
What are you looking for in GTA5?

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I like almost all of the ideas suggested, customisation, and weapons in water...

i think it'll be cool that whatever big you do, should be stated on the radio and on the news (in gta 4's case weazel news or whatever)

for example, if you rob the same shop once a day for about a week it should be posted and if you kill someone violently and put there body in a discreet place until its found or you call 911 to that location.

you should be able to dismember bodies, to make it seem even more violent. should be able to put dead bodies in your car to take to a certain area, getting that place a nick name if a lot of bodies are found in that area.

should be able to search cars trunks/boots/back of cars and take items, or if you pull up in a van and then search someone car boot and take items (spare wheels, loot, electrical goods) and then sell them to different merchants to get the best amount of money for them. (a mechanic wont pay as much for a radio as a electrical shop would)

also search dumpsters like in chinatown wars.

more ways to get about, bring back bicycling.

DEFINATELY be able to pickpocket

on dead bodies, instead of cash dropping to the floor, you should be able to take their wallets, rings, watches etc.

in wallets, you could take their money, get their address then go rob their house if you killed someone important and killed them after the mission so killing them doesnt make any difference

robbing houses should definately return! robbing tv's, radio's, sky boxes, some places could have safes and you can steal paintings

you should definately be able to rob stores, kidnap people and hold them ransom. steal peoples cars and post them for sale, get them equipped with convertible roofs then sell for a mega profit

smash items and make weapons, blocks of wood etc. a bit like dead rising 2, where you could put nails in wood.

anyone else like these ideas?

|edit] kids should never be in GTA

Things like buying properties and cars should be more detailed like e.g you go to a car dealer and you walk into the building and it could switch to 1st person view mode as you look at the car, you could also get in and be able to look at the interior. If you want that car you should be able to look at the different kinds of models you could get and also the colour and alloys to choose to go with it.

like forza 4' autovista. meh its a decent idea. if when you walk into the store and press a button it goes into a car selection platform already in first person then sure. but honestly, not alot of people want to buy cars if you get what im trying to say. right?

no point buying cars because the title is pretty much grand THEFT auto

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I think you should be able to buy cars, and then have them spawn whenever you finish a custcene, or respawn when exploded. Something that makes it worth buying it rather than just stealing a car.

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I think you should be able to buy cars, and then have them spawn whenever you finish a custcene, or respawn when exploded. Something that makes it worth buying it rather than just stealing a car.

i dont think it being spawned after exploded is right, if you blow it up its your own fault so you should buy another. spawning after a cutscene is a good idea but i think that you should have a friend who would drive it to your location for you. but in all honesty i doubt rockstar would put this in the game

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a garage where you can store cars in, radomly crime scenes, customisable weapons and flyable planes

Yes, I hope there are random crime scenes around the city and countryside. Like muggings, murders, robberies, massacres.... All that stuff, but with an NPC doing it.

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a garage where you can store cars in, radomly crime scenes, customisable weapons and flyable planes

Yes, I hope there are random crime scenes around the city and countryside. Like muggings, murders, robberies, massacres.... All that stuff, but with an NPC doing it.

that would be cool, and either help the criminal or the victim, if you help the criminal, you get a share of the loot and if you help the victim, get a small reward.

planes will definately be in there anyway, there are lots of planes in the trailer

I think everyong would agree that there needs to be a replay editor, capture footage then connect youtube to gta and post vids up to a minute long

there needs to be cool achievements, one should say to check on the main menu in the game for a list of the things you need to do for 50G

another achievemnet could be called 'PASS THE PARCEL' and you've got to run someone over so they hit the bonnet of your car and another car

another thing is that when you've killed someone, you can check the body and see what damage they suffered, broken bones etc

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I think that there should be more random crime. It would be cool to be driving and you see some guy jacking a car and the cops chasing him.

You should have some way to save a car so if you are forced out of it by a mission (which is inevitable). Maybe your friend could drive it to you like on tbogt. you should be able to customize it more than changing the color.

STREET SPORTS! Football and basketball please.

More clothes also. Make the vinewood sign destroyable!

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I think that there should be more random crime. It would be cool to be driving and you see some guy jacking a car and the cops chasing him.

You should have some way to save a car so if you are forced out of it by a mission (which is inevitable). Maybe your friend could drive it to you like on tbogt. you should be able to customize it more than changing the color.

STREET SPORTS! Football and basketball please.

More clothes also. Make the vinewood sign destroyable!

for the random time, maybe even you get jacked by some guy and then he drives off?

i doubt anyone wants street sports, get fifa or nba for that stuff

they wouldnt make the vinewood sign destroyable but perhaps you might be able to drive through sheds and stuff? weak buildings

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Ya markleshark7 that's what I was thinking. Drive through old shacks like what's in RDR. Drive back and some old man be all what the **** man?

Getting jacked would be cool but NOT by cops. One time in gtaIV a cops partner drove off w/out him and he took my coquette and he like floored it so I couldn't catch him.

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I don't think it's a secret anymore that GTA IV just wasn't fun. Since San Andreas with the exception of Vice City Stories (in my opinion), GTA has been very disappointing.

Now don't get me wrong multiplayer changed GTA forever!! In all honesty though there was just no fun cheats, and the phone numbers, I didn't get that at all.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is, what serious and unserious things do you want in GTA V?

Personally, I'd like to see:

Dismembering kills.

Dog fights.

Maybe bush fires in the mountians.

Customising vehicles, weapons, and character (not appearance though).


What do you think?

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That's very exaggerated. GTA IV was extremely fun, it's just there wasn't much to do. It was more serious and dramatic, which isn't bad, it's just different. Also I think there's already a topic on this, somewhere.

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Yeah, but who the fuck uses the conveniently-placed search bar at the top right of the page?

You just made a wish list post with a theme, no need for a new topic.

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Ya markleshark7 that's what I was thinking. Drive through old shacks like what's in RDR. Drive back and some old man be all what the **** man?

Getting jacked would be cool but NOT by cops. One time in gtaIV a cops partner drove off w/out him and he took my coquette and he like floored it so I couldn't catch him.

drive through sheds/shacks, barns maybe? (in the countryside)

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what i want in the game is features from every rockstar game

for example:

Bullet time from max payne

Racing like midnight club

Extra activities from RDR

Violence form Manhunt

and the crazy awsomeness in every GTA game

i like killing hookers

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My suggestions for GTA V:

Keep the existing subway system and include a working bus system to help get around the city.

Reintroduce the ability to fly planes and helicopters to different locations.

Include a ferry service.

Reintroduce the ability to own assets and safehouses.

Reintroduce player-interactive casinos.

Make the following avaliable to do in-game: Pool, Darts, Airhockey, arm wrestling, QUB3D, Bowling, Eating, Drinking.

Make the police attack and arrest everybody who commits a crime, not just the player.

The ability to pick up anything to throw at people, use as a shield and/or use as a weapon.

Include a large scale gang war, large scale shootout and/or large scale riot in the game's storyline.

Keep and use the GTA IV Era search Radius.

Make it a mix between Over-The-Top gameplay and realistic gameplay. Get the right combination, the game will be the best ever created.

The ability to rob houses and shops

Make it so that you can only obtain a wanted level if you commit crimes in sight of police.

Lots of different clothing

Lost of customisation options

Include the following stats: Respect, weapon skill, stamina muscle, fat, sex appeal, lung capacity.

Include a "Criminal rating" and "Media level" stat in the stats menu.

Autosave ability included.

E-mail and social networking sites and chatrooms.

Shooting Ranges.

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Hey guys i loved GTA IV, i would love it to be a movie. But ok, i want to see the emotional expressions on peoples faces and the yells and crys like in GTA IV.

Also i think crossbows and swords should be allowed in the game.

If there is random crime i loved how cops just car jacked people in GTA IV, but cop AL was horrible. Please fix.

If there is animals there should be horses because


Race tracks


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In general I just hope to see missions or objectives that the game doesn't hold your hand through. I'm getting a little bored with the same mission over and over again just a different location or a different set of people to kill. The game tells you where to drive, who to pick up, what to do next, who to kill next, who to evade, who to call, and where to go next. You can pretty much beat the entire game without ever paying any attention to the storyline of the game, just shoot whoever they tell you to, then drive wherever they tell you to, and repeat. Drug deals gone wrong, then fighting your way out of the building and evading the cops is getting a little mundane, i swear there has been 50+ missions like that or similar.

Mission that allow for multiple different strategies, or require some thinking or creativity would be nice. More options, resources, choices, etc.. I have some specific ideas but I think everyone knows what I mean, and we all have some ideas for this sort of thing. I hope R* can find a way to actually make the storyline relevant in the sense of how you play or don't play missions. Make a little more like chess as opposed to checkers. There are so many great ways they could do it. For some reason I have a feeling this was a major concern that R* will correct in GTA V.

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Alright, well, i was playing Mafia 2 for the 5th time yesterday, but this time i robbed as many stores as possible. So with that, I want the ability to rob stores (the cash register, and merchendise)

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Im really hoping GTA V is going to take my breath away, i need a game to get me out the rut of bordem. Call of duty mw3, yeah cool was awsome, played it now am bored with it. Saints row the third, fun and beat it but nothing left to do, no multiplayer really! Well i have heard of how great GTA V is gonna be and my hopes i high. Lol DEAR GTA V i have 200 dollars saved up and im so pissed that there is no worthy games, i hope my money last. Please dont come out at the time of a COD game or something, please dont make me chose between games.


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