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Everything posted by gtagrl

  1. A confidentiality clause doesn't end when someone is sacked. Keep this up and you'll be put on the shitlist, deleted or banned too. Demo at E3, as if.
  2. Sounds like fun. I can't wait to blow one of you up while you're in a helicopter.
  3. That's Marney, he just thinks I'm yummy. You just lie down and nap for a while, you'll feel better after a rest.
  4. Hm. It looked fine when I previewed it, and when I posted it, now the image is gone. This was my first attempt at sharing a pic. I'll check settings tonight and try again. Fail.
  5. In the spring, when the flooding rivers recede, you can find fiddleheads to eat. Edited to different photo source.
  6. Here's a link to save time searching page 8. Marney, king of linking, thank you. snoe, I don't remember asking, but thanks for sharing, I guess?
  7. Put me down as a maybe. Vicey's been talking about RPGs, and motorcycles, and sawn-offs, and Morse code with horns. I can't wait to see what he picks.
  8. Vicey, it's too bad you don't have a laptop. We're stuck trying to communicate in game using car horns and jumping. My avatar can only say, "Hey.", "Hey there.", and "Stick it up your ass, Einstein." Next Monday might not work for me, depends how work goes this weekend.
  9. That's why we chat here, it's much easier than that ^ ridiculousness.
  10. Vicey, neither of us has a headset either, we stayed in contact through the chat room. Motorbikes with sawn-offs sounds great too.
  11. Agreed. Marney and I were contemplating TBoGT for the next one, so we can use parachutes. Where were you last night as far as chat goes? would have been nice to be able to talk to you. Next time for the free roam, we should gang up on those bastards.
  12. I still wish you'd gotten a shot of you, me and Vicey standing by our cars on the stunt jump ramp beside the revolving oversized spray paint can. That was a total photo op moment.
  13. If I could pick just one thing, it would be Rico's grappling hook from Just Cause 2. I know it doesn't work in a GTA urban context, but it would be damn convenient sometimes.
  14. I find it boring with auto aim off, too long and drawn out. I just want to get in there, two shots to the head, kill someone, get killed myself and repeat. Kill and repeat to infinity is exactly why I don't like having auto-aim on, although I guess you rack up stats that way. Every so often we'd just hear a huge BOOM, and then it would pop up: Vicey died. (Vicey shocked and awed himself?)
  15. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gtagrl. You suck better than a Dyson! You ball better than a Dyson.
  16. Marney, at least you got the car in the shot while you were playing "G.I. Joe has a job for Barbie" with our avatars.
  17. I know, I kept using Assassin's Creed moves and they weren't quite right!! It was fun.
  18. You owned it, Marney. And TreeFitty is one dangerous mother. I think Vicey was expermenting with different ways to die.
  19. Love the huge size and variety of the Just Cause 2 map. The grappling hook & parachute combo method of travel is hypnotic, I used it as often as helicopters, my favourite way to get around. Now that's a sandbox.