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I am Ginginho - noob as fuck.

I grew up in arcades in the very early days of video gaming - think Space Invaders, Pac man, shit like that.... Moved to PC gaming (briefly cos I know shit about computers) and then to consoles. Only really played football games until I met Tommy Vercetti - now I only play R* games......

San Andreas is still my favourite, mainly because I ended up in hospital not long after I got it and spent 2 weeks self administering morphine and playing GTA - half of that time trying to Circle the Airstrip and Land (you do it while bats are attacking your plane!!!)

I love this site and have followed it from the earlier GTA:SA and GTAIV ones. The humour and banter on here is awesome and there are some "special" posters - can't wait for my anal introduction - who's the lucky guy?? The one thing missing was a ginger presence so here I am - freckled and soulless


Awesome DP, Watched pride shockwave? 2004 a few days after it happened when I got it off torrents, lolled when he pulled out the butt drop

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I am Ginginho - noob as fuck.

I grew up in arcades in the very early days of video gaming - think Space Invaders, Pac man, shit like that.... Moved to PC gaming (briefly cos I know shit about computers) and then to consoles. Only really played football games until I met Tommy Vercetti - now I only play R* games......

San Andreas is still my favourite, mainly because I ended up in hospital not long after I got it and spent 2 weeks self administering morphine and playing GTA - half of that time trying to Circle the Airstrip and Land (you do it while bats are attacking your plane!!!)

I love this site and have followed it from the earlier GTA:SA and GTAIV ones. The humour and banter on here is awesome and there are some "special" posters - can't wait for my anal introduction - who's the lucky guy?? The one thing missing was a ginger presence so here I am - freckled and soulless


Awesome DP, Watched pride shockwave? 2004 a few days after it happened when I got it off torrents, lolled when he pulled out the butt drop

Cheers mate

I don't know about awesome - I haven't even been penetrated once yet, let alone a double... oh hang on, I think I get it now. Ah thanks...

I really miss the Pride events!!!

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Sup everyone, name is Jack Meoff just kidding it's Jay :french:

I was a daily reader of back when the game was announced and I think I even registered an account on the forum but I don't remember what name or email I used lol. Found out about this site from there and went to register an account when I realised I already had one from last year so yeah thats how I got here.

I'm 21 and a freelance programmer from london apart from that ain't much to tell lol (Y)

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I like your selection of eyewear

Thanks, fuck Massy...

Hi everyone, my name is [redacted] and I'm a senior engineer for the biggest media company in the world. Hail Satan.

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Hello everyone!!!

my name is Alexander.I'm newbie here.I'm 25 years old.I love playing games.I just found this forum at google.I seen some interesting threads and posts so I thought I would sign up.

I would be happy after entering this wonderful forum which might be nice and interesting ideas from lovely people here.I hope that there will be great fun here.

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