
Things you dislike about GTAO

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Now that we have the similar thing for V, why not for GTAO aswell?

So for starters, I dislike how you can't set an automatic mute to voicechat. I hate voicechat. yesterday, I had to listen to a fucking mexican fighting with his mum and his dog at the same time. plus the voicechat is even louder than the characters voices in V and, of course, cant be changed in volume... a nuisance. and it's a pain in the ass to mute every player on it's own

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Now that we have the similar thing for V, why not for GTAO aswell?

So for starters, I dislike how you can't set an automatic mute to voicechat. I hate voicechat. yesterday, I had to listen to a fucking mexican fighting with his mum and his dog at the same time. plus the voicechat is even louder than the characters voices in V and, of course, cant be changed in volume... a nuisance. and it's a pain in the ass to mute every player on it's own

And thats why im usually in party chat.

I kinda dislike the bounty system. Oh look I was just driving around and now I have 50 people gunning for me for a measly 1k bounty. Its more the hospital bills, Tryin to save up for that 400k apartment is tough though I got about 100k saved up atm.

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My pet hate is not being put straight back into free mode after a mission. I have to jump through a bunch of loopholes and loading screens to get there. Isn't that the point of playlists?. Just let me get back and cash my money.

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Now that we have the similar thing for V, why not for GTAO aswell?

So for starters, I dislike how you can't set an automatic mute to voicechat. I hate voicechat. yesterday, I had to listen to a fucking mexican fighting with his mum and his dog at the same time. plus the voicechat is even louder than the characters voices in V and, of course, cant be changed in volume... a nuisance. and it's a pain in the ass to mute every player on it's own

You can disable chat in the select menu. Or just pick friends, crew etc

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getting killed every 15 seconds.

$100 to put me in passive mode, but i got no money, and can't get any because i get killed all the fucking time.

also how the fuck do you get kicked without warning? i joined a game, got killed 3 times then got kicked out, wtf?

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getting killed every 15 seconds.

$100 to put me in passive mode, but i got no money, and can't get any because i get killed all the fucking time.

also how the fuck do you get kicked without warning? i joined a game, got killed 3 times then got kicked out, wtf?

take off to the desert away from people. there are plenty of stores out there to rob and an LS customs. I spent a few hours there without seeing anyone at all. part of the reason im hell bent on insuring an off road vehicle and getting an apartment somewhere in a trailor park

just like massy said tho, the character deletion. hopefully that update comes out today. might be out right now for all i now. someone check

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getting killed every 15 seconds.

$100 to put me in passive mode, but i got no money, and can't get any because i get killed all the fucking time.

also how the fuck do you get kicked without warning? i joined a game, got killed 3 times then got kicked out, wtf?

take off to the desert away from people. there are plenty of stores out there to rob and an LS customs. I spent a few hours there without seeing anyone at all. part of the reason im hell bent on insuring an off road vehicle and getting an apartment somewhere in a trailor park

i couldn';t even get out there fella, thats the thing, there are people there hell bent on just killing you all the time which makes it impossible to do anything yourself, this is why i never played free roam on gta iv, if i wanted to die all the time i'd play a deathmatch.

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You can disable chat in the select menu. Or just pick friends, crew etc

I can't find no disable option, only filter it to friends+crew, which ironically included the team I play on, despite no friends or crew in there. I want to completely disable it because except racist flaming and stupid nonsense in weird languages, there's barely any "useful" word spoken...

oh well, at least some sort of adjustment

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"It dosn't work" is probably top of my list.

On all but one occasion I've tried logging in to GTAO it spawns me at the first race and then hangs. I've created a character and it seems to have saved, but that's about it.

On the other occasion it spawned me in a "temporary" GTAO world, where I started off with a random character but nothing would be saved. As soon as I spawned someone was shooting me. I calmly drove to an Ammu-Nation, picked up the shotgun that came as part of the CE, shot him, then quit because I didn't fancy replaying anything when the game gets sorted out.

Getting a bit sick of trying to play it now to be honest. They worked on this game for five years, fuck knows what they were doing when testing it. Which bright spark thought forcing everyone on launch week into a mandatory race lobby was going to work?

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You can disable chat in the select menu. Or just pick friends, crew etc

I can't find no disable option, only filter it to friends+crew, which ironically included the team I play on, despite no friends or crew in there. I want to completely disable it because except racist flaming and stupid nonsense in weird languages, there's barely any "useful" word spoken...

oh well, at least some sort of adjustment

Yeah just noticed tonight. Even with friends and crew selected you still get anyone you're doing a mission with. Still. Better than dealing with everyone talking french really loudly when I'm trying to mod my car

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paying 10 bucks to call yer buddy. one dollar, ok. hospital bills, I'm Canadian, it would be paid by the gov'mnt if i go to the states and need a doctor, so it should b in game too ffs. My character is CANADIAN dammit!!! lol

after doin missions plops ppl in different servers instead of being put together.

trolls causing me to pay hospital bills, therefore only play in closed friend sessions.

Can't boot ppl out of my free roam lobby, haven't found if ya can anyway...lemme know if there is

The costs of certain things a bit too much, over 10k for a custom color 'chute....nope. BS

Grenades not available from the start....gimme something that goes boom to begin with's funnnnnn!!!

few others but that'll do for now

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I might be wrong but you get charged hospital bills when getting killed in TDM, that fucks me off as you will always die quiet abit no matter what. Personally if you're playing a game like that you shouldn't have to fork that amount of cash out every time. Only other thing thats annoying is the loading time to start the game, but it's understandable considering the amount of data.

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The races are filled with complete pricks who are more concerned with knocking you off the track than actually... you know... race.

You get punished from other peoples mistakes.... it's raging me out.

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I have a fair few gripes after finally getting on today.

Not able to get on, or stay on very much, but I know that will be fixed in time.

I can't fix the chat thing either and I hate it just as much (Mainly because I hate listening to kids, chav's and chavy kids argue about pointless crap).

The online story seems fairly pointless to me. Nice touch, but I'm not seeing the point. I'm sure it's great for some.

It keeps making me a host even though I don't want to be, and no I'm not choosing to be.

I know this is probably just me, but all I want is to race. That's why I like GTA games... Driving loads of different vehicles in loads of different areas is what I want and online I get to do it against other people. I'm not bothered about deathmatch or missions (I'd buy COD for that). Maybe I'm missing something, but to go online just to race seems impossible... It's like it's constantly trying to push you on to deathmatch or missions. Please, someone tell me I'm wrong and I can just enter race after race... Like GTA IV online.

EDIT: On a positive note, though, it's making me appreciate GTAV more.

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1) Losing $5,000 every time I die. It's like 2 steps forward 1 step back half the time. :wall:

2) Going around looking for a car to sell, and then only 2 car types spawning for hours ( both under $3,000 value ).

3) I tried to go to the Firing Range and it froze. I then reloaded the game to find I couldn't get back into GTA Online ( for over 7 hours ). They probably kept trying to spawn me back into the frozen state in Ammunation.

Overall GTA Online has been more aggravating than fun, so here's hoping it eventually gets better...

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The races are filled with complete pricks who are more concerned with knocking you off the track than actually... you know... race. You get punished from other peoples mistakes.... it's raging me out.

God, that is awful. I got my first taste of it a few days ago.

I was enjoying a good lead in a motorbike race when I hear "FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK CHOO!" Before I could distinguish what the hell this pugilistic cholo was talking about, I saw his bike fly into mine from the side, knocking me directly into a tanker, where I promptly exploded. How he got away unscathed, I'll never know.

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The races are filled with complete pricks who are more concerned with knocking you off the track than actually... you know... race. You get punished from other peoples mistakes.... it's raging me out.
God, that is awful. I got my first taste of it a few days ago. I was enjoying a good lead in a motorbike race when I hear "FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK CHOO!" Before I could distinguish what the hell this pugilistic cholo was talking about, I saw his bike fly into mine from the side, knocking me directly into a tanker, where I promptly exploded. How he got away unscathed, I'll never know.

You got your first taste of Pricks?...

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passive mode is bullshit.

$100 and only works for being shot at while on foot.

run over and over and over still kills me

driving in a car and getting shot still kills me.

guess why i fucking hated freeroam on iv, because i can't do a fucking thing without some fucktard wanting to kill me.

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I haven't tried it yet but make sure you let R* know what you don't like. They have said quite openly they want as much feedback as possible and will try to evolve the game to suit the players - if enough people make enough noise, they will change it...

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Must say after playing Red Dead Redemption for 3 years and dealing with the to55ers on there I would have to say I have found the players on GTA a lot easier to deal with haha

Things that do piss me off though are...

Trigger spammers in deathmatches....Where is the skill in hiding behind a wall and then putting 20 bullets into someone's chest to kill them....whatever happened to headshots!!

No trains in multiplayer? Ok I suppose it would lag up the server but come on rockstar sort it out.

Wrecking your car then having to pay over a grand to get a new one on the insurance...just spawn me a new one!

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