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Everything posted by Usha

  1. I'm gonna be a Woodelf.
  2. Usha

    GTAO Wishlist

    Okay that's not the Hennessey Venom Gt, my fault, sorry.
  3. Usha

    GTAO Wishlist

    Is that the Hennessey Venom Gt (Worlds fastest car, outgunning the Bugatti Veryron; also known as the Adder) as dlc for the business pack? Because that's what I'm wishing for.
  4. I've never thought of that, Imma go try that out, thanks
  5. UshaneBholt5 Usually around 4.30pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time- Sydney) which would be 12:30 am in New York, 9:30 am in Los Angeles. Actually, here's a World clock so you guys could figure what times you can and cannot play.
  6. "Survial Of The Fittest" Held at Los Santos's finest Sport University, the students begin to fight each other and break Uni rules. This isn't just a deathmatch survival, it's the ,"Survival Of The Fittest" My other ones which are for fans of melee combat: "Stage Fighter" At the Vinewood Bowl; a UFC fight is held. The octagon is on the centre of the stage. Show your competitors how badass your melee cobat skills are. There are baseball bats, knives, bmx's and even lawnmowers. "The Dirty Boxer Rebellion" A UFC Match is held at the Sisyphus Theatre, everything breaks to hell when the audience start fighting each other. They've picked up knives, baseball bats, crowbars and such, thankfully no guns. Prove yourself you have what it takes to win in the Octagon. That's it so far from me.
  7. To Treefitty- Cool, I added a jump twist too. It's hard to explain where I put it so please click here- "My Horse Goes Faster"
  8. I've got a question,; is it possible to take a stranger to the Altruist Cult knowing that you've completed every single 'Strangers and Freaks' missions? Also, why you kill sharkies for, they so cuuuuuute. I found 2 together when trying to find the nuclear waste, "deep down in the deep blue sea".
  9. You have to pay your insurance if you get blown up by a tank. I thought it was a glitch or something, but it has happened to me about 3 times. Also, when a dickhead pushes your high-end car into a lake or something and you have to pay the insurance. R* should add a 'Payback' feature (for cars) you blow my car up and I blow up yours (for free)
  10. Usha

    Sleeping Dogs

    Well this time round, Square Enix will have a fresh start. The cancellation from Activision made SE to patch it all up, hopefully they will improve the car graphics and npc interaction and well, everything. Sleeping Dogs Triad Wars sounds like this is gonna be one massive brutal fight. And hopefully this will become a successful series.if Rockstargames gave a nod to SD (referring to Wei Cheng being a major antagonist) then this will be great. I don't think SE will mock GTA 5, but if they were to do so, I can see Wei being called to stop a trio of men trying to rob the BOCHK (Bank Of China Hong Kong- also known as the 2nd strongest bank in the world) and it's not going to be easy for Wei. .
  11. My GOTY goes to GTA 5. Tough choice, because I freakin love Deathstroke in Batman Arkham Origins as he is the most badass character ever created , but one character cannot judge the overall of a game, and that also means Trevor.
  12. "My Horse Goes Faster" No this isn't just a circuit, you hit the gap, explore the suburbs, drift a bit, make a jump and bang! back on the horse racing track. I'll admit, this is actually a pretty good race.
  13. On Xbox 360: I've created a team deathmatch called, "Stage Fighter". It is at the Sisyphus Theatre. I have made a "UFC" like octagon on the centre of the stage. It is a melee based deathmatch. I have placed knives, baseball bats, crowbars and such around. There are cars at the carpark ( obviously) which are used to get the objective (kill an enemy by running over them). If you are spawned at the the very backseats of the theatre, there are bmx's in front of you, for you guys to get to the 'Arena' quickly. It's up to 2-6 players. My link is here: so you could click Add Game. If you or when you do play this mission, I'd like you guys and chica chicas to write what you think of it and how you believe I could improve on it. Thanks. Also DuPz0r, yours reminds me of Casino Royale, niiiiiiiccee
  14. They need to add this kind of free-running for GTA 6 or for Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars. Either game will be sick!
  15. Hey pepes, after the 1.06 update I created a 2nd character and got the same amount of money as my first one. Then when I went to spend my money on my 2nd character lost the same amount of money on my 1st character. To make this clearer; both of my created characters are using the same bank account and I find this to be bullimus! Was it always like this or is it because of the 1.06 update?
  16. This, 'Story Dlc'. Will it continue with the lives of Mic,Trev and Frank or will it go to the past when Michael was truly a badass? Probably even that rumour of going to Lundendorff.
  17. Another thing I dislike, losing your guns. Like when you change weapon your gun occasionally drops; I've lost like $25,000 worth of carbine rifles (excluding the amount of 6000 bullets I buy each time). So I'd like if this 'drop weapon' thing is removed because it is fr'kn annoying
  18. Probably to let people know, "Yes I have bought the most expensive apartment". But now anyone could get it.
  19. Gta Vice City Stories. Victor Vance is my favourite protagonist in a gta game.
  20. Then so would be this topic. It's just that I expected free running to be cool, just like what you see in gangster movies where gangsters jump from and across building to building, over a fence with style. Playing as Franklin I hoped to do that in certain missions.
  21. The ending didn't go out with a bang! I expected Franklin to be good at parkour and other physical activities such as boxing. Mikeys slow-motion is probably just too slow unlike Max Paynes or Sleeping Dogs where you could shoot your targets fast. That's probably it.
  22. The melee is better than 4's but it just feels weird. Every character has the same style and every character throws their first punch with their right hand. The majority of melee fighting involves just your right leg and right hand. I hoped it would be better and it wasn't
  23. The 'parkour' is pretty frk'n bad. It's weird that you can do a front flip from just jumping off a small building or house. I don't think they've improved on 4's.