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must have been the babies then. finally got this on bluestack running on my laptop. resource low as fuck, morale low as fuck. deleted the vault. how the fuck do you keep morale high?

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never expand dwellers until you can support them resourcefully... you can NEVER have enough power, one of the biggest issues that you have to deal with.. but how do you add power rooms? well, you need more people to run them... and how do you get more? the radio and gettin' it on... so i guess you need more diners and water treatment places then, right?... lol, welcome to the brink of chaos, which leads to fruition after the 30-50+ mark on dwellers, give or take, lol...


when you get the chance to buy SPECIAL training rooms, rotate people in and out that are suited for those rooms... the better their stats are at A (diner) S (power) or (P) water, the quicker they are at collecting...


plan the layout with the future in mind... expect your big purchases to merge at some point, you'll need to make sure you have the room to maximize on, a room... a top merged room takes up 3 spaces...

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Done a total 180. 999 is happy and healthy. 1 is struggling to get enough caps to do anything. This is interesting.

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What an absolute load of shite this is.  Fucked up on my first vault so started a new one, gradually built it up over the past couple of days and everything was going well and had everything under control - resources well above their minimum level, morale at a high etc.


Then all of a sudden, I get overrun by fucking molerats for who then kill practically ALL 32 of my dwellers!


Not wasting anymore of my time on this bollocks.

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What an absolute load of shite this is. Fucked up on my first vault so started a new one, gradually built it up over the past couple of days and everything was going well and had everything under control - resources well above their minimum level, morale at a high etc.

Then all of a sudden, I get overrun by fucking molerats for who then kill practically ALL 32 of my dwellers!

Not wasting anymore of my time on this bollocks.

That happened to meet too

Finally, there's no good reason not to RUSH things to completion.

It's the quickest way to get caps....

On resource rooms, build in threes and try to upgrade to at least the first level.

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Knew not to build up too quickly as I learnt that from my first vault.  I did rush the power plant in order to gain some more caps but it was successful - the molerat attack came out of nowhere and before I knew it they had spread to other rooms and killed dwellers there too.


Thought they had killed everyone on my first glance but a few have managed to be saved plus there was one out in the wasteland.  Going to see if I can salvage the situation (going to have to destroy a few rooms though) but I think it'll take a miracle.


Absolutely fuming as I was doing well....

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Think I may have just saved my vault. Had to remove a lot of corpses as there was no way I would've been able to afford to revive them all. Had to destroy a few rooms in order to raise some caps and help with the power but it's going to take a lot of effort to get it back to how it was!

Edit: strike that, it was hopeless. Deleted the vault.

Edited by shabbagaz
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Renamed all my dwellers with their last name first so families will list together in alphabetical order. Down the line that should save some confusion

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Female children take the father's last name, male children take the mother's. Not sure if they'll inbreed or not, but I figured I'd use this naming process to make it easier, if they don't.

Jericho is dominating the wastes right now. He's just as good in Shelter as he is in Fallout 3.

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Nah they wont inbreed. googled actually. If they are immediate family they will say nice to spend time on family instead of hitting on each other.

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Calmed down from my angry rant yesterday and decided to give it another go and have started a new vault.  Got lucky this time as I had some great stuff in the lunchboxes - a dweller with great stats, quite a lot of caps, clothes etc and also got some power armour too.  


Problem I had last time was that I had noone decent to send out into the wasteland - this time I've got two so I've gradually sent them out, called them back and sent them out again as they collect some much needed weapons, clothes and caps.  Want to make sure this time most of my dwellers are armed so only increasing the population very slowly (only reason I've been increasing it is so I have enough, and good enough, people manning the resource and stimpak & radaway rooms).


Got two kids in the vault at the moment with another one up the duff, after that I'm going to hold fire increasing the population any further.


Fingers crossed for fourth time lucky!!

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So I decided to give this a go now that it's on Android. It's surprisingly fun. I have 32 dwellers currently, and all my resources are full, so I think it's time for another great breeding initiative. I like this, as it's eugenics I can practice without the cops getting involved. 


Also, for some reason all the early lunchboxes kept giving me dwellers wearing luchador outfits, so now any wastelander who meets a member of Vault 666 must think we're a cult of Mexican wrestling fans. 

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I'm currently at 40 dwellers. Had an incident Sunday, in which I opened the game and found that all of my food and water were gone, and every dweller was at 60% health with radiation poisoning. Not sure what happened (can raiders attack when you're not even playing?), but we sorted it, and I managed to squeeze out a 74% rating from my dwellers.

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I'm currently on holiday, and opened the app for the first time in three days, and found all 29 of my dwellers dead apart from my lucky Confessor Cromwell, which i got in a lunchbox at the start and he was already level 28 or so. Had to demolish and rebuild slowly, Cromwell is now the farther of about 15 children in vault 001...

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I should give this a go...


Downloaded the app but every time I create a vault, the fucker crashes so I can't even get started.... probably due to the fact I have a real shit phone...

Edited by Ginginho

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