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Might as well bring this thread back as it had quite a few pages. What's your favourite bands? Who have you been to see or are going to see? You know the score.

No bands are really interesting to me at the moment, I think I'm going through some sort of musical apathy at the minute. Who can recommend some new bands?

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Im going to see Blink 182 in july, should be good

New Rise Against album is full of win

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I'm going to see Funeral For A Friend in Edinburgh next Saturday, and Iron Maiden in Newcastle in July. Can't wait!

I'm seeing Funeral For a Friend in Liverpool The Sunday after next.

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Another forum, another metal topic. :)

Bands i'm frequently listening to atm:






and some others.

There is fuck-all happening in the world of metal. The most interesting "news" i've heard in a while is Steven Wilson will be producing the next Opeth album. Good news for fans of 'Blackwater Park', 'Damnation', and 'Deliverance', i guess.

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My brothers band has a gig in going to see that...

Cool. What style of metal does the band play?

In disaster-related metal news, Marty Friedman is auctioning off all the guitars he used during his time with Megadeth to help raise money for Japan's ghouls (or the more PC-termed "tsunami-spun, shaky-legged, geiger-botherers"). Considering Japan reportedly has enough money to cover the disaster, that's just plain stupid. Still, if the prices are reasonable enough, we could all chip in and buy a guitar. It'd probably be the one he used on "Risk", so we'd have to burn it immediatly.

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My brothers band has a gig in going to see that...

Cool. What style of metal does the band play?

Genre: Death Metal / Metal / Progressive

Thats the old band and their old old demos. There better now even though I think those demos are pretty dam good.

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Guest Marney1

If you've never seen this before (I presume the regular metal heads here have) then you need to watch this. If you're the type that doesn't like metal, this could change your mind \m/:

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The tag aint working. I copied the link from a quote. I've seen that so many times. It was in The Metallica year and half documentary. Watched that shit millions of times when I was a kid. Fucking classic.

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Guest Marney1

The tag aint working. I copied the link from a quote. I've seen that so many times. It was in The Metallica year and half documentary. Watched that shit millions of times when I was a kid. Fucking classic.

Yeah it was a double VHS set, came out in about '93. Must have watched it a gazillion times, one of the best docu-metal vids ever imo. :yes:

Also, I regularly venture down Wood Street in Liverpool city centre to this place:


It's small and the duke box is an antique with really bassy sound, imagine this place and this song and that's the Swan Inn:

Paul Di'Anno (Maiden's original singer) sometimes plays there with his band 'Killers'. The street used to be lined with Hells Angels bikes but that's gradually faded out now, some great memories from there!

Here's an info page - The Swan Inn Liverpool - You see the picture of a swan? That's on the way back down the stairs from the toilets. It's good luck to touch it on the way back to the bar (A little bit like the 'This is Anfield sign at Anfield, Liverpool Football Club's ground):



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I'm going to give the new Children Of Bodom album a listen. Once whilst sober, and then once whilst drunk. Wish me luck.

Edit: What a pile of meh. The solos are still decent, but they've done this all before. They've just added more groove this time, so now they sound Lamb Of God-ish. Not good. It wasn't even as catchy as Blooddrunk, ffs. Not that i was expecting much.

*goes back to Watchtower*

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lol, Schaffer's a knob.

Iced Earth is turning into an Anthrax-style parody band. What next? Schaffer starting a "super" group with members of some shitty emo-pop band? Seriously though, i only kind of like 2 albums IE have released (Night Of The Stormrider, and Horror Show, if you're wondering), and even then, there's only so much galloping guitar riffs one can take.

I said it a while back on the old forum, and i'll say it again. Power metal is going to shit lately. The bands that garner the most attention in the genre these days are peddlers of pomp (Avantasia especially), or are going through the motions releasing mediocre at best material (the last 2 Gamma Ray albums spring to mind. zzzz.... oh, and Iced Earth, naturally). No real innovations are being made, and considering power metal probably is the metal genre that can take on the most outside influences without offending metal purists, that's a bloody outrage, that is.

Having said that, because of this issue, i've been turned off power metal of late. If someone would like to suggest some decent & recent power metal releases that might turn me on as such, i will gladly listen to them, with tissues in hand.

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Another forum, another metal topic. :)

Bands i'm frequently listening to atm:


I too have been listening to a lot of Watchtower lately. Them, Melechesh, Ripping Corpse, and Deicide have been the newest additions to my rotation. I've always listened to them, but they've entered the cycle again haha. Some great ones there. All sooo evil.

Iced Earth is turning into an Anthrax-style parody band. What next? Schaffer starting a "super" group with members of some shitty emo-pop band? Seriously though, i only kind of like 2 albums IE have released (Night Of The Stormrider, and Horror Show, if you're wondering), and even then, there's only so much galloping guitar riffs one can take.

Hahaha, those are some interesting picks for your preference. If you haven't I highly recommend Burnt Offerings as I find it's there best. Something Wicked is a great one too. But yes, both Iced Earth and power metal as a whole are dead. Those still making it are jokes. I miss the 80's (not that I was alive) for when it was so powerful.. Maiden.. Helstar.. Pantera's glam/power days.. So many greats. What next? I don't even want to know.

So, only 24 days until I see the Big 4's only U.S. date. I'm starting to get metal ants in my pants.

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Well the new Blind Guardian was pretty good. Mabye a little generic. The only song I listened to over and over was the following

Yeah, "At The Edge Of Time" was enjoyable, but it could have been better. Why they only used the real orchestra on the first and last songs was a strange decision. Money restraints, maybe? Couldn't be time issues when they had 4 years to make the album.

Iced Earth is turning into an Anthrax-style parody band. What next? Schaffer starting a "super" group with members of some shitty emo-pop band? Seriously though, i only kind of like 2 albums IE have released (Night Of The Stormrider, and Horror Show, if you're wondering), and even then, there's only so much galloping guitar riffs one can take.

Hahaha, those are some interesting picks for your preference. If you haven't I highly recommend Burnt Offerings as I find it's there best. Something Wicked is a great one too. But yes, both Iced Earth and power metal as a whole are dead. Those still making it are jokes. I miss the 80's (not that I was alive) for when it was so powerful.. Maiden.. Helstar.. Pantera's glam/power days.. So many greats. What next? I don't even want to know.

So, only 24 days until I see the Big 4's only U.S. date. I'm starting to get metal ants in my pants.

Yeah, I didn't mind Burnt Offerings. Something Wicked had its moments also.

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So apparently Stu Block form Into Eternity is joining Iced Earth. Should be interesting.

Havent head much of the band but the singer sounds pretty good.

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