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Everything posted by Ginginho

  1. One good thing about one of the latest updates is that it has opened up a whole list of contact missions I never knew I hadn't done... now, how many can I do in my buzzard??
  2. Thanks Nemosphene. Best crew night round up ever... like I was there...
  3. Ginginho


    Just collected DiMA's memories - not something I was expecting but easier than I thought it would be... Far Harbor is really cool... trying to get as many of the Children of Atom tasks out of the way before I need to make any choices. My Legendary collection is coming along nicely now... have they extended a few of the perk branches?
  4. I might pick the remaster up... I never played it the first time round...
  5. I go back to it every so often but yeah, it is a bit dull... they don't cater enough for the solo player.... R* said when it was Online was created that there would be enough for the solo player to do and it was to start with but they have moved towards creating new content intended to force people to play together and lose money so they can sell their cards... A lot of my dissatisfaction with the game is my own fault as I am not a social player and I am just not good enough for PvP games. Might be different if I could join the crews events more often but even when I do, my skill level is so low, I end up losing everything pretty badly... or stealing a car when I thought I was jumping... Fuck man, I'm not even good enough to be a griefer...
  6. Ginginho


    I'm the same as you, Dup... Other than my main game, I have one save where I can complete the game 3 different ways (for the platinum) but have only finished it the once... I am trying to get 100% satisfaction for a large settlement (again, for the platinum) which is proving harder than I thought it would, so have taken a break from it... I will probably get back into it once the big DLC lands...
  7. I just read a couple of novels by Asian writers that satirise their respective countries politics and culture. They are quite thought provoking. From the Fatherland, With Love by Ryu Murakami is about Japan's reaction to an invasion by North Korean forces and a bunch of society's rejects. Gruesomely violent, funny and quite an interesting concept. Murakami is one of my favourite writers... very dark vision. The Fat Years by Chan Koonchang looks at the overwhelming scope of the power held by China's ruling party. A month has gone missing - no-one remembers it. An author finds himself wrapped in a mystery where he knows something happened in that month, but it has been basically wiped from the memory of the Chinese public. Kind of scary... Waiting for the last book in The Red Queen's War trilogy by Mark Lawrence, The Wheel of Osheim...
  8. Anyone remember where the assault rifle spawned? And what did you need to do or collect so weapons would spawn outside the Grove Street house? I am sure it was collecting stuff but can't remember if it was tags and how many you needed for each weapon...
  9. I'm probably in the minority on this but instead of GTA 6, I want Rockstar to make an HD remake of Vice City, expanded to include more of Florida and maybe a mission or 2 in Cuba. The reason for a remake instead of a new game is that 80's vibe that made the game so much fun. Flesh out the plot, add new features etc. etc. If they make a new Vice City game set today, then I hope they read Tim Dorsey's Serge Storms novels because a game based on his character would be just as much fun. I am replaying San Andreas for the first time since I got it and I wouldn't mind a remake of that one either... The nostalgia of the period it is set in really makes the game and as good as GTAV is, for me it lacks that sort of feel... Anyone agree or is it upward and onward from here?
  10. This reminded me I had a copy of GTA:SA on disk for my Xbox 360... 4 hours later, I'm back in da 'hood, niggas... CJ4life... Still awesome... my daughter said "why do they have such big hands?"... Hahaha
  11. Ginginho


    If you weave the military or baseball uniform, you can still wear armour over the top. A couple of the hats can be weaved too... I have the top weave on a newsboy cap and baseball uniform. Over the top of that are all my legendary pieces that have the skill bonuses... all up, I have added around 15 SPECIAL points with the legendary bonuses... damage and energy resistance both over 350... 220 of that is the ballistic weave... I finally beat the game going the Railroad way... hmmm
  12. Ginginho


    That shit is awesome - better than power armour IMO...
  13. Ginginho


    I think you need to do one or two, Jackpot missions they're called... but only after you have completed Boston After Dark and Mercer Safehouse...
  14. Ginginho


    Talk to P.A.M....
  15. Ginginho


    Fuck - I had better finish this game...
  16. Ginginho


    My issue is that I don't do social media so I think I have to save it to a USB stick and upload it through here...
  17. Ginginho


    I need to learn to post photos from the PS4... nice set up, Synch...
  18. Ginginho


    I am finally at the point where I have to choose a faction... will probably play out 3 of the faction endings from this point. I don't really want to start another character straight away as I want to go back to GTAV and do the story mode on that again. Favourite legendary weapon name - Penetrating Knuckles (hehe) I would be interested to know how many locations are in this game (as per Pip Boy stats) as I must be close to having explored them all (316 at latest check), unless there are some that are specific to later missions.
  19. Ginginho


    Companions are the one thing I haven't really worried about. Cait's my main girl but I went with MacCready for a while, just for the perk. That only took about an hour or so. I am slowly working on settlements in case I need some back up in the final missions... Synch, I showed my daughter what you did at the Institute - you are her hero!!
  20. Ginginho

    GTAO Wishlist

    Money isn't an issue with me - I have around $12m but can't be bothered spending it - I would give it away if I could. I played for an hour or so last night and made $300k doing contact missions but for some reason, my R2 button doesn't work very well playing this game so I just gave up... I don't know why it is only fucked in this game - it works fine in the Commonwealth...
  21. Has anyone had trouble with the trigger sensitivity (PS4) lately? I can't do burnouts or shoot a gun without just about breaking the trigger... I can't find anywhere in the Settings to make it lighter...
  22. Ginginho

    GTAO Wishlist

    I wish I could still give a fuck about GTAO... partly my own fault with my poor social skills and but yeah... tried playing it last night, just couldn't get into it and I was really useless...
  23. Looks like a great game but the social aspect puts me off... I am just not a sociable person...