
Assassin's Creed

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Everyone who was friends with Connors dad dies including himself

Thats a hardcore spoiler read it if you want Stoic in contains story info and such

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God damn. Chock full of spoilers if you haven't played AC3, but a great watch if you have.

Also, because I'm bored, I made more wallpapers, inspired by this video:





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I'm really hoping AC5 is an Edward to Haytham transition, similar to the switch from Haytham to Connor in 3. I'd love a look at the Templar side of things.

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That's another reason I think it was hard to feel a strong connection to Connor, you not only switch characters, you switch sullies the purity of only playing against the Templars up till that point (not including multiplayer options from previous games).

They can't unring the Templar bell, so I hope we see more from their side as well...and maybe seeing more of Connor will make me feel more strongly for him.

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Some of that speech was definitely not in AC3, and I don't remember Connor ever mentioning Edward.

he did mentioned his grandfather, but i don't remember if he did by name... i kind of wanted to play the story again to see if and where he mentions kenway because i could of swore he said he was ship captain at some point... because i think he knew who his grandfather was before he knew who his father was...

i am probably wrong on that, it's why i wouldn't mind playing the story again... i just dread playing the chase sequences...

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There were a few plot holes in AC3 too, like how does Haythem know about Connor etc.

But I'm pretty certain Connor never mentioned Edward, plus them few lines Haytham is speaking, they were definitely not in the game. Maybe it was cut beforehand, not sure really.

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There were a few plot holes in AC3 too, like how does Haythem know about Connor etc.

That one is definitely excusable. I find it hard to believe a Templar wouldn't have people he encounters watched. Plus, the Templars had been watching the village before, and the land was in danger the entire game. Someone had to be keeping an eye on the village.

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Connor was a lot like Altair in many ways, I didn't really connect with either. They both got angry at strange and minor things and sounded kinda boring when they spoke. I'm hoping Edward will be more charismatic and personable like Ezio.

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I didn't like Ezio because his charisma was cheesy. Assassins should be more serious characters. Connor, while naive, was almost perfect for me. I want to play as a cynical assassin like Achilles.

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A cynical protagonist in a game set during the Italian Renaissance wouldn't fit at all. Ezio was the perfect assassin for his era.

And Connor sucks in any era.

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I didn't like Ezio because his charisma was cheesy. Assassins should be more serious characters. Connor, while naive, was almost perfect for me. I want to play as a cynical assassin like Achilles.

Ezio was very Italian, they just can't help themselves...

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