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while i was interested in the pip-boy, i didn't want to wait on it to be delivered the next day... i want to pick up fallout 4 at midnight, and play it all night and into the morning, with a slight nap somewhere in there... it was a gimmicky add on that i just didn't feel so hyped about getting... i am more interested in if there will be other kinds of incentive deals for those who didn't really care about a pip-boy, something i would of never actually used if i got the collectors edition anyways...

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Did like the idea of the pip-boy but the price for that edition just isn't worth it.


Anyway, got the standard edition pre-ordered and the day booked off work! 

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They wanted you to pay extra and wait a day XD

They are supposed to be having another collectors edition in the works... Though I like the idea of getting a digital download... No disks....

I wish I could get the stuff from the collectors edition, but they keep the disk...

They should have an early release edition.... I'd bet there are plenty of people willing to pay double to get the game a week early...

I hope they keep it sp... We all seen what happened to gta once it became gtao....

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i still don't see how online ruined GTA, but we'll save that for another topic... i probably would of only played the single player once or twice and would of been done with it... instead here i am over a year later still playing it...


but i really don't think that model would work for fallout... unless like someone said earlier, you see people at central city hub places like say rivet city, then you form a small party and go exploring by yourselves... i don't like the idea of a GTAO style where you see everyone out in the world, too much room for roaming hacker raider parties ruining the fun...

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heists were cool, and really, it's all been free, can't really complain about free stuff, even tho we all complain about it lol... but like i said, that's a discussion for another topic, feel free to take it to the thots topic... it works for a game like GTA, but it's just not gonna work for fallout... i have been skeptical of the fallout online idea that interplay had (and probably still have) been trying to accomplish... if you want a glimpse of what it might be, look no further than elder scrolls online... for a world that's suppose to be bleak, lonely, and depressing, i can't imagine getting 6 friends together to fuck shit up, it just wouldn't feel right... we'd just be either fighting raiders or helping brahmin caravans or something... looting caves can only go far if there's not much of a story... it's just gonna feel real repetitive, just like most online experiences... and how exactly would VATS work online??


fallout is one of those games that should just probably be left to single player only... there's no need to cash in on the online "milk-you-for-every-penny-micro-addon-packs" idea that most companies do, instead, just focus on more single player DLCs that actually add lots of fun hours to an already beefed up experience... i loved all the addons on lastgen fallout! from operation anchorage to lonesome road, that's where bethesda needs to be focusing their attention... i'll gladly drop real money for that kind of content over new power armor skins anyday...

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I like the idea of storing games in a mini nuke - not very efficient but a nice thing to display.

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i mainly bought it for the nuke lol... if its not a slot storing setup, i'll use it as a hidden storage spot...

"My weed is so bomb, I keep it in a mini nuke."

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Fallout 4: Todd Howard on loss in the post-apocalypse world

Bethesda’s VP of development and its marketing head, Pete Hines, reflect on how their team constructs a devastated future America

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impulse buy... limited quantities, check your country's game retailer ASAP...



If I didn't already own them all on Steam...Still tempted. 


Anyway, just finished playing New Vegas. I know a lot of Fallout fans hate that game but it's actually my favourite. Love the Western theme. While I'm looking forward to 4 I'm unlikely to buy on day one. Bethesda does have a habit of poor PC releases.The only concern I have for 4 is from the footage I've seen it doesn't seem to have skills...I'm assuming I'm wrong as you can't have a Fallout game without skills. 

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I liked three better than new Vegas.. I kinda found the whole Spartacus thing a bit much.. Plus I liked the 3s music a bit better

Fallout Nb was still pretty good though

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overall, 3 kicked more ass, and had the better DLC, but new vegas played better, and expanded on crafting,  dialog trees, factions, more shit in the world to tinker with, etc... new vegas was funner, but not as immersive as fallout 3 and it's amazing DLC...

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Yeah I love both. Getting ready to play through 3 again. The only issue with NV I have is after 100 hours the songs, which I like, started driving me insane. I promised myself not to ever get excited about a new game again, but I'm getting pretty excited about 4. Hopefully it won't end in tears. 

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