
New Members Introduce Yourself

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This was a popular topic on previous forums we've run, and seeing as everyone is technically a new member now, I expect to see many introductions for members.

Let us know who you are, where you're from and why you're here, plus anything else you feel like sharing.

I'm Psy and I created I'm from Newcastle in the United Kingdom and I'm a huge Liverpool FC fan and travel down to Anfield for every home game. I love programming, and I'm pretty good with everything from PHP and XHTML to ActionScript, C# and jQuery. I'm a gamer too, obviously, although I haven't played anything lately because I've been busy finishing my degree at university where I'm on course to come out with a first class honours degree for Web Design & Development at Northumbria University.

I'm on Facebook and Twitter, PSN (Psycopsy) and XBox Live (Psyware) if you feel the need to add me.

Hope you enjoy the site! cool.gif

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Guest Marney1

I'm Marney1 Webmaster at but this is my original internet home. I'm still Marney from the block!

Like Psy, I'm a Liverpool FC fan, Iron Maiden fan, Rockstar Games fan and a black belt in Origami. biggrin.gif

You can follow me on Twitter either @RockstarSpy or @RockstarMarney (Rockstar Games, Take-Two Interactive & Team Bondi do - so should you!)

PSN: Marney-1

Edited by Marney-1
Updated 18/08/12
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I'm Massacre, the Warlord of the Wastes. If you're visiting a website that has AIDS, I'm the syringe it came from. If you're visiting a website that's had an abortion, I was the father, and yes, the abortion was my idea. If you're visiting a website that has kind and caring members who treat everyone equally and don't allow profanity or other unsavory activities, then send me a link, I need to go fuck that place up.

No Twitter, no Facebook. I got nothing to say to you outside of the forums.

Also, if you still have emotions, stay out of my Asylum, it's not safe for you in there.

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Im Sheep (or Mark, whichever)

From Newcastle UK same as Psy, but i dont support Liverpool, NEwcastle all the way of course! I dont do anything fancy, i work for HP (not the sauce) fixing the computers of users of a certain government body.

Obviously a big GTA fan, currently playing through BOGT, any issue with the site / forum give me a shout i'll try my best to help you out

Over and out ;)

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Hi, I'm Edgecrusher. Have been a member on Psy's sites since 2004 and a general member my whole life. I live in Wisbech, UK but am from Glasgow, Scotland. I am a single father to three girls who are 4, 3 and 2 years old, so I don't have a job or much of a life, lol. So yeah... expect to see alot of me.

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Hello, I'm Qdeathstar and I'd like to introduce myself by saying that "My Penis, Your Ass, Let's Go" is not just a mindless slogan carelessly thrown about, but is in fact a way of life. Now that that's out of the way, let me discuss a few of the things that I hate. For one, i hate the fact that there is a swiggly line under my name like I'm to stupid to spell it. I know how to spell my name, its not wrong. The internet is. Secondly, i hate ass guzzlers. See Asylum. Finally, Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace are for QDs and attention whores. Post naked pictures of yourself there though, and i might take a look.

I've been a member since 2004, a moderator, an admin, and even a banned member. I'm also responsible for the start up site Me and a few other members are working to start a porn studio for the Igta family of sites, so if you want to become an backdoor actor or mattress actress contact us and we'll see if we cant find someone to fill your position.

One last detail, unlike other members here who want nothing to do with you, if your lonely and need a friend I know someone who could be your own personal Jesus!. Seriously. Also, i know all the internet lingo that means you can trust me.

I also enjoy walls of text.

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I'm Dunpeal! Been doing this since 2003! I'm from Atlanta, GA! I'm a freelance graphic designer and I've done various graphics and designs for many of Psy's sites! Chiaki Kuriyama is my wife! Peace out bitches! :)

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Wow, and all this time i thought Asian chicks was just an internet thing for you. You've actually married one with a name that is hard to pronounce. What is her easy to say name?

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Wow, and all this time i thought Asian chicks was just an internet thing for you. You've actually married one with a name that is hard to pronounce. What is her easy to say name?

I'm not married to her...I wish, but seriously I dated this one asian girl once, but didn't work out :( my gf is actually my avatar :)

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Well, either way it's not fair that you get all the hot ones.

Hey some people have it and some don't B)

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I'm also responsible for the start up site Me and a few other members are working to start a porn studio for the Igta family of sites, so if you want to become an backdoor actor or mattress actress contact us and we'll see if we cant someone to fill your position.

* Sponsored in part by Warlord Industries.

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You remember that dude from 2004 who would ban you because you put swastikas in your signature? Well, that wasn't me. I am however the insanely cryptic man-thing you know as Pyrocy or, in some European markets, PyroHazard. In 1987, a meteor crash landed 32 miles from Mesa, Arizona. Inside it was a slug-like creature that fed on various wildlife and nearby neighborhood infants. Wait, that wasn't me either...

In all seriousness, I was #2 on past Psymon-created sites and was responsible for the aesthetics which may or may not be offensive to you. *Dashes back into the shadows, never to be seen again*

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That guy above me...that's not me, remember I just have one account, he's the one that copies me :P

Don't listen to this guy. He is me. I am his Tyler Durden to his Edward Norton.

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I'm Nicola, Psy's sister and I only registered to beg your for your money... Please?

I got her to test something for me, so I said she could spam her charity link. Feel free to donate. Although everyone on here has no money anyway, so... unlucky!

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I'm Nicola, Psy's sister and I only registered to beg your for your money... Please?

I got her to test something for me, so I said she could spam her charity link. Feel free to donate. Although everyone on here has no money anyway, so... unlucky!

But if you don't donate you'll be thrown off the forums... So your choice really.

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I'm Nicola, Psy's sister and I only registered to beg your for your money... Please?

Is this the same thing you were spamming us about last year?

I don't remember spamming anything last year but it wasn't this as I only went to Kenya at the start of this month.

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I'm Nicola, Psy's sister and I only registered to beg your for your money... Please?

Is this the same thing you were spamming us about last year?

I don't remember spamming anything last year but it wasn't this as I only went to Kenya at the start of this month.

Maybe it was a contest, something where we had to vote for you. I remember I voted. What became of that?

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I'm Nicola, Psy's sister and I only registered to beg your for your money... Please?

Is this the same thing you were spamming us about last year?

I don't remember spamming anything last year but it wasn't this as I only went to Kenya at the start of this month.

Maybe it was a contest, something where we had to vote for you. I remember I voted. What became of that?

Oh yeah that Miss Student UK thing... I came second out of Newcastle and was put through to the final in London but then the company went bust and it never happened.

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I'm Nicola, Psy's sister and I only registered to beg your for your money... Please?

I got her to test something for me, so I said she could spam her charity link. Feel free to donate. Although everyone on here has no money anyway, so... unlucky!

But if you don't donate you'll be thrown off the forums... So your choice really.

i'll donate if i get some boob shots of you... otherwise no boobs, no money...

i'm bones by the way... the resident village idiot from i really don't feel like typing out a long and drawn out bio of how much i rule and who i rule over so, i'll just say this, "bananas!!"...

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Guest Marney1

I remember someone advertising their car for sale last year (or the year before?) - Psy get a grip, what is this, Ebay?

@Nixxy I don't give to ANY charity so don't take offence that I don't give to yours, sorry.

Edit: iGTA/ebay topic by Psy - My sister is selling her car

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