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Everything posted by Ghostman

  1. That's me, lol. I can be on for a little while.
  2. I doubt they will be back. 1st and only post probably.
  3. Wait for ace to read that discription! It makes me want to exchange to ps4 but I don't wanna.
  4. Got to start prepping for gtav first birthday. Ahhh remember when we were all new and everything we did was exciting. Good times
  5. Sadly won't be online as going to get my physical sweat on.
  6. How about just a plain old crew night? Otherwise to many theme nights become boring. Got to show some respect to our hood.
  7. It's a shame that gif's can only be done to 256 colour. We can have some more fun if needs be.
  8. What console are you on and do you have a mic?
  9. Simple answer climb up through the ranks. Once you reach level 100 you will be maxed. I think though it should be the other way round as the high levelled players can be absolute dicks the new to online.
  10. Just try to do a photo dump and said extension is wrong. I might be doing it wrong as I am so sleepy today so I will try tomorrow.
  11. I wanted this life guard helicopter. It has red boom and two life guards in it but they never land. Hardsauce loves his fast food so fast he flew a jet to get some.
  12. LOL, I honestly don't know what to say. Yes we have all the gear. Was going to join a crew for there life guards logo but don't know how to keep it afterwards. I got an idea for a photo we can do mercy. Where are we going to meet this evening? City hall?
  13. Mercy and Ghostman's holiday Enjoying a bar in New York Enjoying the sunset in Barbados Enjoying a walk along the beach in Grand Turk. We hated the small prickly things. Yes Mercy loves to wave in every photo. Met this interesting character in some country that I can't even pronounce.
  14. Just get your sister to dress your character then your all set.
  15. Told you the girls would like it! Sprayed them good and proper.
  16. What's up? I thought it was a little funny to be fair. It was a giant piƱata that need to be cracked open. People who got the ALS Ice bucket photo's don't forget to add meme text explaining what it is and to nominate GTA Photographers and Rockstar developers. Now for the little haul of photo's from this fun evening. Car lifting a sport for hardy beer drinking men plus Gta Girl and Mercy ALS Set up Skydive Well we all got separated How many cars can we fit in here? A lot that's what Snipe and his flying hat 2nd angriest Canadian in iGTA. Dio
  17. Hay guys trying to work the logistics but how about we try and do a nice bucket challenge online.
  18. How many besras does everyone have I was thinking of a Besra circle jerk.
  19. Yeah I am down no access. I hate how amazon prime still requires you to be logged in to psn.
  20. Damn it I was only looking for porn.
  21. Need a hand doing a quick shoot this evening in the base. It's a flyby of the tower and may be something else.