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I have the standard Tampa, if I could mod it out to look a bit more like the Drift Tampa i'd be happy, but that's not gonna happen. And i'm not gonna sacrifice any of my other muscle car garage to make room for it... not even the Dominator. The only two cars i'd consider getting from CS would be the Emperor one and the Tropos, but i'd probably put the Tropos in my sports classics garage which is also full.

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the new tampa is in the sports class... yea yea i know, everyone else is just as confused... but i guess the car it's based on is a sports car, not a muscle car... and never get rid of the dominator, its still the best muscle car IMO...

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I tend to choose cars more on looks rather than performance. The Dominator probably isn't my favourite in that regard since I prefer the older, classic muscle cars - Phonenix, Nightshade, Tampa, Dukes etc, but i've had it a long time now and i'm not parting with it... I wish I had room to get the Gauntlet back too.


Actually the thing that bugs me with the Dom is the round headlights set into the rectangular fittings, if the headlights were square or rectangular i'd probably like it a lot more.

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stunt creator is out now... 150 prop limit for stunt races only... also, the issues we were dealing with in the creator still isn't fixed... and in the 5 minutes i had to dick around with it, i couldn't get the new ramp props to properly go into the ground... perhaps they need to be linked to a structure?? also the sky roads couldn't go into the ground... perhaps there's a new placement option that i didn't scroll thru to find, but i wasn't impressed with what i saw in the 5 minutes i had before work today...


also, the stunt props are limited to just the stunt builder, which is a bit of a bummer, but nothing that surprises me given how rockstar handles their DLC nowadays... i look forward to seeing what people can come up with, but you know me, i'll prolly just make a scooter stunt race and call it a day :D... really disappointed that the prop placement isn't fixed tho, what's the point of floating objects when there's options to clip into the ground??


here's a handy PDF guide that goes over the new features B)...


i need to see what these new X-Y-Z axis options are, perhaps those will help with placement... also, if you add a single stunt prop to a race, it instantly becomes a stunt race... and i dunno if that means you are restricted to the vehicle/settings for stunt races too... i get the feeling GTA stunt race isn't an option??

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Not that impressed with the stunt creator. Falls almost as short as the video editor.


For snapped tube construction they really needed to make a stepper-rotation option. So instead of rotating every degree it would restrict to 15 degree rotations. Sucks trying to use the 4-way cross when you don't get the turns lined up perfectly.


From the looks of it the different tube lengths are not multiples of a unit length. For example the medium section is not actually 3 times the short section. Stupid.



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Sorry I disagree FULLY. The creator kicks ass. You just have to learn how to use it well. I am finding I can more or less make any track shape I want. It's tricky but it is doable. Use position and rotation override in the advanced options. I got a pretty funky race going that feels pretty close to what rockstar made. The tubes are tricky though. I would try to stay away from those unless you are doing a simple high altitude section.


On 2016-08-02 at 6:03 AM, bOnEs said:

stunt creator is out now... 150 prop limit for stunt races only... also, the issues we were dealing with in the creator still isn't fixed... and in the 5 minutes i had to dick around with it, i couldn't get the new ramp props to properly go into the ground...


 i get the feeling GTA stunt race isn't an option??


Again, for the raised stunt tracks, you have to use the override. I have a track going nearly ground level. And you can make a stunt gta race. Figs sky is completed, rockets and boost and all.

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lol like i said, that was within 5 minutes of testing... i got it to work later in the day... but yea, it's gonna take some work for me to get motivated about making a race or two... i wasn't that impressed with the stunt races anyways as they all felt the same... and it's quite the commitment to making something in the creator, i lose motivation when something doesn't work, like the checkpoint issue i mentioned somewhere else...

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Here is what I got cooking. Figs sky


GrandThefte5f0.jpg  GrandTheft2773.jpg GrandTheft0c80.jpg GrandTheft3969.jpg


Another at Del Perro. WIP


GrandTheft9793.jpg GrandTheft7ee7.jpg


PS Time to find a new image host. Can't directly embed with this site. What a sham

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Holy mother of god! :othat looks tits.


Hey dio,you think maybe tonight if you're up for it run a couple of my races,I ran tests over and over but I wanna get someone else's word on it rather then just my own judgement.

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Welp, Del Perro Palooza is done. I've never put more hours into a job before. Not even close


This image host downgrades images, lmfao. Cock suckers














I got the whole 2 paths thing going too





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More bonuses and sales this weekend:


August 19 - August 25, 2016: Bonuses and Discounts

  • Three new Entourage Maps
  • Double GTA Cash and RP Entourage Playlist and Entourage Maps August 19-25
  • Double GTA Cash and RP in all Stunt Races
  • Free Red Stunt Jumpsuit available for logging in
  • 50% off HVY Insurgents. Sniper Rifles, Miniguns, Launchers, and Ammo
  • 25% off Grotti X80 Proto, Dewbauchee Seven-70, Progen Tyrus, and Vapid Desert Raid
  • Triple RP and huge cash rewards for Supercar-only Premium Stunt Race "Plummet"

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last week was soo much better... all my characters now own CEO suites and buzzards :P 


suites for all are:

bOnEs - Richman Group (the OG of business fronts)

Delilah - Mile High Club (uh huh lol)

Willy D - iGTA Creations (production company, all rappers have one lol)

Montana - Montana Equity (legit front like richman)

Babe - Tasty Pasties (tasty indeed lol)

Sad Clown - Laughing Stocks (i thought this pun is the best business name of all my suites lol)

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Haven't played in months. Any of the new updates worth getting back into it? From memory I'm sitting on over $100 million. My main issue is unless my friends feel like playing I find it incredibly dull playing with a bunch of useless proles who shouldn't be allowed a mic. 

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I can say with absolute certainty that there hasn't been a single update worth coming back for, in the past year or so. If you were around for heists, you've seen the only content GTAO has ever had that was worthwhile. The rest is just overpriced cars and clothing and shitty game modes that are just repackaged deathmatches, all for the purpose of pushing out shark cards that by now have made more money than the game itself has.


I'm willing to bet a sizeable sum of money that this post will continue to be accurate until the GTA VI installment of GTAO, and even that's being generous.


I could write a college-worthy thesis on the decline of quality and care in the video game industry, in the past ten years. It is suicidally depressing how shitty this major part of my life has become.

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i thought lowriders was a decent addition to GTAO... it introduced a new garage for modding, and some pretty slick rides to boot... finance and felony/CEO was a step in the right direction with the VIP/CEO modes... it's only gonna open up the doors for things like MCs and gangs... but the shit they tried to sell us in those DLCs were overpriced hunks of crap...


overall, yea, there's not been a lot of good since heists... some here will argue the stunt creator is probably the best thing, but it's only worth it if you have people to play with to test the tracks out and have fun with... and there's only a handful of people that want to create stuff... most that play this game want more cars and guns, which is what we've been getting since day one for DLC...


i just can't believe there hasn't been a new game annoucement yet... we're coming up on 3 years of GTAV, and even if they announce a new game, that's still gonna be at least a year or 2 away... GTAO has truly ruined R* as a company... we should be playing RDR2 by now and seeing teasers for a new max payne... leslie benzies being canned began the downfall of R* as their main focus has been shark card worthy DLC...

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On 8/22/2016 at 1:22 AM, Massacre said:

I could write a college-worthy thesis on the decline of quality and care in the video game industry, in the past ten years. It is suicidally depressing how shitty this major part of my life has become.

Not to be rude (oh who am I kidding?) but didn't you enjoy Fallout 4? That game is the best example of what you're shitty about. Dumbed down, streamlined bullshit to appeal to the ignorant masses with more money than sense. The video game industry is fucked and I fear there's no coming back since profit supersedes quality. It's fine, I am content playing older games. Just wish I had something to look forward to.


I take it that no, returning to GTA:O isn't worth the effort of loading into a server. A shame. 

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Fallout 4 is too linear compared to previous entries, there's no choice to anything. Case in point; Easy City Downs and the Combat Zone, two places where you should be able to bet and make some money, or for the latter compete in matches for caps... but you can't, instead you just kill everyone there and have another dead empty location.


GTAO is probably the reason we don't already have RDR2, so fuck GTAO and the poxy shark cards.

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I apologise for ranting about F4. Alcohol, sleeping pills and no cigarettes makes me go kinda crazy. I've seen there's a biker update rumoured to be coming? Could be fun, but there's so little to do in general. Grinding missions isn't fun, and all I do with my buddies when I occasionally play is troll other people. There are better games for trolling. I'd likely have more fun if I had more friends who played on PC. *glares angrily at everyone*

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Biker DLC is pretty much a sure thing by now. I'm now wondering if the predicted release date is accurate, along with a trailer at the end of the week. Not getting my hopes up, but i think an MC DLC is the most anticipated on this forum, and for me.

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i could see them waiting until after halloween... maybe a new benny's/stunt car DLC later this month, followed by halloween, then biker DLC in time for the holiday season... what's the projected release on that?

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