Ace Of Spades

Rockstar Giving us some money

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Since online has caused some issues Rockstar is giving us a stimulus package, of $500,000 they will pay us in two seperate payments of $250,000 http://www.rockstarg...ckage-this.html I don't know about you bastards but i'm buying a house and a Metric Shit-tonne of guns ;)

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Ths is great news, but it would be a bit shitty if everyone decides to buy the same expensive apartment though... I like my quiet 6 garage apartment where I can leave and not worry about being hunted down by nearby shitheads in public games. It would be tempting to get the best place which I'm sure a lot of other people will do, but it could be annoying having people driving around your pad everytime you want to leave. Maybe I'll find something else to spend this money on and keep my nice little place for now

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I say bullshit that this only applies to XBOX and PS3 players. What about PC players like myself, huh? Bt the time the PC version comes out, the one month window will be gone. Come on, Rockstar, be fair!

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I literally just bought an apartment for $205k about 30m before the news... My question is, If I want to upgrade to the 400k place, do I get any money back from my old one?

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I say bullshit that this only applies to XBOX and PS3 players. What about PC players like myself, huh? Bt the time the PC version comes out, the one month window will be gone. Come on, Rockstar, be fair!

This is in compensation for the rocky start of GTA Online on the make for for all the times it didn't work or deleted everything they've done etc.

The game hasn't even been announced for PC yet so it way too early to cry 'not fair!' Besides, it won't apply to anyone else in the future, regardless of platform. If you don't play GTA Online for the first time until after October is money for you.

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I literally just bought an apartment for $205k about 30m before the news... My question is, If I want to upgrade to the 400k place, do I get any money back from my old one?

From the SC game guide:

-When you purchase a new property you will be partially refunded for any property you previously owned.

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I say bullshit that this only applies to XBOX and PS3 players. What about PC players like myself, huh? Bt the time the PC version comes out, the one month window will be gone. Come on, Rockstar, be fair!

You don't need to be compensated for character losses. Xbox and PS3 players do as they have actually had major problems.

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nice!! just as long as i don't lose most of it due to fuckin medical bills. anyone know if medical is capped at 5k? cash will go quick in open lobbies of fuckwads.

You only get 5k taken away when you get killed by another player, this only happens when you have over 40K I believe. I've heard some people actually get 2K taken away - lucky bastards - and some none at all.

This is why you should play with us. Because at least if we kill you, the money will go to a good cause, such as hiring the white male to kill a honky in Strawberry.

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Im gonna hold on to it untill i find out if you need the expensive apartment to plan heists. if you do thats bullshit. I love the location of my current one but what can ya do. planning heists shouldnt matter were you live, just what level they let you do it at.

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I literally just bought an apartment for $205k about 30m before the news... My question is, If I want to upgrade to the 400k place, do I get any money back from my old one?


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$500G sounds like a bit much. I doubt any of the people who lost their characters even had that much, and didn't the money transfer over to the new characters anyway? It took me a week just to earn $100G and I didn't mind that at all because I earned it. I earned my Sultan. Now when someone sees me driving my soon to be Banshee and my beautiful Sultan RS they aren't going to think I earned that car, they're going to think R* gave it to me. I dislike that.

Earn yo shit.

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