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Everything posted by Ginginho

  1. Ginginho

    XBOX One

    I love my 360 but all this peripheral shit might send me back to Sony, even though my PS3 is the only console I have ever had issues with
  2. Ginginho


    I could only play this sort of game if I was unemployed - seriously considering making myself unemployed
  3. Ginginho

    XBOX One

    I think I will stick with the current generation until at least 6 months after they launch - by then I am sure there will be definitive reasons for buying either and as a noob, I am not relying on marketing propaganda to make my choice
  4. Indy, you remind me of Ray Romano but more ethnic, handsome and you are probably funnier than him
  5. Maybe something from the mining days - old mine shaft that has an undiscovered payload or used as a stash point for a rival criminal group - although most of the gold rush was in the northern areas of Cali there are mines like Castle Mountain, Rand or Briggs that may fit the wider Los Santos landscape. A large pit mine would be an awesome stunting arena
  6. Could easily see a new GTA:SA Bigfoot myth created for V's underwater world - maybe a giant squid, megalodon or Nessie...
  7. I'm betting on a Reservoir Dogs ending.....
  8. You would have got it wrong though - now if you had called dogshit....
  9. If Los Santos is an island map, will we get to "drown in Arizona Bay" like predicted in the Tool song Aenema?? I want that song in there....
  10. Late to the party on this game but it is fucking awesome, even for the casuals!! Finally a game with characters who have the same accent as me (The Rakyat have Maori/ NZ accents) If only it were 3rd person though..... There are so many "OMFG" moments.... Has anyone tried Blood Dragon?? That looks like a game to play while tripping.....
  11. Isn't that just part of the "Prepare the Children" section?
  12. I just hope I don't have to Circle Airstrip and Land...
  13. Oil tanker on the other hand...... add C-4 and set it full steam at the pier.
  14. Take it from an old man - those crappy pop songs you hate now will become wonderfully nostalgic, karaoke tracks 20 years from now....
  15. I actually worked with someone who false reported a sexual assault for attention seeking purposes. She went to the extent of smashing herself in the face with a hairspray can to give herself the appropriate bruises. But something else happened that day which drew attention away from her and she got all depressed. Cops found out she was bullshitting and gave her hell. She got fired and I never saw her again even though I was expecting her to burst into the office one day with a shotgun..... She was a psychopathic liar and just down right awful person.
  16. Good news for us Liverpool fans!! It looks like it will be David Moyes to replace him.- good luck with that hahaha
  17. Jenna Jamesons autobiography - she gives good blowjob tips....
  18. If there is a military base, then there will be a massive heist to steal (top secret, experimental??) weapons I reckon.
  19. After playing Far Cry 3 for a while, I wouldn't mind hang gliding too - wide array of kill options using that
  20. I could imagine a lawsuit working if the game turned out a lot different than the demo - that is, the demo would be an act of misrepresentation but I can't see it working over reviews, which are essentially opinion.
  21. I hope we have a spear gun of some kind. Because I would hate to have to fight a Great White Shark with just a knife. Upgraded with explosive tips....
  22. There will almost definitely be a Triathlon ( Run/ Swim/ Bike Race ). Pretty sure they confirmed that in the first IGN preview - but then they also said they weren't having property purchases
  23. I think one of the first things I might try is jumping out of a plane with no parachute, then switching to another character for a minute or 2 then switch back and see what happens...... Also, I hope that there isn't too much to do in the water - I can't swim!!! In that panoramic screenshot with the small plane flying over the beach, I am sure I can see a cruise ship in the background - hope you can jack that shit...