Ace Of Spades

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Everything posted by Ace Of Spades

  1. nope just heard a leak the main antagonist of gta 5 is a watermelon and those were his minions...rockstar really meant bold new direction with fighting fruit. hope we partner up with pacman.
  2. it's bin awhile since we've seen one of these. also where do you people find these things.
  3. I predict someone close to one of the protagonists will die it's pretty much a given.
  4. id have a roadtrain online with a trailer full of my crew that would scare the crap out of them chopper basteds.
  5. I'd stay in the jeep to see if they updated the in vehicle health. what i mean by that is as long as you don't land front first your fine like iv when you spawn a car on a building and drive off.
  6. If cabs are used and we can skip to locations they shouldn't charge double it should be like RDR where you have the option sleep the whole way.
  7. It always bugged me in iv where there were opening garages around town like at Pegarino's house. which made me think that after the story you could buy property but that didn't happen. maybe they scrapped it at the last minute.
  8. It would be cool if they had sports events there. How cool would it be to stop a touchdown with a sabre gt.
  9. Yeah the empty apartments reminded me of manhunt. anyone ever notice it said rip claude in the graffiti.
  10. Since the vapid cruiser is being replaced or updated there should be some civilian ones much like the ford p71 interceptors. see here a mod for such vehicle
  11. don't know if this has been covered but the mustang looking car from the g.i. article. never mind already identified as such.
  12. Whatever i do i'l post a video here if it's worthy of being viewed in the forums. As i understand it will be critiqued by an elite group of individuals.
  13. I was playing driver San Francisco and if you go to you tube and check out the shift mechanic i think the character switching on V will will be similar to. I can't wait to switch to Trevor while he's makin spaghetti out ot of a mobsters face.
  14. Must be in regards to the legend of ACEOFSPADES. looks like im playing as Trevor for 90% of the game.
  15. damn still sept 17. id say the next round of screenshots should be comin in aboot 3 weeks.
  16. guessing we will have 2 more rounds of screenshots between now and September, finished off with a trailer at the end of august.
  17. it would be wicked if this sept 17 release date was all an April fools prank and this will be done Monday and the release is next week. it's a ridiculous hypothesis but knowing rockstar you never know.
  18. jezz with a map this big and graphics this good i think my ps3 will explode the first time i play.........worth it.
  19. Noticed that too.. And maybe it's just me but it looks like trevors head and eyes are positioned to be looking in the side mirror (as if one were meant to be there) to look back at the police chasing him. Either way I could care less because I wouldn't even notice in game. No he's just contemplating how many people to kill after he buys milk from the 24/7 down the road.
  20. wow i remember my first post on page 74 we have come so far in 6 months. i want a magnet crane thing like in S.A in the mission were you lift the cars off the boat imagine how fun it would be in multyplayer.
  21. Just by that logical alone you've justified EA Games. haha perfect you made my day swoony.