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lol... seriously, this is certainly the biggest update yet... sounds like a ton of new stuff is coming, including probably new clothes and cars, which they have yet to mention... i expect another article in a couple of days talking more about that and what to expect with heists, as well as probably another trailer me thinks...

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Player tally aside, I'm not really seeing how this differs from the VS team missions we already have. I will say though...


I like that purple jacket.

I wonder if it comes in black...

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sounds like 3 hours of work for not a lot of money... i knew it, heists aren't going to be the moneymaker people were expecting... oh well, at least it's something new to do... but 2-3 hours? wow, that's an incredibly long play session...


apparently there's a $10M award for finishing all the heists in order on hard without dying? lol, fuuuuck that :lol:...

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i think there's a wait lobby inbetween jobs from the sound of things... enough time to round up another crew mate if one got dropped or one leaves... i don't quite get that one at all, but i guess only the host is the one who needs to be there for all the jobs?? but then there's a cut at the end, so i am not sure if i got all the information from the guys at IGN...


because i refuse to watch gta o clock's video, i'll wait for someone else to jot down the important points of the video...


EDIT: nevermind, i'll just play it in the background while i work...

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I was right when i assumed it would work like Destiny. The leader has the job save, and each person can have their own. So that means we could potentially be doing all the heists at once with different people, and progress with them all individually.

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yea, i got that from o'clock's vlog... that sounds cool, perhaps this is how we can do the $10M grind, we don't have to do them all one after another the same day... we could branch off and tackle it over a period of a few days...

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I've only found 3 previews. IGN, Games Radar, and some euro site I never heard of before. Kotaku has nothing. And apparently other gaming news sites closed shop or merged (Joystiq, CVG). Used to be at least 10 different sites with previews for these things.

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there's gta o'clock, but i always love leaving them out of articles... i think the one time i mentioned it, i thru it in a quick blurb at the end :lol:... they fucking responded to me on twitter with the gamesradar one (which they are now apart of) because they still follow me after that whole issue i had with them using my pic in their video...


i'm shocked they're still following me to be honest, i haven't RT/faved or commented on a damn thing :lol:...

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I wonder what gear we will only be able to use during a heist? The machine gun mounted APC and technical would look perfect in my garage, both online and in story mode... B)

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Well good news, I should be available for this next week. Bosses really don't have a clue at how long things take and instead of 2 weeks worth of nights i have done it in 3. What i am hearing is the Valkyrie will unlock so can play in free mode same with the hydra. 


I wonder if in the build up missions we can use our Pegasus vehicles. 

yea, i got that from o'clock's vlog... that sounds cool, perhaps this is how we can do the $10M grind, we don't have to do them all one after another the same day... we could branch off and tackle it over a period of a few days...


What i saw on the V o'clock is you can only get this once. It's going to be incredibly hard probably nigh on impossible as you have to complete it all with out dying. There are a number of setup missions, then the heist and you have to do this for all the heist. I want to give it ago but it will probably take a few plays to get to grips with the layout.  

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From what i've read, you need to do all the heists with the same people to get the $10mil reward. I wonder if that would be a one off, per team, or just repeatable...

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Hmmmm I wonder what time they come out...  I co-incidentally have the 10th off work but I doubt I will get them until the early evening anyways...


Hopefully I'll find some patient souls to do these with me...

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i'll be on... i got that day off, and will probably need some people to play with in the early part of the day... i think it'll be out by the time i wake up, the DLC's seem to all be released just before i head to work...

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One thing I have come to wonder, with a little experience, is what would happen if you loose connection during a heist? I seem to loose connection, or have my game freeze every single time I get online or story mode to work at all. It would be a real bummer if I lost connection after going through all the motions.

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