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It could be worse, they could've claimed your beloved Dukes would make a return.

Honestly though it all seems fishy, why did the excerpt announce seven new vehicles but only mention five? And based on all the different sources to this rumor, this update was posted on either or the newswire and in a different language depending on who's presenting it.

I really do hope I'm wrong though because the 6x6 Dubsta sounds awesome!

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well the original named panto micro car gives me some hope, and the wording looks rockstarish. Also Panto isn't a made up word, the definition is: "the art of conveying emotions,actions,and thoughts by gestures without speech" sounds like hipsters to me.

Edit: if this is legit, i think think the Sandking will shit a brick! Here's an idea of what a 6 wheel Dubsta will be


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Looks like someone tried and failed to combine a Rebel and a Dubsta.

Failed? I've personally been on several hunting trips on the back of a 6x6 G wagon and it was awesome! It's a bedouin limousine and the greatest desert mode of desert travel since the domestication of the camel!

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well the original named panto micro car gives me some hope, and the wording looks rockstarish. Also Panto isn't a made up word, the definition is: "the art of conveying emotions,actions,and thoughts by gestures without speech" sounds like hipsters to me.

Edit: if this is legit, i think think the Sandking will shit a brick! Here's an idea of what a 6 wheel Dubsta will be


Yeah... I'm gonna need one of those.

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Yeah huh... I also heard somewhere that the blade and Glendale are coming back? If so, this is going to be awesome. 7 new cars sounds pretty great to me, and the rest is all extras. I still wish they added some of the themed clothing to Story Mode too, because the clothing options are a little lacking...

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I was playing SA the other day and realized how much I loved having hydraulics on almost any car.

I want that.

And nitro.

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Im pretty exited for both the blade and the Glendale, and who knows what others it could bring (if it were true) . I personally would love to see bullet proof glass at some point. the different tiers could protect for a certain number of shots, or a up to a certain weapon type.

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Weird that there's no news of this at all, or any hype leading up to it... (apart from the leak)

Anyway, No lies. Pics i took:













Dubsta 6x6


There's also new metal gold paint jobs,

Jazz horns,

Solid black window tint,

Rusty hoods!

Now going online to see what clothes there are.

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i thought the glendale and blade would look nicer, like the san andreas version, but it looks like shit. maybe a visit to lsc will makeit lok somewhat decent. the best is either the pigalle or the warrener. and i like the solid black windows insted of tanned black.

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