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Everything posted by Ghostman

  1. From Monday night:- Drop down and give me 20 Welsh Fox
  2. Well had a lot of fun this evening so here are the fun pictures first. Edit:- Wow compo started 02.07.14 at 12:00am so these photos are enterable. Guys please vote its important to get a good start. Ikillyou with a very important announcement Kuz's having a swim My fav of the evening! Thank you to Mercy for playing along. Now for the important info. If there is a snapmatic event these are the areas I have picked but will need you guys to help. Have some fireworks set up and some one dressed as uncle Sam and a torch on the flag. Here we can all have a party and again some fireworks. I would also like if the under water glitch happens at any time that we take a picture of some one dressed as a bare.
  3. Perhaps we should extend and do independence tonight just in case of a snap matic comp.
  4. From Paleto Bay to the Port of Los Santos and everywhere in between, it’s time to celebrate the birthplace of freedom with The Independence Day Special (in association with Ammu-Nation) for Grand Theft Auto Online. Demonstrate your exceptionalism and own the road from sea to shining sea with two new star spangled rides, the Sovereign motorcycle and the super-sized Liberator monster truck. And protect your rights the same way our Founding Fathers did with the latest addition to Ammu-Nation's antiques collection, the high-powered Musket... or channel your inner Jack Howitzer with the spectacular Firework Rocket Launcher. Seven new properties have also been added to the Dynasty 8 rolls, including locations in Paleto Bay and Vinewood Hills that provide plenty of yard space to scorch the grass with your very own Fireworks show. Use up to 12 varieties with different fuse lengths to create a spectacle that would make even the most battle-hardened Republican Space Ranger shed a tear. If you prefer rickety amusements operated by minimum wage teenage workers over incendiary lawn displays, then venture down to Pleasure Pier where you can now ride the Ferris Whale and the Leviathan Roller Coaster. This limited-time update also features an overabundance of patriotic flare: show off nationalistic pride with a "Made in the U.S.A." t-shirt, a backwoods mullet or let the eagle soar with an animal mask featuring this great nation's most fearsome and majestic creatures. This special seasonal content will be available to redeem in-game until Mid-July (we will announce a specific redemption expiration date soon). The automatic update for the Independence Day Special also includes additional game tuning updates and other adjustments, including the new On Call Matchmaking function. This new option allows players to accept a Job invite and continue playing in Freemode until that Job fills up, reducing time spent idle while waiting for Job to start. For the complete list of all the fixes and tuning updates, visit the Rockstar Support site. To download the Independence Day Special, fire up your online-connected PS3 or Xbox 360 and start GTAV. You'll be prompted to download the automatic update (1.15) and Xbox 360 players will also be required to download an additional compatibility pack upon entering GTA Online. And look for details about the upcoming celebratory 4-day Independence Day Weekend Event tomorrow. You can buy properties pale to bay. Yay
  5. Ghostman

    GTAO Wishlist

    I don't get this? Do you get off on computer tits? I can assure you real tits are by far better than digital tits. Why don't you go to a strip club or try and get yourself a girlfriend instead of jerking off to some digital tits. If that's too much bother for you then can I recommend watching so non-anime porn.
  6. I have a garage just outside of sandy shores. Been nice to be able to spawn outside of the city.
  7. Is it feasible to have territory? I am not sure how that would work but it would be cool. What area if it turns out to be free would you have?
  8. Really? It's 16 in the U.K. Most of us don't hang around that long.
  9. Did someone call for a cargo bob?
  10. Bet you can't guess how I do potshot? Really easy way of doing it.
  11. Yeah it was placed around Xmas time I think.
  12. Strippers paradise was no where near ready didn't even realise it ha been put on a playlist. Hmmm couldn't use weapons in the strip club? Didn't happen in the test but will look at it again. Yeah spawn points are in a silly place.
  13. Yes I will be there in my cargo bob.
  14. Here is a couple of mine. Cat on hot tin roof Kurt Cobain
  15. Sorry GTA photographer's this photo was already done by IGTA in the last update and won.
  16. I think you need to work on your cello tapping especially on the drivers side.
  17. Pffftt... I was doing it before it was cool. #I'm Not a Hipster He so funny. Ahhh North Yankton, how I miss you. Well I glammed my character up. May want to look at doing a photo shoot for the weekend as the likely hood is there will be a photo comp.
  18. I like public lobbies nothing better than shooting knob jockeys who think that it's okay to shoot innocent people.
  19. Can't log on so back to porn I go.
  20. (stops watching porn and logs on to GTA)
  21. Images from tonight so far:- I hate drunk drivers. It was a hedge too far for my dumper truck to make it. I like this photo. God damn it cop he was just standing by his car. Don't worry I got his badge number.
  22. Sorry yeah been lame with the photo's. I will try harder next week.