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Everything posted by BRO_MAN

  1. BRO_MAN

    Hitman Series

    I'm pretty sure I'm at the last level, Blackwater. My usual strategy is to first just go on rampage and try to find all the points of interest and learn the map. Then with a strategy mapped out il go back and try do it as silent as possible. But now I have no clue how im gonna pull this one off.
  2. I did about a week after at gamestop, and still got a poster which is now hanging in my cubicle. When/If special edition hits ill be upgrading.
  3. They implemented mission checkpoints and scores in TBOGT, adn you could go back and replay any mission through your phone. Really hope that comes back, it probably will seeing as there are different ways to do missions now. As for health, I'm really digging Kreuzns idea of packs on single player, and regen on MP
  4. Didn't they say that they're not going to do that this time around as it would get waaay too confusing?
  5. I hope so, I mean it wouldnt be that hard since all the mo-capping is already done and whatnot. Like a mission straight from 'True Lies', horse-motorcycle chase through the streets and buildings of LS. But I doubt it.
  6. While I don't really know if R* has taken any measures to combat this plague, I think the new Crews system will help players get into games with people that are interested in the same style of play as they are. If you go onto the social club site and look at the options to create a new Crew, there a several options you can select to define your style of play. Personally I just like cruising around a fucking with npc's, but if someone fucks with me I make them regret it for the rest of the session. Mainly why I always play non-friendly fire matches.
  7. I'm gonna try my hardest to find a either a Zombie, a Sabre, or a Faction and cruise out to the country, most likely Chiliad or Grapeseed first. Also wanna get my hands on one of the "new" BF-Injection to fling off the side of Chiliad
  8. There were subway stations in SA, and trains are already confirmed so it wouldnt be to much of a longshot to say that we'll see a system. Someone mentioned before that we might see handcuffs in place of rope, which would be pretty decent but would most likely eliminate the vehicle dragging :/
  9. Girlfriend got me some Turtle Beach x12s and an xbox remote, and her mom got me a griddle and a super sweet spice rack. and my mom got me a Star Wars cookbook and paid for me and my buddy to go snowboarding for a weekend up north. pretty dope christmas this year
  10. If they do bring the Police bike back im assuming it will most likely just be a re hash of this. Kinda bullshit that it was only in MP IMO
  11. I've used it maybe 3 times to connect to my xbox. It almost never makes the connection anyways, even when I put my phone right in front of it. I only thought of this because i remembered reading that for some games and movies they were going to make special applications for smartglass to "enhance" the experience.
  12. Lol this was the response I was expecting. It just popped into my head around the 3rd bowl last night
  13. So since Microsoft is going hard on this SmartGlass campaign, and are talking about special features for certain games, can we expect something for GTAV? Since the phone is used in game, a "gta phone" opening in SmartGlass or as a separate app would be pretty useful. They said the phone won't be used as much, and it would take a totally different dev team, but an addition like this would be pretty useful. You'd be able to use your phone at anytime at least. Thoughts?
  14. Im thinking that if you do purchase a car, it spawns in your garage until you pick another one. That way no more just letting it sit there because you dont want to lose it. I admit it does kind of defeat the purpose of the game itself, but it adds to the experience. Fingers crossed on the skis though, goddamnit yes. If we do see snow, im hopeing snowmobiles come along with it as well, becasue we all want to rip down sunset blvd on a sled.
  15. I'm almost positive we'll be able to select certain cars we want to spawn in our garages, but with some sort of unlocking system if you want to get better rides. Customisation could be built the same way, the farther you pregress the more options youre given, but at a steeper price. It was alos mentioned that in some missions you have to have a certain amount of money to proceed. Still bummed about no property though, I was really looking forward to owning everything possible like Fable III.
  16. why? great car great movie, love driving around in a muscle car just playing with the cops in GTA. if you want to post useless comments about my age go to youtube and so what if I'm drunk I'm enjoying myself sorry for the confusion, we posted at the same time. that was directed at fanman, who I am quite sure is not a man. Muscles are my absolute favorite too, the Sabre has always been my choice since VC.
  17. It most likely will return as a military base has already been confirmed.
  18. I have a feeling were gonna be seeing several heist type missions. And each of these guys is gonna have a certain skill that they excel at. Jizz in mah pants!!!!
  19. This dude just has a look about him where hes gonna be our comedic relief. Not that we need it, but you know what I mean. LIke Yusef Amir type antics, but to fuck with the govt.