
Things you dislike about GTAO

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*well-constructed rant*

Well-said. If people are attacking me, I should be in my right to retaliate without fear of repercussion. Were they not being a Bad Sport by launching unprovoked attacks on the lobby?

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Every time I jump in my Gauntlet it loads the SAME FUCKING RADIO STATION. I'm in the minority actually liking the music in GTA V but it would be nice if it remembered the last station I played or loaded a random station.

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By doing that, you miss out on the original score.


Obnoxious Spaniards that hijack a tank, kill every player they encounter, and yell "Oleee!" after every kill: they tend to aggravate me.

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By doing that, you miss out on the original score.

That's a small price to pay for the lack of annoying music.

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I hate the inconsistencies in racing. Someone taps me, and I go spinning out, yet if I ram them, it just pushes them further ahead. Not that I ever do that on purpose, unless the other person has been a complete douche ramming people the entire race.

Also, I'm sick of other people abusing the gay arse catchup setting by passing me as I enter the last turn, even though I've been leading the whole race, and they've been driving like a drunk hillbilly. It happens all the fucking time. I rarely join sessions where the catchup setting is turned off.

Which reminds me. The sooner R* introduce some kind of Gentleman's Racing Club or something, the better. Bump another racer 3 times, and you get a 5 second penalty, bump someone 5 times and you get an automatic DNF. Drive into oncoming traffic like a fucking clown sandwich, and you get kicked from the session. Repeatedly do these things, and you get a bad sport rating. Better still, introduce these rules for normal racing, and let all the dickheads ram each other in GTA races to their heart's content.


In a perfect world, everyone would drive like Kuz. Even though I'd never win a race, at least I wouldn't be yelling at my tv like a crazy person.

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Catchup slows down the leader and speeds everybody else up depending on how far back they are (from my experience). It's incredibly annoying because you've gotta make sure you're in second going into the last corner in order to win.

I also wish you could kick the player that never votes but still joins the next game. It's only an extra 40 seconds but it's an unnecessary delay. Especially when they're with you for 5+ jobs

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cars should auto 'ghost' in races. it's just too irritating with the fuckwads immediately slammin yer car off the start line. I'm not a dirty player, and avoid dirty players. i only race with friends now cause of it. i really don't try to hit anyone. As Bones had said....'how very Canadian of you' lol

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cars should auto 'ghost' in races. it's just too irritating with the fuckwads immediately slammin yer car off the start line.

This. Used to be, you could avoid them by hitting the boost at Go. Now that the aforementioned fuckwads have gotten wind of it, we're back to getting spun out at the start line. Ridiculous.

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I dislike that if I own the same apartment as someone else, if they happen to be going back to or coming out of their apartment as i'm going in they assume i'm some trigger-happy fucktard and gun me down. It hasn't happened yet but if I see blips near my apartment I tend to wait for them to leave before I return there.

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Or worse, the twats that wait outside in hopes of collecting your Bounty.

last night, I picked off 3 of them with my sniper rifle while they were trying to get Vicey's bounty. Was fun.

Is that what you were doing? I was AFK anyway so I didn't see most of it. Just saw you on the roof. :D

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I hate it when you go off to do like a gang war or taking Simeon's car to him. Then some idiot waits until you done the majority of the work comes along shoots you and claim the goods. Surely that is being a bad sport.

I don't even bother going after a bounties unless they are right in front of me. It becomes stupid everyone hovering around outside waiting for you to come out. Often or not I just sit it out or join a solo game. Although someone did have a bounty on them at my apartment so I placed sticky bombs on the garage and door. After a while they stuck there head out and boom bounty claimed.

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I never go for bounties, not worth it really. There are much easier ways to make money without pissing people off and having them chase you for the rest of the game.

Early on in GTAO I kept getting bounties put on me and I didn't know why, I kept getting texts saying "I'm gonna waste you..." etc. I assumed it was the message you got when a player put a bounty on your head. Then I realised it was NPCs putting bounties on my head for stealing their cars. Now if I steal a car I always aim a gun at the driver and get them to leave the vehicle, it usually works. Although for some reason if you kill the driver you still sometimes get a bounty after stealing the car, as if they're putting a bounty on you from beyond the grave.

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I heard you can put sticky bombs on your door. I'll have to remember to try that.

*Blows self up*


Seriously? I didn't try it tonight. Too busy collecting cars.

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