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I'm going to spam heists this weekend.

This looks like an interesting update to me and I really want one of those offices.

If the offices(and/or warehouses) are expensive then the jobs must pay well, so you can have fun and earn your money back.

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hey look!! let's spend a bunch of our money before the big DLC with expensive stuff!! :lol: :lol:...




(not gonna lie, i might buy a couple things lol)

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i'd like to suggest to people that want to buy a yacht, today is the last day to get a hell of a deal... i bought the orion at half off... and after making all the customizations, i spent almost $4m total... then $750K later, it was transformed into the 2nd best boat... so you're essentially saving about $3M on a yacht... you can own one for about $5M customized, verses spending $8-$10M... now i didn't buy the gold chrome rails or expensive lighting... but you save $3M off the sticker price, and i think each upgrade is slightly discounted as well...


just food for thought with those who have a little money... i definitely finally bought one for montana B)...

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I only have a yacht with one character. That's enough Yachts for me.

I'm gonna be oretty conservative with my money on this update tomorrow too tbh. Will probably buy the bare minimum to get me set up as a CEO/Fence.

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that's all i want, and some new clothes... i don't know anything about the cars, i am sure i'll buy one for each character, but which ones remains to be seen since, again, we know nothing about them... i am thinking i need to test them out in the creator first... the screenshots from the trailer aren't enough to go on for me...


plus i got plenty of supercars, i don't feel like dropping money on another one...


fucking twitter is super hyped up about this right now, you'd think we were getting heists or something lol :lol:... it's just new cars, a hideout, and more point A to point B VIP jobs... and all in freeroam mind you... i'd rather we just have a new contact for VIP style missions... but whatever... that cool down mode for VIP really kinda sucks, especially if these turn out to be fun...

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Update has downloaded, lets see what we got.


Remember that rusty boat from GTA IV.

It costs just $1.250.000!!!


cheapest office is 1 mil

you can sort of custumize your office

you can buy a gun locker to store your weapons (only $520.000)

you can also buy a safe, I don't know why since you can also store your money at the bank but for only $335.000, why not?

and you can add an accommodation to your office for only 800k

there are small,medium or large warehouses,

the cheapest small one costs 250k

medium cost around 1mil and large around 3mil




Edited by KingOfLosSantos

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yup... i got excited when i walked into the new headquarters, only to notice that you have to be in a public lobby to access the mode... so basically, it's just new vehicles and the new apartment... i wouldn't call the clothes new either, it's all the VIP clothes people have been trying to glitch save since the yachts came out, now you just buy em...


all i wanted to do was own the warehouse and be a boss... and they had to toss it into public lobbies, where none of us hang out...


yup, nothing about this DLC is even remotely close to being substantial or as meaty as they said... just a bunch of expensive new toys...

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Even with the single 2k package, once the public is alerted on my activities, I immediately got 10 people behind me.

Its very annoying and unfair to be honest.

Its basically you vs the rest of the lobby. Unless you're in a lobby with 4 people or something.

Edited by KingOfLosSantos

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The public lobby thing ruined this DLC. Yes i understand they are trying to make it like a drug war style gameplay mechanic after seeing countless wishlist requests for this sort of thing, but they have totally monetized it making people just want to cheat even more. This DLC wasn't designed to earn you money, it was designed to reep returns from all the cheaters and rich players. That is all.


I spent around $10mil just on the Arcadius Office +features, and a large Warehouse near the docks... I spent all afternoon grinding to fill my warehouse and after about 35 crates i have a potential half a million profit... That's all. And to top it off, i could lose that in a sale id it goes wrong. And in a public lobby it's very likely to go wrong.


Give it a couple of months and no-one will be using the new mechanic. But public players won't stop trying to kill you just gor the hell of it. 


Apart from the cool new officr space the DLC was an entire disappointment.

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i'm banking on still landing in empty public lobbies but yea, it's not gonna even come close to giving me a return on the investment... i like the new apartment, and the warehouse looks cool when it's filled up... but even that's a risk when you land in a public lobby, people can raid your stash... i too invested over $10M yesterday in this DLC (including cars) and unless we get lucky again and land in empty public lobbies, then there just isn't a lot of incentive to even do this...


although, i did read on the twitter that a full large warehouse net's over $2M... but how much do you invest in that to get that return??

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It's highly unlikely I am going to bother with the office shit.


The new cars are pretty cool. The Rumpo is easily my favourite. 

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The FMJ is one of those cars that's so ugly it looks beautiful (took me a while to realise why it was called FMJ too,) the Reaper looks pretty boring though. Still this is all irrelevant as I have 39k to my name and will never be able to afford any of it, nor do I have the garage space to keep any of them anyway. I might get a Rumpo though, if I can bear to get rid of anything... then I can put it next to my Gang Burrito.

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fuck this update....


so there i was, again in a solo public lobby, when it was time to sell of my full medium warehouse... deliver planes, ok, no problem... except that they decided to pick a spot with no landing zone, which caused me to make an emegency landing without my gear down... $70K and over an hours worth of work lost...


fuck this grind, it's not even worth it... i am just gonna focus on crew nights now, i don't give a flying spaghetti monster fuck about anything else if it doesn't pertain to a biker DLC... this has to be one of the worse GTA DLC's ever... i wasted $10M on this bullshit...

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Was it the cuban 800's you did it in,B0nes? Cause I did a delivery in that plane with minimal landing space and only dying once after I delivered my first plane but the second was cake.


It's a grind that I see only doing when I'm desperate for money and when nobody else is on. 

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Online needs a nice solo player, anti-social DLC where I can make money by myself, rather than doing what i've been doing for the last three years and grinding Trash Talk while selling gang Peyotes. For some reason though R* have got it into their heads that the whole idea with online is that people play together... the silly buggers.

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Well Vice, if changing your nat type to 3 works for stopping you from joining people, this is the by-yourself dlc. try it





Also, normal VIP missions very well. Just do that

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After selling a full small warehouse I only got around 100k profit.

I spend around an 1 hour filling my warehouse, Spend 1 million on the office, 250k on the warehouse. 

So I will need to play these CEO missions for around 13 hours to earn my money back. 

Not worth it for me.


Edited by KingOfLosSantos
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Looks like the Pfister 811 is going to be the next best super car in GTAO. Seems like it might stunt well too. It's surprisingly cheaper than the other locked/unlocked F&F super cars too.

Grotti Prototipo (or Prototypo, I dunno) ($2.700.000)
Pfister 811 ($1.135.000)
Dewbauchee Seven70 ($695.000)


Also, for the content creators in here: :D

Fun De Panda said:

When you press "Props" in Content Creator and then you can cycle between different types of props?
Yeah there's 4 hidden types of props for Cunning Stunts.

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