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So, has anyone else had the Mysterious Stranger show up without taking the perk?

Also, I'm playing this again. Just started my 10 strength/endurance, 1 intelligence character. Fuck, he's stupid.

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With 1 intelligence, most of your dialogue is rewritten to sound stupid. I forget the exact wording, but when you do the quest at Helios One, he says something along the lines of "Me here to fix shinies."

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Found this on the Vault just now. It's an early draft for a Fallout movie written before Fallout 2 came out. Pretty decent read. Hopefully Bethesda gets to work on something like this one day.

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Do you like Veronica? Because she'll leave you if you kill the BoS, unless your rep with them is maxed.

I don't even know who Veronica is.

You're doing it wrong.

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Well you've been a great help. I guess I'll kill the Brotherhood since they've got a lot of cool loot and don't control Vegas. Problem with playing this game months apart over a year is I have no idea what is going on.. I'm just going through and killing. FuN!

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i would suggest killing mr house... unless you're a 'lil devil, i wouldn't kill off the mojave chapter of the brotherhood... ohh, and you can find veronica at the 188... it's north of novac and west of the dam...

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I was just going to say that - bOnEs beat me to it.

There are a couple of interesting side quests tied to the BoS,

plus they have an awesome safe house loaded with stuff.

Veronica at the I-88 market place on the over pass can get you in,

and the other bunkers have hard locks to pick, but mini-nukes in every one.

She also carries crafting benches around with her, pretty useful for a girl.

Veronica also has a mission, like all the companions.

One ending presents the best visual confrontation between the courier and the BoS in the game.

Killing House has a Yes Man string of missions, but the BoS has cool stuff and side quests.


Everyone gets the Luck 8 ball in FO3 as far as I know...I've had it on all my plays through that game.

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Oh my bud went through little lamplight 1st which might have made it not work..

He looked everywhere and I think u only get it when the super mutants attack big town.weird side quests like thos can b glitchy at times.

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