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Everything posted by JamieMilne

  1. that would be pretty cool, sort of like how the bandana worked in red dead, they could do it with gas masks, ballaclava's etc. lol
  2. i want gta to stay the same as its always been at its core gameplay. single player. keep co-op for the online section of the game. i'd be disappointed if it moved entirely to a co op game,
  3. and dup comes in and sums it all up pretty well, my wallpaper also lol
  4. i don't see any resemblance to previous gta 3 era artworks lol.
  5. someone should a comparison of all the different gta artworks, cause i think this looks just like gta iv's except much brighter and not so dull
  6. I have to disagree... Have you seen a recent gameinformer cover? None of them are cartoony like this one besides thier South park cover story. but hey you might be right. Only Rockstar and game Informer know.... But its not a store you can go in, right? it isn't GI that draw the characters again for their cover, as far as i was aware anyway. they'll be given images from rockstar to use for the cover. so the cover varies depending on every game's art style..
  7. the artist - https://twitter.com/roxination apparently.
  8. i prefer the new gasmasks, the trailer ones look flimsy ll
  9. comparison of the trailer and the new artwork shows, slight changes to their masks.
  10. i thought the guy in the middle would be half on the front cover and half on the back. i doubt this will be the cover, cause GI do their own cover reveal and it would be shit for them if this was their cover just without the GI brand graphics etc lol
  11. yeah prob is the cover, or even just the main guy at the front. for their front page
  12. lol did you misspell something ? .. I was just pretending to be like those people on youtube videos or news articles that go *first* haha
  13. lol *first* yeah looks cool, looking forward to more info in november
  14. and a link for bigger - http://media.rocksta...ol_1280x720.jpg TF edit: How about the giant version: http://www.igta5.com...est-control.jpg
  15. yes that's what I mean. I'd rather play a rockstar created fictional story, rather than a game based on a film that I'm not to bothered or interested in lol.
  16. ahh right, I know I'll buy anything Rockstar make but I don't think we need another warriors game.
  17. yeah i like that idea of crew clothing customization. constant free roam gang warfare, battling for each different area.
  18. surely some of those are trolls, or random's i didn't think there was 300 active members on here, theres usually like 10 of us at most in a multiplayer game. might i suggest a little spring cleaning of the crew nearer gta v's release, so people who want on the crew can join lol. I wouldn't say rockstar's weak point is multiplayer, I enjoyed, GTA IV's and Red Dead's. Just something about Max Payne's multiplayer is off for me.
  19. make it easier to join, i still have no idea if im part of the igta crew on max payne, psy tried adding me, i tried requesting to join. so who knows.
  20. pointless and doesn't affect the game in anyway but red dead redemption, l.a noire, and max payne 3 all had a "press start" screen, so do you want one in gta v or do you want the classic straight loading experience of gta.