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Someone on twitter mentioned specifically a trailer on the 16th of September, and a release final week of September. Can't remember if it was Yan or someone releated to his group of friends.


I think it's still too soon though. I think maybe end of October, start of November at the earliest. Let's see if this trailer exists come end of the week.

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we're still on the heels of the stunt DLC and CEO update... i think there's enough time to release another vehicle pack before october... fans won't like it, but that's my opinion... maybe a combo of benny's/new stunt cars... yan has been striking out lately... he's the one who thought for sure RDR2 would be at E3, and he thought R* would show something at the playstation meeting, which also didn't happen... he also told me they'd be fools to not include the stunt creator in the initial release, and i was right about that one without insider sources lol... i think R* is sick of him and his inside source that they've been throwing curveballs, hence the striking out lately ;)...


the new rumor is a gta IV/EFLC release on PS4...

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There are rumors of a good DLC coming? Is this based on anything, or are the same assholes as always taking shots in the dark again?


I can't remember a single time they were right about something when the content for it wasn't already in the game's code.

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hipster update maybe...?? someone found info from a flyer that match rockstars word for word... but yea, most of it is in the codes, just like the IV/EFLC rumor... haven't seen any biker DLC stuff tho, i don't know where that came from... nor have i seen an actual date...

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At this point in time I doubt even a biker DLC would be enough to get me back into GTAO, been months since I last touched it and it doesn't feel like i'm missing anything. Until I hear something official about the next Red Dead, a new L.A. Noire or even Agent i'm done with R*.

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This is the longest we've been without news from R* about anything tbh. No new IP's, no proper sequels this generation so far... Something big has to come soon. But i don't think it's GTA related.  This is why i think we've been ddrip-fed free mediocre dlc's for GTAO for the time being,  just to keep our mind off anything else they could be doing. 

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Biker DLC officially announced:

Bikers, the next big addition to GTA Online, brings the eagerly-anticipated ability to form and lead your very own Motorcycle Club for up to 8 players. Bikers will introduce new roles to play from fresh Prospects to club Presidents with a massive slate of new competitive and co-op gameplay, along with a range of new motorcycles, properties that include MC Clubhouses with a special custom Biker mechanic, and venues for seedy business ventures. 


MC work is dangerous, sometimes requiring a helping hand from your full Chapter.

Beyond a range of opportunities to climb the ranks within a gang and build lucrative businesses as a formidable MC, Bikers also includes a selection of appropriately-themed new modes for bikers of all kinds, along with new weapons, styles, tattoos and features to make this a huge addition to the world of GTA Online.


Seize vertically integrated growth opportunities across a range of sectors with Businesses.

And while loyal MCs will fight to expand their foothold alongside black-collar CEOs and Organizations, there’s always another opportunity to make your mark just around the corner. Keep an eye out for high-level, high-risk vehicle based business ventures to spring up across Los Santos and Blaine County soon.

It’s already been an exciting year for GTA Online. Further Adventures in Finance and Felony brought new, challenging work opportunities and high-rise office spaces for CEOs willing to risk everything to keep climbing the criminal ranks. New Adversary Modes like Power Play and Trading Places added an exciting new dimension to team-based games. Cunning Stunts took stunt racing to a new level with a radical new set of Races and vehicles, alongside Creator tools that allow the infinitely creative community to build and share their own Stunt Races well into the future. 

And ongoing weekly GTA Online bonuses highlight the enormous breadth of available undertakings. Be on the lookout for more of these throughout the fall as well, including continued opportunities for bonus GTA$ and RP in select activities, valuable discounts and new weekly Premium Stunt Races.

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well it's about fucking time, lol :D... curios to see how the emblems work, i might look into redoing the asylum MC logo ;)... also, it's time to join that crew again, for those of you who left, because we're not gonna be rocking the MC logo on iGTA forever :P...

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Also, if you're redoing the Asylum MC emblem, you should use a nomad patch, instead of San Andreas. Just in case GTAO ever leaves SA. 


that was my plan... i remember you regretting not making that the patch after we published it... curious to see if R* implements a patch name to go around a crew logo... if that's the case, i would be willing to delete everything but the door... then again, i get the feeling you'll have to register it like you did with your CEO office... therefor, there might be multiple asylum MCs out there... but if you're not reppin' SYLM then you get some other emblem instead... lol i dunno, we definitely need more details tho for sure...

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I just hope there's one in East LS. Everything east of the river has always belonged to us, and I'm not about to give it up.


Now, expanding into Blaine County is a different story...

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i just hope it's not set up like CEO suites, that'd be a bit of a bummer... i feel like it'd be much cooler if we could set up MC divisions within our own crews, and perhaps register a clubhouse with the crew... i dunno, i have high ambitions, so i think i need to tone it down so i don't get disappointed... you know how rockstar is with their announcements... hype, then disappointment lol... kinda like that bomb they dropped with CEO requiring public lobbies, or stunt creator not coming with the initial release...

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I think it will work almost exactly like those VIP missions. 8 players instead of 4 though. So each player can start their own MC and invite players to it. So i dont think it will be a whole crew thing... We'll see.

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did y'all notice that notification, too?! :shifty: 




i don't think the bikes will be too overpriced... the last ones were in the $250K range, i expect the same... the mods tho however, some of those might get pricey... and i am sure the clubhouse wont be cheap, probably make you buy a bar and a lounge and a stage and etc... the business fronts probably cost a lot, too...


i just really really really hope it's not a public lobby thing... let us make money as if it were missions... let us run jobs for our fronts without dickheads from public lobbies in jets blowing everything up... spawn NPC enemies instead... create a few fake rival biker gangs to go with the lost...

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I'm half tempted not to buy a clubhouse straight up with this dlc. I want to roll with it, join someone elses clubhouse, work my way up from nothing. Maybe i'm asking to much. I can already picture it, day 1, everyone owns the most expensive clubhouse, and that's the fun over...

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i'll buy a clubhouse that's in the best location... expensive doesn't always mean the best... with the CEO suites, i think the cheapest one has the best view lol :lol:... but i'm with massacre, something on the east side, near ammunation... but if there's stuff out in sandy shores or paleto bay, i might have to seriously give it a look... but it also all depends on if the according missions spawn there as well... it'd suck to have to go to the clubhouse to launch a mission, only to find that you have to bike from paleto all the way into the city, then back to paleto :rolleyes:....

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it didn't work for CEO either, lol... all spaces were the same, just different locations... same with stilt apartments and the rest of the pads... you're basically paying for location when it comes to anything from rockstar... every apartment i've bought, i've watch a YT video to see it's view B)...

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Someone "popular" on twitter posted a link about map expansions on GTAForums, claiming it has validity...



Saucy enough for ya lol!

Major Updates to come before announcement of Map expansion!
In no particular order

Biker DLC:
(Bikes, clothes, free roam missions)
*purchase clubhouse to activate biker free roam missions

Law and order DLC
(Police free roam and vehicles)
*Purchase police vehicles to activate free roam police missions

The Luxury Living DLC
(Mansions & Pets)
*Purchase Mansion to *purchase exotic pets (Mansion grounds only)

The Blaine County and Paleto DLC
(Animals in free roam)
Animals online syncing workaround via VIP mission type activation

*Purchase hunting license and equipment to activate hunting objectives
*Purchase New warehouses and properties

North Yankton and Liberty City (Online Map expansion)
$£ Paid DLC 1 2017 sept
*Not Yet Complete

San Fierro and Las ventures
(Online Map expansion)
$£ Paid DLC 2 2018 oct
*Not Yet Complete

Vice City.... Not until GTA VI, some time around 2020 At the VERY earliest!

San Fierro and Las Ventures were built alongside Los santos way back in the early development stages of GTAV, Scrapped on PS3/Xbox for obvious reasons!!
After more then 3 years of re building for PS4/XBO/PC,
Both are still being worked on with a release target of October 2018!

Single player DLC has been replaced with Online Map expansion model!
Mainly due to the unforeseen success of micro transactions and GTA online in general!

Liberty City will be released September 2017..
The DLC will included

A Open ticket (for city slickers) to Liberty City!

A Open ticket (for Snow Blowers) to North Yankton!

EXCLUSIVE VIP Membership (for High rollers) which grants Exclusive access to THE CASINO in Los Santos!

Pre Order Bonus of 1 million GTA Casino chips for pre order!!

Micro transactions can NOT buy GTA CASINO CHIPS!

Liberty City, North Yankton and the Los Santos Casino scheduled together to keep player migration relatively balanced!!

Liberty City will enable you to trade on the stock market, once a Office has been *Purchased! Similar to the current crate set up!

Both DLC's will be priced equivalent to a full game!!

I've posted on this forum twice!
(Not including this post)
one was BEFORE the release of GTAV back in 2013 (Check back and have a careful read, compare it to what we have today) and one post was yesterday (2016)

Most if not everything mentioned in that 2013 post has been implemented or reworked into the current GTA Online we have today, from the old mission set up format, to individual heist roles, to the current free mode events!

With the Next four Updates to come, GTA Online will have utilised most if not all the work that went into GTAV such as animals, police vehicles, Stock Market, Blaine County etc..
Can't say much more, there on to me..... Speculating can get you in to a lot trouble.. lol

Keep Speculating and Keep up the great work GTA FORUM!
You guys Rock!! *


Apparently, he posted a lot of this some years ago but posted again recently to brag I guess. I'm not saying it's real by any means, after all, there is no proof. If anything, I don't believe it's real. But it's something cool to chew on, even if it doesn't turn out to be real.

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Not buying it. His 2013 post is some vague bullshit. The rest are plausible and popular guesses at DLC.




Mansions and pets. Fuck outta hea.

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