
Far Cry Series

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Loved both Far Cry 3 & 4 (didn't play the first couple).  No real details about this one yet - just hope there'll be plenty 'new' stuff to set it aside from both 3 & 4.

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I thought it was a western, or has that news been confirmed as fake? Please don't make me say those two words together, I don't want to be one of those people.

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I had another crack at Far Cry 4 the other night...  loaded it up, started the game and but had to take a shit as it did.  Came back from having a shit and the game was over, credits playing and everything.  


Found out if you just wait for Pagan Min in the opening sequences of the game, you bypass the whole events of the story and the game ends in a different but far less satisfying way (the shit was satisfying though)

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Yeah I remember seeing videos about that when it first came out; he does politely ask you to wait after all. Can't think of any other games that do that, but then I don't play many games.

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so that's why 4 and Primal went on sale. 


I'm loving those games but I'm likely only going to play them once. I'll wait a few years to grab this on sale. 

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anyone else seen all the hate this game is getting?? :lol:... people are upset that you're shooting white radical christians instead of terrorists... lol, but aren't white radical christians, terrorists?? lol and others are upset that all the enemies are white, and there's not much diversity... this game is gonna make national headlines before release :lol:... i haven't played a far cry since 2, but i might get this one just because of the location and the chance to shoot hillbillies...

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I just have no faith whatsoever in Ubisoft to deliver the same game they're showing us in the trailers. They've burned me one to many times. *cough* watch dogs *cough*

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Other than being restricted to only one save file, Watch Dogs 2 was an excellent game. The first one was kind of boring, but Ubisoft has never gotten a new series right on their first try. See: Assassin's Creed.

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Watch Dogs isn't a bad game just what they showed at E3 and in trailers was very misleading. Just watch the Ubisoft downgrades on YouTube and you'll see what I'm talking about. 

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Seems like 2017 is the year of games with fucked up hillbilly religious cults; first Outlast 2, now this... that's two at least, um, a little help?

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On 5/26/2017 at 2:08 AM, DiO said:

so that's why 4 and Primal went on sale. 


I'm loving those games but I'm likely only going to play them once. I'll wait a few years to grab this on sale. 


DiO, be sure to check out Far Cry Arcade that comes with the game...  you can create your own maps and missions, for either PvE or PvP, using not only assets from Far Cry 5, but from the previous editions and other Ubisoft properties like Assassins Creed and Watch Dogs... looks awesome for someone with a bit of creative talent.  See the info video below...


Other reasons for getting this for me are:

  • Single player co-op mode - you can play the whole game in co-op
  • Large map with a large number of weapons, allies, animals for hire and vehicles
  • The setting and killing rednecks
  • Fast travel lets you skydive to the point where you want to end up, rather than a set place, usually occupied by a shit-ton of enemies
  • Mad-ass DLC that has little relation to the original game - there will be 3 apparently, a Vietnam war story, battling invaders from Mars and of course, zombies...,
  • No more climbing towers - this has been replaced with meeting people at certain locations who give you information.



I can't wait...

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