
Your First

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First Car: MGB GT 1980.

First (owned) video game played: Italia '90.

First album bought: Travis - The man who

First 1st place: Won an art competition when I was 3 while on holiday, shame I haven't improved since.

First memory: Watching Bullseye, drinking milk. (Y)

First live football game: Liverpool vs Arsenal charity sheild match. Arsenal won 1-0, Gilberto scored on his debut.

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First time on TV - Reading Rainbow

First cigarette - unfiltered clove on Valentine's Day. Cause I'm deep and shit.

First time smokin weed - after an ice storm broke. Everything had a layer of ice on it, and when the moonlight would hit the ice, it did its prismatic duties. Hen watched the end of 2001 with Pink Floyd playing in the background. Epic.

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FIrst Phone


First Car - 1994 Pontiac Grand Am

First Game - Something on Atari

First Computer - C64

First Job - Washing dishes at my friend's parents restaurant.

First High - Snuck out of my buddie's house and went over to some girl's place and got blitzed and came back at 4AM.

First Drunk - Probably in college or high school from vodak I bet.

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First console: PS2, I played a lot of GTA III and SA.

First mobile gaming device: Gameboy Advanced SP. I played the shit out of Pokemon Ruby, Emerald & Sapphire on that thing.

First smoke: last year at a huge public social event called the rugby 7s. A guy asked for a light, and in return offered me a cigarette. Don't know why i had a lighter at the time.

First drink: 3 years ago during summer, was chillin' with a group of my friends in the forest in Sweden at around 2am.

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Don't know why i had a lighter at the time.

Never smoked a cigarette, haven't smoked weed in over a year, but since I was 16 years old, I have never been without a lighter on my person. You should always carry one.

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Don't know why i had a lighter at the time.

Never smoked a cigarette, haven't smoked weed in over a year, but since I was 16 years old, I have never been without a lighter on my person. You should always carry one.

I usually have one on me, seeing as they are about $0.25 and can be useful at times. Plus, it's always fun to light a classic Bic lighter with a flint.

Also, having never smoked a cigarette is quite impressive. I tried that one, but haven't smoked a cigarette since due to the lack of appeal of it for me.

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First time I got drunk was sophmore year in high school, drank a lemonade four loko. It felt amazing getting drunk in the old days now its

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Don't know why i had a lighter at the time.

Never smoked a cigarette, haven't smoked weed in over a year, but since I was 16 years old, I have never been without a lighter on my person. You should always carry one.

I usually have one on me, seeing as they are about $0.25 and can be useful at times. Plus, it's always fun to light a classic Bic lighter with a flint.

Also, having never smoked a cigarette is quite impressive. I tried that one, but haven't smoked a cigarette since due to the lack of appeal of it for me.

Growing up around secondhand smoke was more than enough to keep me away from cigarettes, though I'm sure my lungs are fucked anyway. I find tobacco disgusting.

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