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Everything posted by gtagrl

  1. Thanks Mercy, thanks Dup, and everyone for your kind words. I didn't mean to derail the topic with sadness, and I sincerely appreciate your sympathy.
  2. Thanks, Massacre. That cat kept me warm, made me laugh, talked to me incessantly every time I was puttering in the kitchen, had the loudest purr ever, was great ubiquitous company and a source of comfort in my darkest times. I will miss him forever, and my heart is slightly broken at the moment.
  3. Thanks, Marn - we are definitely mourning the loss of a family member. My house is way too quiet. I'll be more in the mood for RPGs in a couple of weeks. Have fun tonight guys!
  4. Hey you guys, we had to put down my very sick 13-year-old cat this past weekend. I'm not feeling up to a deathmatch tonight, please excuse me from this round. Please do add me to the next one, though.
  5. Dealing with Rogers customer service has shortened my lifespan. And I'm getting bent over a barrel every month as far as prices go. But my only other option is Bell Aliant, which would be slower, and I live in too rural an area so fibreop is not an option.
  6. beatnicpie mentioned News Radio - was watching a rerun earlier, classic line from Stephen Root's character: "I've got so many lawyers lined up to talk to me, you'd think I was leaking tobacco from my breast implants." Great ensemble comedy for its time. Also starred Dave Foley, one of The Kids in the Hall, which I've mentioned elsewhere, hilarious stuff. Bugs Bunny still makes me laugh right out loud.
  7. I'm going to watch cuda go to town on Bale this Friday.
  8. Litter boxes don't stink if you clean them regularly. Otherwise, it's like not flushing the toilet.
  9. In IV, I'd hop a cab, request my current fave radio station, set the camera to panoramic, and let the cabbie do the driving as a way to see the city while rolling my next spliff.
  10. If they put in another pool table inside a safe house like in Playboy X's pad, I'd better be able to play it, with or without a friend.
  11. LOVE the idea of portable safehouses. It would be great to have a car modding option built into the dream mansion garage with lots of parking.
  12. Okay, it was worth bumping this topic just for "calendar gay". Here are a couple of shots from the free roam after the July 9 GTA IV deathmatch...we landed in a weird, terrible ramp mod at the airport:
  13. Sorry about the delay at the start, boys - got an error message about not connecting properly. As soon as I logged off and on again, it was fine. It was fun getting slaughtered by you all. At least I got the final race when everyone was distracted by RPGs. bOnEs, seeing you running around in underwear and heels made me
  14. Massacre, there's no reason you couldn't go back to the store before Monday night. Did you spend the whole way home feeling like you'd forgotten something?
  15. Marvel, not Marval (in the tags.) I'll post more once I see the movie.