
First Impressions (Totally Spoiler Free)

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I'm liking the game. Once I was free to do whatever I wanted I just drove around LS stealing big rigs and running amuck in the airport. Vehicle handling isn't as bad as some were pushing. Damage complaints are a little just but I guess Rockstar figured most people want their customized rides intact for the most part.

I also love environment interactions (some unintentional). For instance when I was running around the airport, the police chopper chasing me got taken out by a plane landing. ^_^ I guess i have to stop screwing around and start playing missions...

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on the note of the car damage i've tried out several cars now and the damge they get tends to be very different from wreck to wreck.

by which i mean ive had the front wing off and hood off by the time a car gave up but other times the car looked fairly undamaged minus the scrapes

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2.5 hrs of playtime fuckin lovin it.

10/10 best game Eva

I think fallout three was the last game I enjoyed to this level.

Shooting, easy and fun (i have it on simple mode)

Driving, varied and fun, good control

Cops, 1000 times better than gta 4. Can't just drive straight really fast.... I love the cones.

So far the missions are good, liking the dialog.

Airplanes.. :( I got shot at with a three star wanted level, got off the ground and thought I was home free. 30 seconds or so later, the engine crapped out and I slammed into a building.

The only thing I don't like is the road textures mess with my eyes and there is a bit of lack of antialiasing shimmering. But overall city looks great

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First chance I got did a lap of the map in a car the went around the other way in a plane. I am blown away by the scale and detail at every turn. Lots of small towns dotted around and I haven't even headed into blaine county yet. Just around the outside.

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Airplanes.. :( I got shot at with a three star wanted level, got off the ground and thought I was home free. 30 seconds or so later, the engine crapped out and I slammed into a building.

I stole a plane and managed to keep it in the air for a few minutes before deciding to crash it.


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I haven't even met Trevor yet. :mellow:

Me either... I have only unlocked about half the map as well.

I end up driving around a lot, not really doing anything at all... I've "made it rain" a few times though...

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I just noticed that yes there is a lot of stuff to spend your money on, including cars.

Edited by Massacre
Stop spamming your complaints about the driving.

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Trevor is more terrifying than funny, actually. He legitimately scares me.

I haven't even played yet and I'm already nervous about meeting him. Jamie's selfie did not help.

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Cracked 'er open last night after work and played for about four hours. Unbelievable. The jump in graphics from IV blows my mind. Opening sequence was the best in GTA history (so is the driving and shooting, in my opinion). I've only gotten through a handful of missions. Haven't unlocked Trevor yet, but that's because I was dicking off most of the time. I haven't even unlocked any areas outside the city (that's for tonight). I killed an unspeakable amount of Los Santonians, did some diving, rode the roller coaster. I really dig the wanted system -- the "cones" are really cool/useful. The missions are varied and super fun. Oh, and titties. I threw money at titties.

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