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Funny Moments!

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Bus Drivers don't like horns!

So there was me, in a bus, following another AI driven bus around his route (An orange one) when we came to a halt at a red light behind the rail lines in Los Santos, whilst waiting for a green light I get bored and decide to spam my bus' horn at the said bus I was tailing, causing the most GTA bus driver ever (probably an ex Liberty City paramedic) to go into a frenzy as he rams a bike in front out of the way with full acceleration, knocks the guy off of the back, his bus and drives over him with his bike, then trundles onto the sidewalk opposite where I was knocking down lampposts and pedestrians before driving back onto the road shoving every other car out of his way.

After I regained my composure from laughing so hard, I tried it again with another AI driven bus, I pulled up behind the bus in my own, spammed the horn, causing this driver to yet again rage but instead of taking it out on everyone and everything, he gets out, yells an insult at me while running to my bus' door, yanks me (Michael) down the steps and kicks me in the face before what I presume quitting his job as he just casually walks off abandoning his bus and passengers.

Which brings me to the conclusion, bus drivers in Los Santos really don't like being honked at! Just thought I'd share this experience with you fine people as it was too funny not too! have any of you guys had a similar experience of your own involving raging drivers you'd like to share?

Edited by bOnEs
changing up the title of the topic...

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I had a brilliant one earlier today.

I was in an SUV on the freeway when I came up to some guy in a pickup towing a trailer. I tried pitting him with his trailer a couple of times, failed, and then just randomly rammed the actual car. Next thing I know he's got the arse on and starts crashing back into me. I get in front of him and slam on my brakes to see what would happen. He comes flying through the windscreen, over my car (at freeway speed), and straight under my wheels. Damn near pissed myself.

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Yeah, every second driver is a road raging lunatic in this game. I lightly bumped into some guy's car with Trevor, and he got out of his car and tried to beat Trevor up. It did not end well. I haven't really had any problems involving bus drivers, though.

I noticed a lot of npc A.I in this game is pretty aggressive. When Franklin went into the Kifflom centre, there was a bunch of people having a party in the pool to the side of it. One of the women was topless, so naturally I tried to start a conversation with her. 2 douchebag guys came over and started pushing him. It did not end well.

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The funniest thing, I was playing as Michael and I fucked my car up in the wilderness and had to walk about 3 miles to a road. After 15 minutes of walking all that I found was a guy riding a golf cart. When I got into the golf cart Michael said, "What the fuck is this piece of shit!"

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My funniest moments have all been epic fails so far. Like the first time I climbed Mt Chiliad, I decided to parachute off the top of the cable car station, Trevor fell about 10 metres and hit a pile of rocks and died instantly. I've also managed to kill a mountain lion by running over it with a bicycle. Apex predator my arse.

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I mentioned this in the snapmatics topic but one of the funniest moments for me was when I unintentionally (honest!) ran over and killed a blonde woman. The paramedics soon arrived and attempted to resuscitate her.

Then, a passing motorist slightly bumped into one of the paramedics and she stopped her car. The paramedic she bumped into then opened her car door, dragged her out and both paramedics beat her to death!

It was absolutely hilarious!

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On one mission as Trevor I was really high up, on a thin ledge. I accidentally pressed the punch button, and fell off to my death. It was pretty funny though!

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I was playing with Chop and went to throw him the ball but because I forgot to press the right button to take him for a walk I rushed into the wheel to throw him the ball and threw him a grenade instead.

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funny thing with los santos fire department (LSFD) i blue my car up on the high way and it was on fire the LSFD shows up on the other side of the highway jump out and make there way across traffic get hit and ran over when finale someone decides to stop after hitting them they get pissed the throw the guy on the road and beet /smoke his ass with fire extinguishers then leave when this is done.

also in sandy shores this woman cop go on rampage i said some thing to this black guy at the police station he hit me she shoots him then kills every one in the general area including the other cop then go and stands back were she was and play with her phone like nothing ever happen.

shit fuck up man.

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I often think I can jump over shit that I can't, the amount of times I've had Trevor face plant into a fence is ridiculous but each time I laugh, never gets old.

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So I, Trevor, ran over a cow. well, sort of, I more or less headshotted her with my right rearview mirror. so I got out to take a picture and this guy on a Sanchez comes by circling me yelling something like "passo-porto asshole, show me your pass port" and so on... then, all of a sudden, he pulls a sawnoff and capy my balding mullet head with it commenting "nah looks canadian"

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is it just me or can someone confirm that this happens all the time when dating girls you met (random encounter, stripclub)?

I pick them up, bring them home, fuck their brains out all night long and when I leave, it always rains. like 10 out of 10 times now....

Edited by gtagrl
/merged, doesn't need it's own topic

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My funniest moment was as micheal I switched to him and I was at a stop light and this guy was flipping everyone off so I flip him off and he gets out of his car cursing and we have a good ol' fist fight in the middle of the street.

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another generally funny moment is this jackass-feeling you get from timing your jump wrong and jump into all kinds of obstacles you actually wanted to jump/climb over :ike:

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i was driving thru the wind farm when i was coming up on an RV that was rocking... once i could peer inside, someone yells, "he can see us!"... then two guys get out of the RV and start shooting at me, and one is missing his pants :lol:...

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I parachuted onto the top of the cable car with Michael, and as I was celebrating my success with a selfie, I fell off the side and plummeted to my death. As if that wasn't funny enough, in dying, michael's head got pushed up past his groin. He died looking like a human hamburger trying to suck itself off.

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Surprisingly I haven't really ran into any random/funny moments like the ones described in this thread. Except for funny moments in cutscenes and missions but that's a whole other story. I guess I'll have to drive around the map and just dick around more instead of playing missions all the time.

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