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Everything posted by gtagrl

  1. Also, female assassin MC in ACIII: Liberations on Vita. New Orleans. Super fucking cool, if I had a Vita.
  2. You really won't regret it. In fact, you'll appreciate the show even more. Does HBO show any behind-the-scenes footage or making-of vignettes? The special features that stood out for me on the rented discs included Jason Momoa and others in a segment talking about the creation of the Dothraki language, and learning to speak it. They also had a segment about the title sequence, which in my humble opinion is breathtaking.
  3. Great price, except I already have one.
  4. Agreed, if you like the show and haven't read the books yet, it's absolutely worth your time. It was SOOO difficult not to let anything slip by accident, but I've been an angel about not mentioning a single spoiler to my man when we rented season one - he hasn't read the books, and probably won't. It's almost strange going back to the start of the story, when the characters' journeys have progressed so far past what's aired to date on the series.
  5. That's hilarious. We should get the deathmatches going again...then go blow people up.
  6. I am curious...has anyone been inspired to read the books after watching the show?
  7. Driving a stolen taxi just slowly enough that the driver chases you, but just fast enough that he can't quite catch up. Usually ends with the driver getting dragged along, ragdolling with one hand on the driver's door handle.
  8. They paid homage to Hooters in IV with the strip club Honkers, in name anyway. Clothing store names can be hilarious too.
  9. So, articles with unconfirmed rumours about the next GTA game are nothing new. I did chuckle at the author's name: Kaiser Hwang.
  10. I made a point of trying the local rum when I went there.
  11. Was your mother the Chicken Lady?
  12. It would help if you provided some source material so we can take a look and have a read before we decide what we think. Why, are you too lazy to use google? Apparently you are too lazy to post a proper topic.
  13. I accidentally triggered pedestrian riots playing III and haven't used a cheat since. I kind of forget they are there, should probably try them for fun on my free roam/trophy hunter file.
  14. gtagrl

    Uncharted Series

    The Vita is the first handheld I've seen that looks intriguing enough to consider buying...I handled one briefly at the gaming store (don't worry, selpy, I washed my hands promptly afterwards)...tried the tennis demo and Uncharted was on there too. I doubt I'll get at Vita, but wouldn't be surprised if the touch functionality is integrated into next-gen controllers. I'm being a trophy whore on this one, currently playing through on Crushing on my way to 100%. The only other game I've gotten platinum on was AC Brotherhood, fortunately this UC3 doesn't have so many multiplayer trophies.
  15. PS3. I've never played a GTA game on PC or XBox, only on Playstations.
  16. Love the heli tours, good way to take a break and just soak up the game design. I hope you can earn an unlockable fireproof ability. It's awesome getting 6 stars while wreaking havoc with molotovs.
  17. For you, Massacre, I'll even make sure they have naturally red hair in those beribboned pigtails. Just give them back in one piece this time, okay?
  18. The 'gta-' half is a play on words, since at the time I picked the name I was living in Toronto (known as the GTA)...and played Grand Theft Auto games exclusively for the first few years after getting my PS2. The '-grl' half is accurate, as well as symmetrical and alliterative to the first half. Plus it sounds more butch than 'girl'; I'm not really a Hello Kitty pink ribbons and pigtails kind of grl.
  19. There is an achievement for this in Assassin's Creed Revelations. Also one for poisoning ten guards at a time - aptly called "Mosh Pit". I've enjoyed replaying the missions too. I keep 50%ing most missions the first time because I fuck up something simple instead of using a well placed bomb, or couple of bombs. Cherry bomb followed by a Splinter Bomb can clear a room of 5-10 enemies. "Mosh Pit" was fun to get, luring enough guards in one area first, then dumping poison bombs or darts at them.
  20. Only a few months ago, surprisingly. But glad I found it. Edit: I found the site after the first trailer came out, and lurked for a while before signing up a few months ago.
  21. I have a PS2 and PS3, plus older PC games like Diablo and the Myst series, and a tablet. That made me lol, when I think about the history - the Commodore 64 at home, playing Leisure Suit Larry at my cousin's, hours and so many quarters at the arcade, playing NES at friends' house, swiping my nephew's Gameboy, hours of Sega at an old boyfriend's - I've been playing video games all my life in one form or another.