
Assassin's Creed

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anyone else notice a blank black flag when he mentions "captain's will curse our flag"?? can we customize our own flag?? or are they being general in the sense that many pirates will be feared?? i kinda figured conway rocked the skull and order of the assassins combo flag...

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I suspect English is not his first language, and that's why there's so much confusion.

That's the French guy I told you about.

Sacre bleu!

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anyone else notice a blank black flag when he mentions "captain's will curse our flag"?? can we customize our own flag?? or are they being general in the sense that many pirates will be feared?? i kinda figured conway rocked the skull and order of the assassins combo flag...

I certainly wouldn't mind a bit of flag customization...


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I believe there's a pill for that. And yes. I can't help it, I'm a sexy bastard:


Oh, yeah. Don't think I'll be picking up Black Flag.

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Yes I know we've all been waiting for a good pirate game, but where exactly does the Assassin's Creed bit tie into this? Aside from a few historical pirates how are they going to wrap it in an intriguing and labyrinthine plot? Seems like they've just made a pirate game for the fuck of it because they know it will sell.

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You pretty much nailed it, Vicey.

People like pirates. They will pay for a game about pirates. There's your fucking reason.

It does seem like they're setting up something bigger, though. They wouldn't just arbitrarily change the game to an Abstergo simulation. I see a Templar point of view in our future.

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If they are blurring the line between the Assassins and the Templars should it be called Templar's Creed? :D Or does it matter semantically if a Templar happens to assassinate people, then they are a Templar assassin. There needs to be a distinction between the Assassin faction and just an assassin in general.

What the fuck am I talking about?

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since connor's father was a templar, i wonder if it's kenway that sees the darkside first, lured by the tempation of riches and fame, something all pirates strive for... and like you all said, it's gonna be hard to squeeze a templar/assassin story into this one without having desmond to bounce the story off of... i am still not sure about this abstergo entertainment route, it could make or break the story IMO...

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I read somewhere (can't find the link right now) but this game was originally a normal pirate game, but it was later 'assassin creeded'

I'd rather they take a break and release a proper game next year for the next gen consoles. With this game, there'll be no first civilization parts and maybe not even a piece of eden.

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really? why even add the AC tagline to it?? make a true pirate game if you got the resources... now i am a little worried that a crappy story will be attached to this... man, if they would of decked out kenway in the naval gear connor wore and just called it "caribbean pirates", they would of created an entirely new genre to go along with AC and far cry for ubisoft...

damn, now i am a little pissed off if you are right, hussian... this is the one shot at reviving the pirate genre, they better not fuck it up with the story and the disconnected assassin story branch :angry:...

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really? why even add the AC tagline to it?? make a true pirate game if you got the resources...

Assassins Creed: Pirates - 10 million sales

*Insert Pirate game name here* - 1 million sales

It's the name.

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yea, but if you launch an exciting new pirate game, the next one will sell 10 million copies and the first one will near those numbers by the time the new one is nearing it's release... if it's a good game, it will sell regardless...

but i see your logic there...

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yea, but if you launch an exciting new pirate game, the next one will sell 10 million copies and the first one will near those numbers by the time the new one is nearing it's release... if it's a good game, it will sell regardless...

but i see your logic there...

That's true and I wish they did make a separate pirate game instead, but it's a lot safer to stamp the AC logo on it. CoD is a prime example, same, shitty game literally every single year, but the name 'Call Of Duty' makes it instantly sell to millions of people.

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this wasn't in US 'under the black flag' trailer...

defy the odds, history, the crowd, order... that last word got me thinking a little... could it mean, the order? or just order in general... i get the feeling that kenway isn't going to do what the order wants him to all the time...

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this wasn't in US 'under the black flag' trailer...

defy the odds, history, the crowd, order... that last word got me thinking a little... could it mean, the order? or just order in general... i get the feeling that kenway isn't going to do what the order wants him to all the time...

Maybe it's a reference to the nature of piracy, doing whatever the fuck you feel like. Maybe Kenway becomes a Templar or something, seeing as his descendant Haytham Kenway of AC3, was indeed a templar. Obviously it won't be as straightforward as that, but hopefully I got my message across.

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Throwing this in here, in case someone missed the conferences.

Same stuff in a new package, but the package is so fucking pretty. I want this shit. Bad-like.

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yea, there were issues live for me, but no one talks about it so i assume it was something to do with the feed... i did see it pause and stutter but that's expected when you're dealing with a live demo in front of millions... stuff like that happens all the time...

like massacre said, it appears to be more of the same... but i just can't get over the time period, it feels so right...

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