the M1911, the Remington 700,Glock 21-22, Colt Python, and the flame thrower. id also like to see less cheesy weapon tints and paintjobs, and a few more customization options if possible.

I wanted all of those guns.

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I honestly think they skimped out on us,so to speak. How hard could it be to throw more stuff in there? like a Vert Grip for a pump shotgun that improves fire rate and accuracy, or taped mags ( don't mean to get all COD here) for faster reloading. Its like they gave up on all the potential. And pretty disappointed those weren't in the game, but who knows, if enough people complain about things, it might just get added into a DLC. I just hope they don't cut corners when they are developing extra content. Grant it, its a lot better than the rest of the GTA games, but if its worth doing, they should've went a couple extra yards.

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More story - I actually wouldn't mind fleshing out Franklin and Michael's story post gta 5.

More interior buildings, I still feel this is the one thing GTA lacks a lot of.

Utilization of different parts of the map (that could come through more interior buildings).

More customisation options, I mean having normal lights and neon lights is quite poor. Also would like some San Andreas styled paint jobs like the flame one I remember.

More utilization of stealth and lung capacity, I want to see some stealth styled missions where it is critical you don; get seen/caught. I also want the underwater to have some sort of minigame attached to it - treasure hunting?

More side activities, they have been quite poor in GTA 5, I mean there were only 5? Maud missions - too little in my opinion.

I would like to see Bowling and Pool to return, I actually liked bowling just not Roman keeping calling you for bowling.

Want to see some GTA 4 era characters return, I don't really have any preferences though.

Want BurgerShot and CluckingBell to have interiors.

More customisation for hairstyles and beards and this extends to stuff like earings and watches.

That's all I can think of right now.

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Yeah there's lots they could improve on. A deeper story in the next installment is a must. I'd like more variety in Online missions but I'm hoping the Content Creator will be free enough that players would take care of that. Building interiors and additional vehicle paint patterns would be nice. And gimme dem heists dammit!

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Content creator will keep getting delayed until it fades into oblivion...

Hell no. Content creator in a GTA world will bust online to another level. No more of that repetitive feel to playing a few modes over and over. I'm curious to see what kind of creator options we get.

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i just wonder if people are gonna find these exploits that multiply the XP and money earned while creating stuff... they're probably gonna hold off a bit on the content creator for as long as they can until they patch up a lot of the current loopholes...

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I don't think people know how long it will take to create LV or SF and their surrounding areas. Sure, they could do it, but don't expect the quality that we have in the base game. I don't even want to know how long it took to recreate LA and build the map we have. Sure, id love both cites to be added as separate islands or something, but itd take forever. period.

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