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Everything posted by TreeFitty

  1. In the process. Along with other issues that came up recently.
  2. And thanks to a random YT video recommendation, it was Aaron Eckhart that I was thinking of. Chin is a little different but face-wise he's basically the same. edit: threw this together... Aaron Eckhart vs Arthur Morgan
  3. Personally I think her lines in the trailer aren't being directed at Arthur or Marston. I bet it's from a cutscene involving someone else entirely. Maybe a character we haven't seen yet. Trailers for games/movies/tv/etc like throwing in random things like that to get people speculating about it and kind of throw us off.
  4. I had to go back and look at her. They are similar but I don't think that's Abigail. She is dressed a little too decent to be a prostitute (lack of cleavage, mainly ). Also if it was Abigail, I would think the previews would have mentioned her. I think it was the IGN article (or the only english one) that pointed out a lot of the gang members and what their basic story is. No mention of Abigail.
  5. I wouldn't go that far but I'm sure there will be an easter egg of some sort for that. RE: map size... A smaller map also means more disc space for other things such as the interactions with NPCs, environment details, etc. A benefit to RDR is that there is a lot less going on at any given time so they can add more stuff. GTA has a million things that can happen between every pedestrian, the vehicles they are driving, props, etc. RDR has like 10 people around you tops, a couple horses, a few wild animals, and some lanterns. I'm fine with the map we've seen as long as it means more details getting packed into the game.
  6. I think I got everyone that seems important: Dutch's gang is pretty damn big. I'm sure more people will be introduced as we get closer to release. ....................................^this chick might not be in the gang itself but I'm putting her here for now. And I just found this interesting piece of info from Redemption: Says there was a large gunfight in Blackwater in 1899. The third trailer stated 1899. Landon Rickettes was at the massacre and the only surviving law person. Then he moved to Mexico. Hmmm....
  7. Kind of difficult when it happens all the time. We all know how the gaming media hypes stuff up. Partly to get attention for themselves and partly because the developer wants it. Sometimes the previews exaggerate things to make them sound more awesome than they really are but I think that's the developer leading them on about the game since the media isn't getting an in-depth preview they are just going by what the developer says. For Max Payne 3's multiplayer Rockstar was hyping how the series of game modes you play follow a "story" that depends on x-y-z factors blah blah blah. To me it just seemed random. Maybe they had some algorithm that decided what game mode to go to next but it wasn't anything special. I don't think anyone cared or even noticed. They were just hyping something small.
  8. Facebook and Instagram had more aswell. Their instagram didn't have full resolution, though. Hopefully they release all the "exclusive" screenshots from the previews in high-res too. The asian site wasn't even close. I found most of the exclusive screenshots in full res with no watermarks and managed to get the watermark off a few but there are still a bunch I couldn't find. I keep searching google to see if anyone managed to get them.
  9. The fun is kind of taken out of it when we know what the map looks like, though. GTAV we had nothing and we were laying out streets and lining up landmarks to get an idea of what the map looked like. 50 screencaps for anyone that cares:
  10. Since no one posted it... "Here are 13 all new screenshots from Red Dead Redemption 2 - featuring Arthur Morgan, Dutch, John and the rest of the Van der Linde gang. You can also find additional exclusive screens across this week’s first look previews with a few more to come this weekend at the official Rockstar Twitter, Instagram and Facebook channels. Stay tuned for more Red Dead Redemption 2 info next month including first details about the game’s special editions and more."
  11. Because $$$/favors... ... and then we'd see what Rockstar doesn't want the press to tell us (or they'd cut the video to pieces to hide the glitches and half-assed stuff in the game build meant soley for the preview).
  12. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They were in the other topic. I saw this one first.
  13. Yes it should. *waves magic wand* Telegraph UK article
  14. Online will feature battle royale (a la Fortnite), Revive and Survive (deathmatch where you can revive teammates) and Money Grab (capture) Plausable. Online - Frequent rewards will be handed out to players for completing certain tasks. These might range from traveling a certain distance to murdering an enemy using a bow from 100 metres away. Kind of a duh. Online - Apartments from GTA Online will return in the form of tents which can be owned and upgraded by players. I doubt this as far as tents. I would think they would use regular apartments in towns or "available rooms" for certain outposts. Like a farmer in the middle of nowhere will have a room rented out as a safehouse to players. Online - Free Events can also be organised outside of standard playlists like spontaneous treasure hunts and deathmatches. They used this kind of wording for GTAO but that's not quite what it is. Online - You will allegedly be able to partake in a variety of activities across the world of RDR2 such as gold-mining, fishing, herding and an assortment of weapon challenges. Duh. Online - Vehicles in the game will include minecarts, handcarts and horse-drawn carriages. These come in different variants such as armoured and fast ones lol @ "fast ones". And h0w coems n0 trianz??? Solo - Horsemanship challenges can be completed to increase your rider rank while dozens of different fish can be captured across the world. Ok... Solo - Plants and herbs can be gathered for crafting purposes, with the document listing types including Clamshell, Ghost, Night Scented, Rat Tail and Spider Orchids. RDR had this but not on a minecraft level. Only a few things were used to make even fewer things. Solo - You’ve also got fishing, which seems to be in-depth with a selection of baits and tackles available for purchase. You can even buy a can of worms Even this I kind of doubt. Are they really going to put in a fishing simulator? I can see this as a one-off mission for someone - "if you catch x y z fish I'll help you". If it is a regular thing it will probably be very simple. Go to a certain area, use expensive bait, catch some fish. Rinse/repeat. Solo - First person is available and Dead Eye makes a return with enhanced abilities including tracking bounties through fields and detecting which fish and animals are available nearby. The last part about bounties and fish seems off.
  15. Would seem weird to leave her out of that original artwork, though. Unless that's the Dutch/badass side of the story and the girl is part of another side. They could do it LAN-style Or as you said do it like GTAV/other games where we play the game/story from different character perspectives. Each with their own substory.
  16. Typically the hype machine starts 6 months prior - which is April - but they could put out a Q&A (aka A&A for Rockstar) and call that enough to satisfy people. Sprinkle screenshots here and there. Maybe an IGN/whoever interview with a higher up about the game. I would expect the first preview(s) to kick off April (non-playable demo to show off the game to media) and go from there.
  17. Didn't think of this until now: I also wonder if this is going to be a 2-part thing. They'll put out the second part closer to RDR2 release as an epic finale before they abandon GTAO.
  18. From the looks of it they are trying to add almost every GTA vehicle ever into GTAO. There's definitely plenty of vehicles left to add. And people will drool over every single one.
  19. Transform Races Now Available
  20. I was thinking about doing something like this but I've been quite busy lately. I wouldn't be able to make pretty mountain and tree images, though.
  21. That's why you watermark the shit out of things. And not the hilariously obvious ways some people do where it looks like a designer handbag pattern overlayed over the image to a point you can't see what the hell the image is. Little subtle ones scattered around that only you know where they are unless someone REALLY looks for them... or has a higher contrast/lighter screen...
  22. Not who I was thinking of but a good candidate. His Agent K voice in MIB3 has a similar (but lighter) drawl and depth.