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Briefly browsed the Bethesda store, due to the sale. I cannot stop laughing at the portly shirt model that randomly turns up once out of every 20 shirts I look at.

Yes, "portly" is the only adjective that describes him. "Fat" isn't jovial enough. This is a humpty dumpty motherfucker.

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FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK! Finally found the time to play Fallout. Was in Vault 15, and foolishly hadn't saved since I was in Vault 13, when my inbred companion blocked me in a corner. There is no way to make him move. I am stuck. I ended up shooting him in the groin and quitting. Ehhhh, guess I'll reload...again. 

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I never had that problem... Prolly cause I didn't feel the need for companionship in the wasteland...

Me and the ghoul making jet below tenpenny tower were almost companions... But i hit rock bottom a few years ago when he ran out and I shot him in the head...

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I'm stuck using companions as my strength is 5 and I took Small Frame as a trait, so I have massively reduced carry capacity. It is funny that when you meet Ian he mentions he was injured defending a caravan. I suspect he simply stood uncomfortably close to someone until they shot him, as I did. 

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i can't get fallout 3 to play on my laptop :lol:... kinda saw that coming lol... as soon as hit play, the game crashes every time... i did some troubleshooting using the internet community, but it didn't fix the problem... oh well, i'll probably install fallout 1 and play that a little bit, but i wanted to see if it'd work so i could mess around with some mods, but the modding website stuff looked a bit meh...

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Hahahaha yeah that's pretty standard. I'm the only person I know who can get 3 working. Which is a shame as I played 20 hours and will likely never touch that shitty game ever again. And yeah there aren't many mods for 3, and it really doesn't like having more than about 5 mods at a time, anyway. NV is a lot more stable and has a heap of mods so it should work for you.

Might be able to help you if you're willing to put in the time. 


In other news I received the greatest birthday present ever. It's a black shirt with the White Glove Society logo on it. 

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Hahahaha yeah that's pretty standard. I'm the only person I know who can get 3 working. Which is a shame as I played 20 hours and will likely never touch that shitty game ever again. And yeah there aren't many mods for 3, and it really doesn't like having more than about 5 mods at a time, anyway. NV is a lot more stable and has a heap of mods so it should work for you.

Might be able to help you if you're willing to put in the time. 


In other news I received the greatest birthday present ever. It's a black shirt with the White Glove Society logo on it. 



where'd you get that??!! that sounds like a kick-ass shirt!

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IDK what what you guys' problem is that much. I modded the shit out of fallout 3. not as much as NV but  I had quite a bit going. I did get crashed quite a bit when a new mod was introduced but was able to fix it to get it fairly stable. That being said I did hit f5 once every minute to quicksave 


if you're modding, install mods one at a time and test out the game for a couple hours. I made the mistake of throwing 5 new ones in at a time then had to do the process of elimination of which one was causing a crash.

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IDK what what you guys' problem is that much. I modded the shit out of fallout 3. not as much as NV but  I had quite a bit going. I did get crashed quite a bit when a new mod was introduced but was able to fix it to get it fairly stable. That being said I did hit f5 once every minute to quicksave 


if you're modding, install mods one at a time and test out the game for a couple hours. I made the mistake of throwing 5 new ones in at a time then had to do the process of elimination of which one was causing a crash.

True, but compared to NV F3 has far less mods, and is a lot harder to get stable, especially with bigger mods. 


Bones: Think it's called redbubble? Basically you choose a shirt/hoodie or whatever, and they have thousands of designs by independent artists. Not sure how they avoid copyright infringement...


Anyway, I'm on my way to Junktown. I already have a leather jacket so Dogmeat should be easy to recruit. I've been very careful, and Ian hasn't managed to block me into a corner again, so his genitals remain intact. 


Edit: Just to throw the cat among the pigeons...Badthesda Presents: Failout 4. I'm so witty. 

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i'm pretty sure they've already come out and said it was single player only... and like QD, i hope it stays that way... this game is not built for online, they're gonna have to do something similar to elder scrolls online if they want to introduce us to fallout online...

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Agreed with above. If they want to do online do a separate Fallout Online (that way I don't have to play it, The Old Republic was so boring) as traditional online death matches or whatever wouldn't really suit it. 


I need to work on my one liners. I shot a guy in the dick, then executed him with an eye shot as he lay on the ground and all I could think of was "....dick".

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That's how you get pink eye.

Keep your eye on Tue prize.

Shoot 2 balls get one free.


Yeah. That's all I've got.

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Fallout could benefit from two-player co-op, but anything more than that would be overboard.


I'd say 2-4 player co-op. Dying light style. PvP would be retarded. 



I dont know why when people utter the word fallout online everyone automatically goes to thinking MMO. I'd just wanna hang about with a couple of peeps and fuck shit up. Maybe check out their player homes. Otherwise, all your going to see is screenshots of other peoples shit. 

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Fallout gtao style would put an end to sp dlc....

New skin for the pip boy... Yippee..

Gto is nothing but a skinfest and frankly I'm surprised anyone is excited about it considering they want 20 bucks real money for the stock model of the same thing with a different skin.

I mean, I'm sure fallout is heading that direction, money ftw, but I'm hoping we get one more worth while game out of it....

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"Money ftw" isn't a style that Bethesda has any use for. Unlike GTA, their single player stories have longevity, replayability, and are open to heavy modding. If they do an online Fallout, it won't be Bethesda, it'll be Zenimax, who made TESO, and that will let us know to avoid it.

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Todd Howard doesn't fancy himself a "rockstar." He's a story driven RPG nerd, and he knows that.

Now, if he ever steps down so some new blood can take over, we're fucked.

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