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Everything posted by JamieMilne

  1. yeah im very untrained, i googled all three and the screen shots all look the same type of gameplay just with better graphics lol. that is why im best staying away from these type of games lol too confusing for me
  2. about 4 or 5 years ago my mate showed me a game called - conquer, and runescape, i have no idea how to play either of them, but i thought they looked like world of warcraft
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHuaE9wYobw&feature=player_embedded fake, but still want to play whatever this is.
  4. JamieMilne

    GTA 3

    Apparently its up for release this week again in the US at least, hope it comes out in UK too. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/09/24/seriously-this-time-grand-theft-auto-iii-psn-bound-this-week
  5. read somewhere the projections for end of this fiscal year (march 2013). isn't as high as it would be if they had gta v figures mixed in.
  6. I want it to be march! but just don't have hope. It probably will be may. I just hope for once when the announce a date they stick to it,
  7. I don't know how to spot framerates, so if there is problems then I'm not bothered as I wont notice anyway lol
  8. ign review theatre for the truck ambush trailer, commented and said a bridge at the beginning of that trailer suggests the city is Pittsburgh, and another sign for a highway that runs through Pittsburgh could be seen
  9. definitely. I haven't been keeping up with every bit of info but is there zombies in the game ? my mate keeps going on about zombies, and any video I've seen of it doesn't show zombies lol.
  10. even rockstar don't make anything this dynamic and organic
  11. Film Production company called 'SilkDogFilms' making a fan made Red Dead Redemption short film, to premier in October. The short film will be based on the mission - 'The Hanging of Bonnie Mcfarlane'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2gHQAmvR38&feature=plcp
  12. don't worry about it, first time i've attempted to host aswell
  13. yeah i afk'd cause i was getting constantly messages on my phone saying Michael Clarke Duncan had died, i did come back and blew a number of your faces off though.. that last race, was pretty sloowww
  14. not a fan of cannonball or free race, prefer just straight driving instead of running around aswell lol
  15. yeah i'm glad Craig Ferguson showed him a bit of my city before he died.
  16. kinda distracted at the beginning by the news of michael clarke duncan passing
  17. i've got the lobby hosted, but dup invited me, so should we join and see if it works
  18. maybe, right its just us three again, wheres that other person who was on 15mins ago ?
  19. ok 2mins i'll invite yous in, people i dont have on psn, the ones i do invite others haha if that makes sense