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I'm getting Oddworld when it comes out next week, Oddworld is fucking awesome.

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As a kid, it was one of those games in which the art+story really kept me interested. It was also hard as shit, so hopefully this time around - with my adult powers - I will be able to finish it.


there was a similar game in those days called Heart of Darkness, hardest game I have ever played.

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It was also hard as shit, so hopefully this time around - with my adult powers - I will be able to finish it.

Well, having seen you play Wolfenstein... fingers crossed, yeah?

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It was also hard as shit, so hopefully this time around - with my adult powers - I will be able to finish it.

Well, having seen you play Wolfenstein... fingers crossed, yeah?

lol. To be fair, I'm not super confident.

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Pre-order the game. $5 down on a pre-order, automatic beta key. Cancel pre-order if you don't like the game, $5 refunded, good to go.

If I end up pre-ordering, though, the beta key is all yours. I don't really feel like making the massive download for something I know I'll enjoy. Beta doesn't matter to me.

I can't decide if I want to buy a PS4 now and pre-order Destiny, wait for the Destiny PS4 bundle, or wait even longer and see what Black Friday looks like. The third option may be the wiser choice.

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Wow Cuda, no wonder you were feeing inaccurate, you were shooting from the hip the entire time. Not once did you look down your iron sight.

Was a fun session tough. Man, you left just as we had an epic battle with a devil walker.

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Right, I'm on... Ginginho7 is my PSN name... anyone got a Destiny beta spare? :D

Handsome was giving them away a couple of days ago I believe.

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I was more interested in still being able to play while fucking frozen is on the tv for the 876th time, Dup. Didn't even realize you could play from out and about.

@ indy

Yeah, I think it's about when the z3 launches here in Australia. Around the 15th I think.

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that video editing program is wack, i might try to save the files onto a hard drive if i can... might need to convert my 32GB one into a media hub for the playstation 4... oddly enough, i couldn't get the damned thing to read my external one the PS3 had no problem reading... is there a new folder naming system for PS4?

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