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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. I'm hoping for early 2013, but that seems less and less plausible. At least they'll have time to fine-tune it.
  2. You do know Anti honky Machine is a song by Public Enemy, right? I listen to rap too. Matter of fact it's the genre I grew up listening to primarily. Also, show me where I said I hated SA, it's one of my favourite games ever, but I know when to let go of it unlike the little CJ fanboys who pray every night that he's in GTA V. My problem is not with SA, it is with those people. On the side here, how popular is rap in Blighty? Do you hear it from car stereos or the windows of flats frequently?
  3. Well, if it's a bird it moves pretty quick between Golf Guy's impact on the ball and his follow through (where the club is at his shoulder).
  4. But...But...It's all, "Hwai deed ai moof hear?"... Sounds like "Batchez? Hwee don' need to show you no stenkem batchez?" Maybe I'm just insane. That's more than likely. And Cesar Vialpando was actually Speedy Gonzalez in disguise. Ho, ho...I do believe he has that accent. Listen at the beginning. CAREFULLY. But now that I watch it again, it's only at the beginning. What the fuck. My ears are broken.
  5. Listen to the voice in the trailer. "Why did I move here?" He's Hispanic/Latino. Ah gare-hone-tee it.
  6. Moar homeless. They are animals, right? I want their crazy-ass, irrelevant dialogue to return.
  7. I hope won't be like that the one sounds like la noire so no and just want a dlc with More advanced/modern weapons and cars not one set in the 20s that would be dumb .
  8. I thought of all people, you would notice it. I imagine you'd hear that accent a lot in NYC. Ah, well. It's probably just me.
  9. Listen to the voice in the trailer. Especially @ "Why did I move here?" Sounds Hispanic/Latino. Sounds nothing like what I would expect Suit Guy/Ned Luke to sound like. Kinda like Antonio Banderas, actually. So I'm pretty sure that Truck Jump Guy is the protag, not Balcony/Suit Guy.
  10. I thought Pontiac went out of bid-nazz? EDIT: Oh. Then LAPD is using an outdated vehicle. Shame on them.
  11. I was absolutely heartbroken when there was no busker-centric DLC. Obviously you're not a golfer.
  12. Looks like that "Morgan August" bullshit wasn't bullshit.
  13. Holy fucking ass-crackers. Those look like gen-ya-wine photographs.
  14. Hello, I have a question about transferring licenses for content on Xbox Live. If I were to receive the license for a DLC (namely BF3 Premium), would the donating party still keep the content? (Cock-knockin' EA charging fitty dollas...) Much obliged, GunSmith117
  15. From what I think I was able to successfully decipher, I like your ideas. I think.
  16. How do you sleep, between air traffic from Liberty, LaGuardia, and JFK? Jesus, I'd go nuts. Yeah, "Chemtrails" is far too narrow a subject. Change the title, please.
  17. Contrails are shorter and therefore dissipate. As I saw no plane that could be leaving that trail, I figured it wasn't a contrail because Mr. Plane was long gone, and Mr. Trail should have dissipated if he was a contrail. I'm psyched for Mr. Plane and company to return either way.
  18. Maybe, if it could render that many people they might have to dumb down the game just to get it to run on the Xbox 360/PS3, unlike the PC version. Yup. Just take down the draw distance. But I don't want to sacrifice that just so I could deal with more cock-knockers.
  19. Yup. You could steal any item in a store. Clothes, ammo, whatever.
  20. Is propagating fire part of the physics engine? I want that back. If they are bringing back the countryside, I really wanna start a forest fire. Bad. Shoplifting like in Mafia II would be interesting.
  21. I'm sorry, what? Something about private airports and toys? Personally, I'm especially looking forward to the air rafts. I mean, a raft in the sky? I'm PSYCHED.
  22. I want propagating fire to come back. It'd be nice to trap people in burning buildings in multiplayer. I'd also like to project online voice chat through vehicle loudspeakers like the police in IV do. "Will you come the hell back?" "Don't make me chase you, asshole!" Oh, and thanks for spoiling Training Day, BlackSox9.